Chapter 12

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Nancy Wheeler was most things but she wasn't a partier. Sure, she enjoyed the occasional getting ready, having a few drinks, and talking to friends. But at the end of the day, she rather lay in bed and journal. Write. Read. Do something worth her time. She never understand how the rest of the band spent countless hours awake, smoking anything they could their hands on and drinking away their feelings.

She had a different way of expressing those feelings. The occasional pill slipped into her mouth, but her excuse was that they calmed her down. Everyone knew that wasn't the case. She was too afraid to admit those feelings to anyone, not even herself.

Her balcony had always been her safe place. When she first moved to New York City, it was hard to adjust. The atmosphere was quicker, full of intense amounts of people and various noises. She couldn't keep up with the bluntness or the occasional rain that dropped whenever deemed necessary. But change came with adjustment.

Nancy forced herself out of the apartment, taking in as much of the city as she could. Getting used to the lingo and picking up on others' habits. She struggled a bit at the local coffee shop but eventually mastered her order within a few weeks. The streets began to become similar. She no longer needed a map to navigate through the maze of the city.

Having Jonathan around was a plus. He visited her frequently and stayed with her all hours of the night. Jonathan never failed to give her pointers since he had an apartment in New York City himself. When their relationship amplified, he spent the nights there wrapped up in her sheets. But now her bed was empty, full of memories that broke Nancy's heart into a million pieces.

Eddie had somewhat encouraged her to drink tonight. It wasn't completely his fault, other than the handful of drinks he shoved down her throat. The rest was on her own, though. She found herself spinning, vision blurring, and noises becoming muffled unless they were directly in her face.

Her safe space was calling to her, begging to be used. Being in New York City was always a dream but the fire escape just made everything more surreal. That's when she found herself going towards her room and shutting the door behind her. Nancy regretted not having socks laying around to be placed on the doorknob for some privacy.

Nancy's feet dangled a bit over the edge of the steps. Blunt in hand, she took a few drags before gazing out into the city. The bright lights burned into her eyes, allowing her to memorize the skyline. It was a sight to see and Nancy never wasted a minute of it.

The streets hustled and bustled, filled with random kids playing a game of tag, a handful of teenagers on a double date, and adults that lived in nearby buildings. Music played softly from a building across the way, causing Nancy to sway her head to the beat. The weed wasn't strong enough for her but good enough to the point where she mellowed out her drunk.

Hearing the door, Nancy's head whipped around. Her brows furrowed together as she tried to get an image of who was in the room. Gulping, her heart began to race. She figured it was someone she knew, but knowing the random girls Eddie and Billy invited made her terrified. Nancy feared for the worst, glancing down at her joint. It dangled between her fingers as she carefully placed her feet on the surface of the fire escape.

Her feet shuffled against the floor, eyes widened like a deer cut in headlights. She took a quick hit of her weed, inhaling slowly and exhaling through her mouth. The smoke trailed out of her lips, leaving behind a funky smell.

Nancy snuck up to the window. Her room was empty but she heard noises. Exhaling slowly, she made her way toward the center of the window. Seeing a shadowy figure pop up, her eyes went wide. But they quickly softened once she noticed the strands of hair on the mystery person's head. "Steve?"

The man whipped around, revealing himself. It was Steve. A soft smile appeared on Nancy's lips before she brought the joint back to her lips. The high was starting to get to her head, causing the room to spin once more. Her voice seemed to travel miles ahead of her. The haziness of her baby blue eyes was prominent and only made her want to giggle at the shocked expression on Steve's face.

"Nancy," he breathed out, running a hand through his hair.

He knew he was screwed. The boy had no idea that anyone would be in the room. Let alone, it's Nancy. The one person he didn't want to get caught by. He didn't need to get caught. It was already too risky of an operation, and running into the victim made things worse.

His eyes darted down toward the notebook. It lay lazily in a random bag by her bedside table. Chewing on his bottom lip, Steve looked back at Nancy.

Her brows raised at him as she stepped back into her room. "What are you doing in here?" She breathed out, a bit of slur racing between each word.

Steve let out a soft chuckle at her state. Not that he was making fun of her, but more that he had never seen her in this state. Maybe she wouldn't remember any of this. It was the only piece of hope he was hanging onto. "Funny story...I came looking for you. Eddie was just so worried, I had to come and find you!"

Nancy shook her head before spinning around. Letting the joint dangle between her lips, she slammed the window shut. Turning around, Nancy leaned against her window before inhaling more of the substance between her lips. "Eddie wasn't looking for me, Harrington. We both know he's having the time of his life."

Steve let out another grunt of laughter, trying his best to stifle it. "You caught me!" He chuckled nervously, holding his hands up in defense. "I just got worried about you. Figured this was your room with all the pictures and fun decor."

Nancy smiled. It was one of the few times Steve had ever seen her genuinely smile. She lit up any room she walked into with that smile. Staring at her caused Steve's legs to go weak and wobbly. His hand found its way to the nightstand, leaning against it for support. "You were concerned for me?"

Steve nodded quickly with a shy smile. "Yeah, of course! You are the host after all. Plus, you drank a lot. Had to make sure you're good for tomorrow."

Nancy rolled her eyes. "Jesus, I'll be fine. Eddie and Billy do it all the time and you never say anything about them. I'm starting to think..." Nancy pushed herself off of the window before walking towards Steve. "You have a crush on me."

Steve's cheeks turned dark red at Nancy's comment. He was thankful it was dark enough in the room to where she couldn't see. As she waltzed over to him, Steve found himself stepping back. One step forward, two steps back. The pattern continued until his back hit the nearest wall. "A crush? Pfft."

Nancy's smile turned into a sinister smirk. It was no surprise what alcohol did to her. Mix weed into the concoction and Steve was done for. The girl hated to admit it, but she loved to tease. Watching Steve back away just made her smirk even more. He was playing hard to get and she decided to play.

That was until Steve was backed into the corner. Her steps eventually caught up to him. Nancy approached him slowly. Her bangs were tame but blocked her eyes a bit. A bit of lipstick left her lips from the constant drinking and smoking. Taking another hit, Nancy glanced down at the nub. Her eyes diverted back to Steve, full of seduction. Keeping the smoke in her lungs, Nancy moved closer.

Their bodies almost touched. The only thing that could fit between them was a thin sheet of paper. Nancy batted her eyelashes before staring into Steve's eyes. Watching his expression shift to confusion, Nancy tilted her head towards his. The girl finally exhaled, allowing the smoke to travel in between them and dance across Steve's lips.

His brown eyes went wide, taking in every moment. Nancy was playing with him. He didn't know what to do. Of course, it turned him on. But Steve knew it wouldn't be right for them to do anything sexual. Nancy was drunk, high, and full of pent-up energy. It would be wrong, especially to get caught up in this moment.

His mind quickly flipped back to the whole reason he was here. His job would be on the line if he continued this. Doing anything to cause tension in their odd relationship was quite literally the worst thing he could do. Sexual feelings turn into emotions. Steve knew that deep down. And breaking Nancy's heart was the last thing he wanted to do.

Nancy dropped the joint onto the floor and smashed it with the edge of her shoe. She shuffled a bit, making sure it went out completely. Darting back to Steve, her face softened. She took in all of his features.

Small freckles and moles ran all over his neck and face. A few strands of messy brown locks cascaded over his forehead. Soft, dark eyes. Long, thick eyelashes that she so desperately wish she had. Arched brows and a curved lip. His nose was perfect to her, reminding her of a Roman God. He was one of the most handsome men she had ever met. And she was a fool not to do anything with him. "You like me, Harrington."

Steve gulped at her words. He couldn't approve or deny it. Something about Nancy completely engrossed him. His heart told him yes, but his head told him no. The devil and angel on his shoulders bickered back and forth, causing his head to spin with thoughts. "You're drunk, Nancy."

Nancy shook her head, a fit of giggles escaping her chapped lips. "Drunk sayings are sober thoughts."

Steve let out a scoff, letting his head fall in disbelief. "You don't give up, do you?"

"Why would I?" She answered quickly, eyes never leaving him. "I know exactly what you're thinking, Harrington."

"Oh yeah?" He asked, letting his head lift to get a good look at her. Nancy's lips were going to be the death of him. "What am I thinking?"

"Just how you wanna kiss me," she whispered, cocking her head to the side. "Take me to bed. Make me feel good. So, so good."

Steve's cheeks lit up again. His pants grew tight as Nancy never distanced herself from him. The girl was extremely horny but if asked, he wouldn't be able to deny that he wasn't. "Jesus," He could smell the fresh scent of vodka on her lips mixed with her cherry-flavored lipstick.

Nancy smirked. The next thing she knew, her legs tangled up with his. Her chest pressed against his, lips only inches away from one another. The girl knew this was her chance to steal a kiss. So she did.

Her lips darted for his, pressing against them desperately. Nancy's hands immediately went for Steve's hair, clenching onto the strands. She tugged, pulling the taller man down to her level. Her neck cranked, making sure to get into the right position to deepen the kiss.

Steve barely had time to react. Their lips were locked and hungry. They devoured one another, savoring every last taste they could make out. The two let their eyes close, his hands grasping around her tiny waist. Steve tried his best to deepen the kiss, letting his tongue slip in between Nancy's lips as much as he could.

He felt like he knew everything about her from this kiss. Nancy was strong, independent, and rarely took no for an answer. She was wise and full of charm, much more than he was. Usually, he would be able to fight back, and get under her skin. But the teasing back and forth drove him to the brink of insanity. The only resolution was with their messy make-out session. He couldn't speak with her tongue in his mouth. His hands explored her body, rising and lowering down her back. Steve's hands reach the indent of her waist, practically moaning.

Nancy couldn't help but giggle. The smile on her lips only increased as Steve gripped her, holding her frame against his. The feeling of his chest against hers only made her want to see what was underneath. Steve was passionate and outgoing, yet Nancy seemed to be taking control of this kiss. Not that she complained. Their kisses were rich and filthy, full of desperation and lust. It was one of the best kisses she had ever experienced.

Steve returned the laughter, clutching her waist and holding her close to him. His erection only grew, pressing against his pants. It was begging to be released but Steve knew the kissing couldn't end just yet. The man was going into overdrive. His senses were overloading. He could taste the sweet vodka on her lips and felt the goosebumps against her skin. They erupted in groups whenever he moved his hands.

But it hit him. Steve was kissing Nancy Wheeler. Lead singer of Five Seconds to Hawkins. The centerpiece of the biggest project he had ever worked on. This was going to fuck with their relationship but he didn't want it to stop. Her kisses made him weak and enamored. The man would do anything for her at this point.

That was until his brain took over. He pulled away from Nancy with a pop, pushing her off of him slightly. He tried his best not to hurt her. "We can't, Nance. You're drunk. I'm not taking advantage of you."

Nancy gasped as Steve shoved her. His countenance changed completely as the two separated. "W-What?"

"You're drunk. We aren't doing this." Steve sighed, rubbing his eyes viciously. "I'm sorry, Nancy. I have to go."

"Wait, don't go!" Nancy cried. Her eyes began to water. Her fear of rejection started to creep in, consuming her body piece by piece.

Steve shook his head, moving away from the wall. "I gotta go. I'm sorry." He repeated before looking up at her.

His heart broke a little as he watched the tears fill Nancy's eyes. He caused this. Steve led her on and then pushed her away. Something he told her not to do with people. Eyes softening, he opened his mouth to speak.

"Fine, whatever. Just go." Nancy spoke, turning her back to Steve.


"Go!" She cried out before glancing back at him. "Don't call me Nance, either."

Steve gulped. His breath caught in his throat at her words. He deserved it. He knew he did. But it didn't hurt any less having to leave her like this. He hoped that one day he would be able to explain the scenario to Nancy. One day.

With one quick movement, Steve made his way toward the bedroom door. His eyes glanced back to Nancy, letting out a soft sigh before turning the knob and heading out.

Hearing the door click shut, Nancy let out a shaky breath. She gulped back the tears she could before a singular one dropped down her cheek.


The next day was unbearable. Nancy woke up on her floor, curled up in a ball. Her skin was cold to the touch and full of goosebumps. The aching in her back made her groan. Nancy's head pounded like a drum, head foggy and eyes batting uncontrollably.

She opened her eyes as much as she could, peering around the room. Her fingers ran through the dull carpet, nails digging into the surface. Nancy lifted herself slowly, aching in pain. She looked down at her thighs, noticing bruises that must've formed when she fell asleep on the hard floor.

Tears stained her cheeks, along with streaks of mascara. A ringing echoed throughout her ears. "What the..." she muttered, eyes darting around the room. She locked eyes with her landline, noticing the unbearable sound was coming from that direction.

Nancy lifted her frail body, straightening out her back and muscle. The phone continued to ring, causing Nancy to moan out of frustration. She forced herself to go toward the phone, leaning against her bedside table. She answered the phone, pressing it up to her ear. Nancy sniffed before answering, rubbing her left eye intensely. "Hello?"

"Nance!" It was Robin. She sounded panicked but Nancy let her ramble. "Where are you?"

"What are you talking about?" Her voice was hoarse.

"We have rehearsal! Get your ass over here! How hard did you party last night?"

Nancy went silent. Her eyes widened as she looked towards her clock. Rehearsal had started five minutes ago. "Fuck!"

"What? Nance?" Robin exclaimed over the phone.

"I'm on my way. Bye!"

The girl hung up the phone, adrenaline coursing through her veins. Her head was heavy, trying to piece together the moments of the night before. She couldn't remember when she fell asleep or why she was on the floor. Or why she had mascara stained on her cheeks, black as the night sky.

Nancy raced to the bathroom to splash cold water on her face. The frigid temperature made her skin erupt in goosebumps, her eyes teary from the sudden contact with water droplets. She tried her back to scrub off the mascara, but soft lines remained under her eyes. She threw her hair up into a loose ponytail, running towards her closet to pick out shoes.

She threw on a pair of worn-out brown boots before making her way toward the front door. Grabbing her bag and house keys, Nancy exited in one swift motion. She locked the door behind her and made her way toward the venue.

Walking in New York City was never easy. It didn't help that she wasn't that close to the venue. The walk would average around twenty minutes, but she figured if she extended her strides and ran every few moments, she'd be able to cut the time in half.

The clicking of her boots made her head pound. Nancy made the rookie mistake of not bringing a pair of sunglasses with her. The heat of the sun drove her wild, causing the thumping from her heart to echo throughout her whole body. It didn't help that the morning work rush was happening. People filled the streets and cabs honked as loud as they could. Nancy's brain was screaming for a break, begging to stop and turn back around to get some sleep.

Glancing down at her outfit, Nancy felt repulsed. All the girl wanted to do was go back home, take a shower, and lay in bed all day. Unfortunately, the life of a rockstar came with cons. She had to go to work and perform at a show tonight. The thought of performing made her giddy but the feeling quickly went away when a wave of nausea washed over her.

Nancy's eyes couldn't stay focused. Normally, she'd have her head up and admire the beauty of the city. But she was too busy trying to figure out what happened the night before. Yes, she knew she drank. The sensitivity to light and the god-awful headache reminded her. But everything else seemed to be a blur.

The girl had managed to cut her time. Nancy only shaved off about five minutes, but it was better than nothing. Making her way into Madison Square Garden, she felt relaxed. She was out of the sun and away from all the loud noises. That was until she heard the screeching of a microphone from the concert hall.

Shaking her head, ever so gently, Nancy rushed into the main area. The crew was already set up, getting the lights fixated and setting up the barricade for the stage. Nancy frowned, hating the idea of a barrier between her and her fans. Her eyes darted up at the stage, seeing Dustin Henderson making his rounds.

The boy was too busy adjusting the microphone stand, silently cursing to himself whenever he couldn't get it right. He knew how much Nancy appreciated the right height.

Smiling to herself, Nancy shuffled up onto the stage. "Dustin."

Dustin looked up from the microphone stand and sighed. "You're late, Wheeler. Hopper!" He screamed, causing Nancy to wince.

"Keep it down, would you? I'm dealing with a hangover." Nancy gulped, an awkward smile plastered on her lips.

Dustin's lips quivered into a smirk. "Yeah, we know."

"Excuse me?"


Nancy spun around to lock eyes with Robin. The raven-haired girl groaned softly, holding her head from the intense spin. "Robin, did you tell everyone that I'm hungover?"

Robin let out a shy smile. "Uh..."

"Robin!" Nancy whimpered, frightened by the pitch of her voice.

"I'm sorry! I was worried so I had to tell someone. God, if you didn't answer we would've sent a team to go search for you! I just wanted to make sure you're okay because I knew how much this show means to you. Please don't be mad! Please?"

Nancy rolled her eyes, clutching her bag closer to her chest. "Whatever. I must've blacked out anyways because I don't remember a single thing."

Robin snarled. "Really? Jesus, you drink to forget."

"Sadly," Nancy sighed before glancing past Robin. In the corner of her eye, she noticed someone.

That's when it all started to make sense. The dark, brown eyes. Tousled chocolate locks. The damn grin. Steve Harrington stood by the stage, talking to Eddie. His smile shined bright, showing off his pearly whites.

It all came in waves. The way she caught him in her room. How she was smoking a joint, trying her best to seduce him. And how she succeeded since the two shared a very passionate kiss. Finally, she realized why the mascara was stained on her cheeks.

Nancy had been crying over him. Crying because he left so suddenly without an explanation. Steve practically ripped her heart out, threw it to the ground, and stomped on it repeatedly. No one had ever rejected Nancy like that. And she swore to herself she was never going to let him back into her life.

"Nance?" Robin asked. "Nance, you're staring. And it's freaking me out." Robin waved her hand in Nancy's face but the girl never broke out from the strong gaze.

Robin eventually gave up and followed her stare. It led back to Steve.

Steve glanced away from Eddie for a moment as he felt all eyes on him. And he wasn't wrong. Up on stage, he saw Robin and Nancy staring at him. Robin, staring in a more confused matter. Nancy, with a look full of disgust and hatred, with a hint of sadness. His eyes went soft as he stared at Nancy.

The thing is, he didn't forget about the kiss. After he left the party, Steve stayed up all night. The scenario played in his head and rewound like a VHS tape. Her soft, cherry-coded lips were on his. How the two fit into each other like pieces of a puzzle. The way his hands sculpted her every curve. The kiss was heavenly. But Steve had to get back on track if he knew what was good for him.

"Steve? You good?" Eddie asked, glancing back and forth between his friend and Nancy.

Steve managed to look away, clearing his throat. "Uh, yeah."

"Did...I miss something?"

Steve shook his head with a smug smile. "Nope. Not a thing, Munson."

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