jungkooks accident

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Jimins pov

Every day has gotten harder ever since kookie got hit by that car. How can i say this? Life....life just got harder. So much harder than it already was.

Yoongi doesnt act cool anymore. He just emotionlessly goes through the day. If it wasnt for his parents forcing him to go to school, i doubt he would ever go out... He doesnt even play piano anymore...he doesnt laugh....he just blankly stares out the window...

And what about taehyung? He hasnt smiled ever since the accident. He doesnt talk, nor does he do classwork. Taehyung has bags under his eyes and theyre always red and puffy.He avoids me and yoongi as if we're diseases. Probably because he thinks that we will blame him, probably because he feels so guilty..but at a time like this, we dont have time to blame anyone for what happened... It was no ones fault.

Everyday after school, me and yoongi go and visit jungkook, and sometimes, yoongi stays extra late holding jungkooks hand and crying. He whispers about how he shouldve been a better friend. As soon as we leave the hospital, i never fail to notice how taehyung rushes in. This makes me smile a little because i know that taehyung cares about jungkook.

One time i even overheard taehyung speaking to jungkook from the. Even though jungkook wouldnt speak back, i could still hear the emotions in taehyungs voice.

" jungkook.." He sobbed "im so sorry...its all my fault...when you said you loved me, i didnt know how to react.." He choked on a sob " b-but now," taehyungs breath was shaky and his shoulders bobbed up and down and he reached for jungkooks hand.

" but now... I think i love you back...I feel things with you that i never felt with mia... Everyday...every damn day! Your the one who makes me smile! You make me feel nervous, happy, sad, jealous and protective" he sniffled and held his hand tighter.
" even after i said those terrible things to you...you were still there for me when me and mia broke up. what am i supposed to do with out you!!so P-please wake up....please.." He hung his head and started to cry more and his voice was hoarse, as if he had been crying for kookie everyday...and im sure he was..

I sighed as i fully closed the door and left them alone and started heading home.

the street lamps dimly lit up the street, and there was a small breeze that caused to tree's to gently waver. I put my hands in my sweater pocket and took deep breaths, trying to calm down. Memories of me and jungkook flooded my mind like a tsunami. when we first met...at the nurses office. I never knew he would become this important in my life. That time when he cried and i comforted him in the classroom after class had ended...because he was heartbroken about tae and his girlfriend. The time when we went for ice cream...how he stood up for me.. He even yelled and argued with taehyung, the one he loved, because his gf was bullying me... He's so selfless.. And he always puts others feelings before his own. Hes such a good person..

My eyes started tearing up, and to prevent the liquid from rolling out, i looked up at the sky.

What did someone like him do to deserve this?...

I never even got to say thank you....
What if he never wakes up again....
I'll never get to see him...his smile...his energy and his encouraging words..

These thoughts caused me to just let it out. It was late and everyone was probably sleeping, so they wouldnt see me. I couldnt hold it in anymore...

"Kookieee.." I sniffed and rubbed my eyes. " please dont leave" i covered my face with both my hands and proceeded to crumble to the ground, but i was stopped by someone grabbing me and pulling me in for a tight hug. Suprised, my eyes shot open and saw yoongi very close.

"shhhh" he hushed and ran his fingers through my hair. i let my head rest on his chest and i clutched the fabric of his shirt and continued to cry.

"Jimminie~" he soothingly said "lets try our best to be happy. Jungkook wouldnt want us to be sad. I know that he will wake up..." He continued running his hand through my hair. "hes strong..plus someone needs us to be strong as well...." He paused before taking a deep breath.

"Taehyung needs us to be strong."

Im soooo sorry for being a troll😂😂 kookie isnt dead. So dont worry your heads off. This actually hurt me while i was writing. I was just imagining how fucked up my life would be, if any member of bts went into a coma, and just never woke up. I would be too sad to eat or do anything. Anyways. Hope u enjoyed this chapter. Peace out


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