| Chapter Ten |

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"Papyrus is gonna be pissed."

Sans P.O.V.

I approached the door and unlocked it with my house key. I walking inside and closed the door behind me, locking it.

"Hello, brother! How was school?" Papyrus greeted. "Uh, it was... interesting..." I replied. Papyrus narrowed his eyes. "Hmm... what do you mean by 'interesting'?" Papyrus asked. "Uh, I um... I might have gotten suspended...?" I replied.

"You what?! Sans, why did you get suspended?!" Papyrus yelled. "It's n-not important!" I exclaimed. "Hmm... well, I trust that you didn't do anything too bad, brother." Papyrus sighed. "So, uh... how was your day at school?" I asked awkwardly. "It was pretty good! But..." Papyrus said, trailing off.

"What happened, Paps?" I sighed. "I... I fell asleep in class for the first time. It was humiliating!" Papyrus exclaimed. I bursted out laughing. "You fell asleep in class? Oh, c'mon, Paps. That's not that bad. I've done worse." I laughed. "But I feel like a bad student! I should have been paying attention, right?" Papyrus questioned.

"Paps, you'll be fine. You won't get two weeks of detention just for sleeping in class." I replied calmly. "But... I was surprised that I fell asleep because I'm not lazy like you... no offense, brother." Papyrus explained. "Listen, you'll be fine. You probably didn't miss much. Plus, you were really busy at work yesterday. You must've really needed that sleep." I stated. "Nyeh, I suppose you're right... thank you, brother!" Papyrus thanked. "It's no problem, Paps." I shrugged.

I walked to my bedroom and collapsed onto the bed. Today was a long day. I closed my eyes, and the next thing I knew, I drifted off to sleep.

Your P.O.V.

I walked inside the house, only to find my mom watching another one of her dramatic movies. This time, it was a vampire movie. What was it called again? Wasn't it called "Moonlight" or something like that? Either way, I put my backpack on the floor and sat next to my mom on the couch.

"Oh, hi, honey! I didn't even notice that you were home," she greeted. "how was your day?

"It was pretty interesting, if I do say so myself." I replied. "Oh? Why?" mom asked. "Well, there was a fight at school today." I stated. "Really? Between who?" she questioned, obviously interested. "It was between this kid named Chara and... Sans." I said.

"What?! I would've never thought that Sans would be the fighting type!" she exclaimed. "Yeah, me neither. But, I guess you can't really judge a book by it's cover." I replied. "Well, I'm probably should go now. I have a lot of homework to do." I said. "Alright, sweety." my mom replied.

I grabbed my backpack, walked to my room, and sat on my bed. I pulled out my phone and started texting a close friend of mine. Her name was Hyther.

"(Y/N): Hey, Hyther"
"Hyther: 'Sup, (Y/N)"
"Hyther: What are you up to?"
"(Y/N): Nothing much, I was just wondering if you want to hang out at the mall tomorrow after school?"
"Hyther: Sure, sounds cool :)"
"Hyther: What time?"
"(Y/N): How about 5 o'clock?"
"Hyther: Sure, I'll see you then"

I put my phone away and got my homework out of my backpack.

"Yay, this should be fun." I said to myself sarcastically.


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