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i sighed. this is pathetic...

at the moment it is 3am in the morning, and i still cant sleep due to my paranoia. Im scared that my dad mught find us...or that taehyungs ex will try to hurt me... looking over at taehyungs sleeping figure to see if he was sleeping, i concluded that he was, indeed, knocked out. i smiled. how does he manage to be so cute?

I stared at him a little longer before turning over on my side. He had the comfortable bed, while i slept on the floor. Tae had given me a chance to sleep in a bed, but i didnt all because i was stubborn and refused to share a bed with taehyung.
A decision that i was deeply regretting at the moment...

I could've been comfortable and warm, probably be sleeping by now....ughh screw my shyness. Im going to go sleep with tae.

Sighing, i stood up and wrapped the blanket around me like a burito, and began hopping to taes bed. (Jungrito aww❤❤)

Hovering over his sleeping figure, i lightly shook him.

"Taee" i whispered lowly

"Tae" i whispered more loudly, which caused him to stur awake a little. He sleepily curled one fist infront of his face and rubbed his eyes. My inner me fanboyed, and he spoke in his deep voice.

"Hello jungkook.. What could u possible want at this hour" He questioned, and all i could do was stare at his lips as he spoke. he most likely caught me staring, because he tilted his head curiously. I love how he can act so innocent one minute, then be daddy the next... wait...did i just think that? Weird..pushing all those thoughts out of my head, i continued my mission.

"Its cold on the floor... Sooo i-i came to sleep up here...."i stuttered. I hate how i get nervous and dont know what to say when im near him.ugh. im so cringy.

"Oh." He smirked "so what your trying to say is that you want to sleep with me?" A blush formed on my cheeks.

"YES I MEAN N-"i stuttered even more because of how flustered i got.. Just from that one comment.

"Oh i never knew you were that bold," he leaned into my ear before continuing to purr in his deep raspy morning voice "jungkookie~"

I instantly got chills from his warm breath on my neck. Also the fact that he wasnt even wearing a shirt made it even harder for me to control myself. All i could do was close my eyes and pray to the heavens above that this sexy perverted boy would leave me alone and let me sleep.

Even though i actually didnt want him to stop, the lords did grant my wish.

" i was just joking" he snickered and patted the space next to him." Come on. Sleep"

Trying to erase what just happened out if my mind, i squirmed on the bed to get closer to him. the warmth from his body was radiating, and his breath followed a steady rythm.  the room was cold, so i somehow gathered the courage to ask him a question. More like a demand..



"Cuddle with me..." As soon as the words left my mouth, taehyungs breath slightly hitched. Maybe he didnt expect me to ask. i guess he can tease, but he cant take it when its directed towards him. I inwardly giggled, but i soon stopped when he started turning around in my direction.

Grabbing my waist with his arm, he pulled my closer, and my head rested on his chest. With the other arm, he placed it on my upper back and rested his head on my head.i could hear his heartbeat slightly faster than normal. Maybe he was nervous as first i was a little stiff, but as i started feeling sleepy and comfortable, i wrapped my arms around his torso, tangled our legs, and drifted off to sleep.

But as i was falling asleep, i couldve sworn i heard a click outside of the window. Too tired to care, i dismissed it as just a random noise..

Such a stupid mistake.



Please forgive me for this late ass update!! I just didnt know what to write, when suddenly, i got this idea, and i had to write about it.

Also, what do u think the vlicking sound might be? And who do u think might me the cause?

Next chapter will definitely be more interesting, so thank you for bearing with me.

                     Baii💚┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

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