May's POV

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More Than Childhood Friends
Chapter 1

When we were kids, there is only 3 of us. Me, Alfred, and my best friend, and sister, Carmela. Before I and Alfred met, there was only me and Carmela were together.

Carmela was like my mother when we were kids, she sits with me, plays with me, laughs with me and even the one to gave me a chocho train when we eat.

Of course, we were at the same age, she's just mature than me when we were little. It was happy at the orphanage, and yes we were orphans at

"Little Kids Dream Center".

We were just playing at the kiddy pool, when suddenly the gate of the orphanage opened and there was him, Alfred. Apparently, his unknown mom and dad didn't say his name. The woman took him to his room and one day he started to come out and play with us.

Carmela and I were friends since we've stayed at the orphanage, and we were both got the same lucky parents to took us at their home. When we were at the age of 7, that's when the time they took us.

But Alfred was left behind, I didn't think that we'll meet after that day and yeah, we did saw each together. The good thing the parents who took us was a friend of the other parent who also took Alfred, and we've been a neighbour-buddies to childhood-friends.

On our first-year high school, things get started..... Sweet.

We were pronounced as -

"Mr. And Ms. Prom King And Queen".

Back then we were also the hottest love team and Alfred was the stand-out guy that every high school girls like, and of course, every girl hates me because I was lucky to have him. But I guess that I was his best girl before...

~April 18 Monday~

It's 6:34 in the morning and my dad woke me, he asked:

"Are you ready for your first day?"

I replied- " Huh? Oh, ye-ah I-am." I yawned.

As I went downstairs and saw my mom cooked omelette and bacon, then she placed it in the table and saw me. She glared at me and said:

"Breakfast is ready, you'll be late for your school May, and be quick later at the bathroom your father is going to work soon."

I replied, "Yes mom."

My foster mom hates me, she didn't want to adopt a girl, she wanted a boy because his 3 years old son died by a bus.

And she misses him badly that day, but my foster dad wanted his wife to move-on so he took me and Carmela.

Of course, I understand her feelings, but I'm not happy that she always frown whenever she sees me. It just sometimes hurts my feelings.

I asked my dad: "Where's Carmela? Isn't she awake yet?"

My dad goes up to our room and woke her up, she went downstairs and said:

"Looking for me sis? I'm awake now."

"Well hurry up, we've got 26 mins before we go to school." I replied after eating my breakfast.

Later that time,~

After going outside I accidentally bump into Alfred, And he said:

"Good morning to you too, you're too excited aren't you? "

"yeah, r-right back at you." I replied moving away from him.

Then I've heard Carmela's voice at my back, locking the door of our house saying:

"Hey May! You didn't lock our door, you should have waited for me and dad!"

Then dad went outside the house, and pat Carmela's head. Then dad waved at me, while Alfred started to walk with me.

Then Carmela continuously walks towards us and said:

"Ugh, oh dear Lovebirds! Get yourself walk to school."

Alfred just smirks and laughed.

I blushed and said-

"Hey! Watch your mouth too Carmela, it's too early to say something like that"

I took Carmela's arms and pinch her.

"Ow! What was that for?" She said

"You keep your mouth quiet and answer me this. Do I look fine?" I asked

"Yeah yeah, you look amazing. Now go back beside Alfred and hold his hand!"

She replied pushing me towards him, I touched his bag and walk beside him.

Instead of me holding him, he surprised me when he took my hand and he held it tight.

He said:

"Your hands are cold, so I'll just keep it warm."

So, I nod and keep walking with them.


We got to school, and we went to our classroom. We both sat right next to each other. On Alfred's left side, Carmela was there and I'm on his right side.

We're still in the same school last year, and half of the students inside and outside the school was talking about us, me and Alfred.

Then our adviser came and everyone outside the hallway went to their classroom, Mr. Sam Winchester was our Math teacher last year and now he's our adviser and still our math teacher.

"Well, good morning everyone. I'm Mr. Sam Winchester, and for the whole semester, I'm gonna be your class adviser and your math teacher. "

He continued.

"Most of you have known me because I might have been your math teacher last year, and you know how strict I am. So everyone should be avoi-"

"He looks so serious! I love it." I said to myself looking straight to Alfred.

But after saying those things to myself I only heard him was-

"here is your class schedule for tom."

"Oh, thank you, Sir Sam." I replied.

Then he moved back to me, confused and said:

"Oh! You three, you guys didn't leave?"

"Uh, yes Sir, both of our parents want to stay for a few more years until we graduated high school." I said.

Then Mr. Sam chucked and said:

"Well, at least there are some in my class that were my best students last year."

And then he moved-on giving the schedule to Alfred, Carmela and my other classmates.

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