| Chapter Twelve |

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"'Get in, loser! We're going shopping!'"


We laughed as we walked into the mall, sharing personal jokes. We walked around a bit, looking for a good store to shop from. We walked into a random store and started trying on the random clothes. Most of the clothes were formal.

"How do I look?" Hyther laughed as she walked out of the changing room. She was wearing a tuxedo. "You look absolutely fabulous." I replied, imitating Mettaton. "Alright, now you've gotta try something on." Hyther chuckled.

I looked around the store and grabbed the silliest dress I could find. It was actually pretty ugly. I walked into the changing room and tried it on. There was a mirror in the changing room, so when I looked at myself, I couldn't help but laugh.

"How do I look, Hyther?" I asked, trying to hold in my laughter. "Like an idiot." Hyther laughed. I laughed along with her. "Okay, now I usually wouldn't say this, but try to be serious! Find a dress that's actually decent-looking. I wanna see what you'd look like all dressed up." Hyther chuckled. "Fine." I sighed.

I walked around the store, looking for a decent-looking dress. A specific dress caught my attention. It was (F/C) and it was beautiful. I grabbed it and swiftly walked into the changing room. I looked at myself in the changing room mirror. I don't look half bad.

I walked out of the changing room and Hyther looked at me with a surprised look on her face.

"(Y/N), that dress looks really good on you! You have to buy it!" Hyther exclaimed. "Nah, it's too expensive! I'd never be able to afford it anyways." I sighed. "Well, that sucks." Hyther replied. I walked back into the changing room and changed back into my regular clothes. We walked out of the store and started walking around the mall.

The rest of the day, we just walked around sharing jokes and pranking people.

"Hey, I'm getting pretty hungry. We should, like, go eat at the food court or something." Hyther shrugged. "Alright, let's go!" I smiled. We both starting walking to the food court. We ran into two girls named Bratty and Catty, and it seemed like they never shut up, so while they were weren't looking, we slowly walked away.

We arrived at the food court and got some food. While we ate, we talked about random stuff.

"So, how are you and Sans doing? If y'know what I mean." Hyther asked as she wiggled her eyebrows. "Ew, Hyther, stop. I don't like him like that!" I exclaimed. "Yes, you do. I can tell. And I think Sans likes you too." Hyther replied. "He's never acted this way with anyone. I'd know, I was his friend for a pretty long time." Hyther sighed. "Well, even if he does have a crush on me-- which, he doesn't-- what would I do?" I asked.

"Just talk to him 'bout it. It doesn't have to be a big deal." Hyther shrugged. "But, then if he doesn't like me, it'll be awkward!" I replied. "Well, if it's awkward, then just man up and deal with it. I think you guys would be cute together." Hyther said. "Ugh, Hyther, it's not gonna happen." I sighed. "Alright, here's the deal. If you don't tell him your feelings, I will. I'll tell him how you feel if it bothers you that much." Hyther shrugged.

"What? Nonononono, you can not tell him how I feel for me! That's embarrassing!" I exclaimed. "Then confess your undying love for him!" Hyther said dramatically, trying to hold in her laughter. "Pfft, alright, fine. If it'll get you to shut up, I'll do it." I chuckled. "Yesss!" Hyther exclaimed. "Okay okay okay, you can do this! All you have to do is--" Hyther started. "Woah, woah, woah, chill, Hyther. I'm not confessing to him right at this moment." I laughed.

"Ugh, fiinnnee." Hyther sighed. We both finished our food and started walking out of the mall. Today was probably one of the best days I've ever had. While we were in the car, Hyther turned on the radio, and started changing the channels until she found the song. Our song. We both looked at each other with looks that basically said "hell yeah". We started singing along to the song.

"So, I put my hands up, they're playin' my song! I know I'm gonna be okay!" I sang.

"Yeeeaahhh! It's a party in the U.S.A.!" Hyther sang loudly.

When the song ended, Hyther gave me a high-five and we laughed. That was, like, our favorite song together when we were little kids. Today was definitely the best day ever.


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