back to school

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I gently moved my arm away from taehyungs chest,so that i wouldnt wake him, and reached for the alarm clock to shut it off. I smiled gently. For the first time....i actually didnt smash the alarm clock....or throw it at the wall.

Im proud of myself.

"Taehyung " my voice was still raspy because i just woke up and it was the first time i spoke that morning. I shook tae gently and he groaned and turned over.

"Come on. We're gunna be late for school.." and i have never sounded so happy in the morning before. Im probably so happy because of the cuddling that occurred last night. Inner me squealed, but taehyung shook me out if my thoughts when he spoke with his deeper raspy voice.

"Ah. Kookie," he said in a husky way that made me shiver slightly " just a little more..." He pouted. Looking at his lips, i could only think of the time we kissed on the roof.

That was the first time i actually kissed someone (besides when my dad forcefully did it..) Taehyung stopped my train of thoughts when he grabbed my arm and snuggled me back to his warm chest. Struggling to break free because i didnt want to be late, i pushed against tae's chest, but no matter how much i pushed, he just refused to budge.

His strong arms still stayed wrapped around my waist.

"Keep struggling and I'll have to make you stop" he said calmly.

"Oh yea? What you gunna do?" I said playfully and slightly annoyed...and maybe a little flustered from how close we were. I proceeded to get even more flustered when he grabbed my chin and made me look up at him.

" i might have to continue what we were doing on the roof" he slyly smirked. My whole face felt very hot as i stammered out the time, hoping that it would make him let me go.

"I-its 8:20!! We're gunna be late" and that did it. He jumped up and looked at the clock. "HOLY MOTHER OF JESUS" i laughed at his stupid expression, but then he quickly ran into the closet and started to get ready and I did the same.

today doesn't seem like it would be such a bad day.

Maybe..just maybe luck is on my side today.

--at school--

Ok i take back what i said earlier. Luck is not on my side.
Luck is not on my side.

i started panicking. As soon as i walked into school all eyes were on me. Fingers were pointing and laughing. People were whispering. And it wasnt just towards me...some of it was directed towards taehyung.

Only jim and his friends laugh at me and beat me up most of the time, but its never the whole hallway....

"JUNGKOOK OMG!!" I turned aroumd to see short jimin running towards me. Behind him was a slightly taller yoongi. They both stopped in front of me with both hands on their knees, before jimin whips out his phone and shoves the screen in my face.

As soon as i saw what was on it, my face went pale and so did taehyungs.
It was mia's facebook page, and on it was a picture...

A picture of me and tae cuddling...

The caption said " wow.. I guess they're fucking now. Jungkook is dickmatized lol"

"IS IT TRUE JUNGKOOK" jimin asked while breathing heavily.

i emotionlessly stared at the caption and photo.... And suddenly my eyes started to tear up. Taehyung just stood there shocked.

"Based on your expression, i would guess not" yoongi said in a chill tone as he stuffed his hands into his pockets.

The bell rang, and everyone cleared out. Even taehyung, who slowly backed away from my trembling figure, without even saying goodbye...

jimin pulled me down for a hug, whole yoongi just stood there awkwardly scratching his head.
He wasnt the type of person to be touchy, but i was glad that he was at least there for me.... Unlike some people...

--after school--

Seeing how taehyung avoided me most of that day, i wasnt sure if i was wanted in his home...

"I might have to go back home..." i mumbled as i walked out of the school, and to my suprise, i saw tae standing outside. I was angry at him for leaving me like that....

"H-hey jungkook. Lets go home" i didnt even stop, but i heard him mumble an 'oh'

At least this means i dont have to go back home to where my dad is... But even though i dont want to go back home, im not sure if i want to stay with tae.... I'll just sleep in the living room this time.

I know that the rumors will die down after a while, they always do. I know from experience. As i kept on walking straight ahead, i could feel taehyungs eyes staring shamefully at my back. Good. He should be ashamed by the way he just left me like that.. But i cant blame him... Who would want to risk more of their social life for a person like me?

Ha. Its my fault that taehyung was getting laughed at.. Its always my fault... My vision started to blur slightly.

No. I refuse to cry.

"Well it looks like we're home" tae forced a smile as i looked up at him.
When i moved my eye, a single tear rolled out. Damn it...he saw.

Taehyung stopped smiling and began to ask " jungkook...whats wro-"

"Nothing" i cut him off and ran inside without looking back.

-- at dinner--

I sat at the table with a frown on my face and aimlessly played with my food. It looked good..but i just didnt feel like eating. I wasnt hungry. Not at all. Taehyung sat across from me, staring..

"Jungkook...." He began in a soft voice,but this time, i didnt feel like hearing it. I didnt feel like listening to what he had to say.

"A-about today..." He said slowly and started twiddling his thumbs.

"Oh its nothing. Im fine" i faked a smile and a chuckle. But taehyung didnt buy it.. He can always see right through me. All. The. Time.

"I know your lying. You dont have) to hide stuff from me.." He began again.

"Oh your so full of it." My words were shaky and i glared at the rice in front of me. I looked up at taehyung and continued " you ignore me and avoid the living shit out of me for the whole day. Then you expect me to tell you how my day was? Unbelievable!"

Taehyung looked so guilty, almost like he was about to cry, but i didnt care. He didnt care when i was crying in the hallways. " YOU'RE ALWAYS PLAYING WITH MY FEELINGS!!" i let a few tears roll down, and yelled out whatever was on my mind.


" jungkook please-" i quickly stood up. I was tired of hearing his bullshit and lies. I was just tired of everything.

"I need some air." I deadpanned. "jungkook im sorry..." He pleaded.

"SORRY ISNT GOING TO CUT IT THIS TIME BUDDY!!" i yelled as i ran outside into the street,trying to get away from him, but i was completely unaware of an oncoming car that sped towards me. The person driving slammed down on the brakes but it was too late. Blackness faded my vision. The last thing i heard was taehyungs bloodcurdling scream.



Hiiiiiii. Its been a while since i updated, but i tried my best to make this chapter interesting and long. I've just been really busy with my life lately, so i hope you guys can understand. Anyways, i know how much you guys hate cliff hangers, so here you go😂😂😂😂


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