Day 1

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I woke up in my bed with memories of what happened yesterday ....

How i got knock out...

About Jimin hugging me...

About how taehyung kissed that girl that girl that was making fun of me...
That girl is his girlfriend!!!

I sighed. Im not going to school today.
Today both my parents will be going to work, so i wont miss this opportunity to have peace in my own house. Plus its too late to go to school anyways.


I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom.

Just morning pee time!!

When i passed the mirror I stopped.

Wait... Was that me? Why do i look like that?

I was now staring straight at the mirror. There was a big bruise on my cheek, as well as my swollen eye. This probably happened when my dad punched me.

My hand reached up and touched my cheek, and I winced a little. It still hurt like a bitch.

I can just cover my swollen eye with my eyepatch thats in my room, but i dont know what to do with my swollen bruise cheek. Maybe i should take a few days off...

If only my parents went on a buisness trip or something...

Ring Ring Ring

I ran to my phone on my bed and picked it up.


"Sup worthless, your father and I are gonna be going on a vacation trip. We arnt bringing you because your stupid face would ruin the whole scene."

" Ugh,"

I sighed

"anyways, see you in a month stupid!"

WOW!! talk about a coincidence.
A WHOLE MONTHH!! Yessss omggggggg!! All to myself. No more being worried about getting hit at home. For a month .

But first, before i start my vacation at home, i need to go get snacks and food because im hungry. But before i left, i made sure to put on my eyepatch and hoodie so that no ome would recognize me.


OUU cotton candy! I really love candy, but cotton candy is the best jeez.

" excuse me, can i get a ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato sandwich? Thanks"

Wait...that voice sounds awfully familiar. I lifted up my head up and there he was.

" taehyung? Is that you?"

The hooded person looked up at me

" Jungkook?! Whats up? Why arent you in school?"

" i could ask you the same thing" i smiled and he chuckled.
His laugh was like music to my ears
" I guess your right" then he immediately froze and stopped laughing.

"jungkook... What happened to your face?"


"i dont remember you having those at it from home?"

"N-NO!!" i answered to quickly and i stuttered. Im such a terrible liar. Ughh.

He just started at my with his eyes slightly squinted like he was trying to see through my lies. He definitely knew i was lying... Damn it.

"jungkook... I know that your lyi-"

" excuse me, your sandwich is done" the sandwich guy cut him off mid sentence.


Luck must be on my side today. As soon as the guy interupted, and taetae was distracted , i ran out of the store. I was holding my cotton candy so tightly as i ran back home... I forgot to pay for it. Oh well.

Im soooo happy for jungkook. He gets a whole month off from his parents abuse. Now, taehyung might find out about jungkooks abusive adopting parents. Yikes. I wonder how hes going to react or what hes going to do.
See you guys on the next chapter


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