| Chapter Fifteen |

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"There was a lot of things going through my head and stressing me out yesterday."


The whole day during school, I couldn't focus at all. "Why?" you may ask. Well, all I could think about was Sans. It's like he was invading my thoughts. He shouldn't be on my mind. I don't even like him. I can't believe I'm gonna confess my non-existent feelings to Sans. Ugh, it's all just a mess.

Maybe I do like him, and I'm just in denial? Probably.

When the final bell rang, I lazily got out of my seat and put my books in my backpack. I put on my backpack and started leaving, until I felt my phone vibrate. I turned my phone on, only to see that I got a text message from Frisk.

"Frisk: Hey, it's Frisk. Do you have any plans today after school?"

"(Y/N): Yeah, I'm busy."

"Frisk: Oh, really? What are you doing?"

"(Y/N): Well, I made a deal with Hyther that I'd 'confess my undying love' to Sans."

"Frisk: You have a crush on Sans?! I didn't know that! Why didn't you tell me?! You guys would be sooo cute together, omg!"

"(Y/N): idk, Frisk. I'm not sure if I really like him."

"Frisk: Then why did you make a deal with Hyther that you'd tell Sans you like him? What if you end up not liking him?"

"(Y/N): Because Hyther wouldn't shut up about it, lol."

"Frisk: Lmao, okay."

"Frisk: I'll talk to you later, bye."

After the conversation ended, I put my phone in my pocket and started walking home. I unlocked the front door and walked inside, locking the door behind me. I sat down on the couch and pulled my phone out. I guess I'm gonna have to ask Sans if he wants to go out, or something. If I do tell Sans that I like him, it should at least be when we're hanging out or something.

"(Y/N): Hey, Sans."

"Sans: sup (Y/N)"

"(Y/N): I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?"

"Sans: sure. where?"

"(Y/N): How about at the park?"

"Sans: sure, sounds cool. i'll meet ya there"

I put my phone back in my pocket and sighed. Today's gonna be a long day. I walked to my bedroom and got ready for my date with Sans ― wait, does this count as a date? I'm not sure.

I straightened my hair, put on a cute sweater, and walked to the garage. I looked around, until I saw my (F/C) bike.

"Ah, there it is!" I mumbled to myself. I opened the garage door and got on my bike. I rode my bike out to the driveway and closed the garage door behind me. I rode my bike all the way to the park. I finally arrived to the park and I parked my bike at a bike rack. I took my phone out of my pocket and texting Sans.

"(Y/N): Where are you, Sans?"

"Right in front of ya." Sans said as I looked up from my phone.


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