Jace is not okay

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"I want you out of my life!"

Jace hadn't left his apartment for a week now. He'd barely eaten, and he couldn't sleep for more than a few minutes at a time. The nightmares were too much to handle.

Nobody came to check on him. There was no one left who cared what he did.

His team was still celebrating their victory, not that any of them actually cared about him in the first place. They all worked together, but none of them liked any of the others. Everyone kept to their own lives and planned to sperate as soon as their missions were done.

No, there were only two people who had ever cared about Jace. And he'd chased one away with the same words the other had thrown back at him.

Times like this, Jace wished he was still writing to his older brother. He wished that he could still confide everything to somebody, even if it was someone who'd left him alone to face the worst sides of his parents.

But, looking at his scars from his childhood, he was quickly reminded that his older brother wasn't someone who could really help him. The male had left Jace when he was just a baby, knowing the kind of life he was leaving him in. When things got tough, he'd just leave Jace alone again.

Murdering your girlfriend's sister definitely counted as things getting tough.

He hadn't meant to do it. It was supposed to be another staged fight so his team wouldn't realize he was with Annabeth for real this time. She knew it, they did it every time their teams clashed.

Jace threw the dagger. It was just supposed to cut Annabeth's arm a little at most.

But Marie saw the dagger. She thought it was going to do more damage than it was and... She had to jump in front of it.

She didn't live long enough to be healed.

Jace had never seen Annabeth with such a broken expression.

He'd definitely never seen her look at anyone with such anger.

He deserved it though. He should have been more careful. He should have gotten closer and not tried to throw anything. He should have let Annabeth tell Marie the truth about them.

He should have stayed still when Annabeth tried to stab him.

The room felt like it was getting smaller. He checked his phone for the millionth time, wanting to see if he had any message from Annabeth. Anything at all. Even if it was a death threat, Jace would have taken it at that moment. It was better than the silence he was getting. It was driving him crazy.

But, there was nothing. Jace didn't think there would ever be anything again, from anybody.

Nobody would care if he died.

His brother didn't know where he was now.

Annabeth never wanted to see him again.

The demons could find someone to take his place.

Those thoughts were enough to carry him out of bed and to the roof. This was going to hurt, but Jace was pretty sure he'd felt a lot worse in his life time. If he was lucky it'd be quick.

One last time, he checked his phone.


There was no point in leaving a note.

He had nothing left to to but jump.

And after he tossed his phone onto the roof, all he had to do was wait for impact. He didn't even notice the little blonde who had been walking up to the building.

Not until it was too late.

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