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"Soooooooo" i said while rocking on my feet" do you guys know eachother....by any chance?"

"Of course. I met yoongi in like kindergarten." Jimin said before looking at yoongi."isnt that right, lazy?"

Yoongi just glared. "Yea.." His glare was quickly replaced with a genuine smile. "So what are we eating. Im hungry" he place his hands in his sweater pocket.

"Your always hungry" jimin sweatdropped and i giggled.
"Awwwwww!! Jungkookiee is my little cute bunny friendddd" and he proceeded to grab me and yoongi's hand as we skipped out of the lunchroom and to the icecream shop.

---at icecream shop---

Ughhhh i was so tired from skipping for blocks and blocks with jimin so i stopped and put my hands on my knees.

Jeez what does he run on? Cupcakes and sugar?( haha get it. Suga) on the bright side, this place looks awesome.

"Jimin.. *huff y-you have so much *huff energy" i panted and all he did in response, was give me a thumbs up which caused me to facepalm myself.

Yoongi just smirked at me "already tired princess?" He teasingly said. Blushing at the nickname, i shook my head.

"I am not a princess" i protested as i stomped my foot like a 5 year old.

"Are too!!"

Jimin coughed, but was ignored.

"Am not!!"

Jimin let out a groan "will you guys stop acting so immature?" As soon as he said that, we just stared at him.

"Says the one that skipped all the way to the icecream store instead of walking." Yoongi says while putting his hand on his hip.

"Hmph" i said while crossing my arms and turning away from them both.

" i am not immature.... And im definitely not a princess...." I looked down and mumbled while pouting.

"Awwww kookieeeeee" jimin says while squealing "my bestfriend is so adorableeee. Heyyyyy lets go get on the line" he links his arms with me and yoongis arms, and drags us to the iccream line.... this long ass line...

Finally,after a while we get to order. Yoongi ordered mint chocolate , while jimin ordered strawberry and i ordered a pistachio icecream. In the distance, yoongi spotted an empty table by the shop door.

" yo. Lets go sit over there" he pointed.

" great idea, im tired" jimin complained.

"Maybe you wouldn't be so tired if u had walked like a normal person" i answered smartly

" but you know im not normalllll" jimin whined as we made our way to the table. The chairs were really comfortable at the shop, so relaxing wasnt a problem at all.

"Kookie can i have some of yours?" Yoongi asked.

"Yea sure" i said picking up my spoon and feeding him. I couldve sworn i saw jimin glaring at me..... Must've been my imagination.....

Maybe he wanted some of my icecream as well.....

"Hey jimin.."


"Do you uhh want some of my icecream?"

"No." He crossed his arms and looked away from me. I chuckled and shook my head."suit yourself" i lifted my spoon up to my lips, before it was snatched by no other than fatty chimchim. He shoved the icecream from the spoon into his mouth and furiously swallowed.

"Bro... I just offered you some" i laughed.

"Well....i changed my mind" he said laughing as well.

But......everything was quickly halted. Us laughing....us having fun....and all those good things were replaced with memories of taehyung. His girlfriend walked into the store and i expected to see taehyung follow, but instead jim was there. My bully.

The one that pushed my into the locker and punched me. The time where i met jimin.... So... What is taehyungs girlfriend (mia)and my bully (jim)doing together at an icecream shop?

My questions were quickly answered when i heard her disgustingly high voice.

" jim i love you so muchhhh~"


"Lets get icecream and then we can go back to your room" she winked

Isnt she dating taehyung? Whats going on... Is she... Cheating on him.

Shes cheating on him with my bully.....


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