rats belong with rats

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After all that stuff that happened yesterday, i didnt feel like going to school....but my parents were coming home today and i didnt want them to see me at home. That would just be fuel added to a fire...

And i honestly dont think i would be able to handle all these issues at the moment.

Abusive parents
Taehyungs ex gf

Just everything... If i really think about it, the real reason i dont wanna go back to school, is because of taehyung and his ex girlfriend. She might be out for blood and revenge. After all, i took part in telling taehyung about her slutty ass.


Oh well. I dont give a damn. Im going to school. #badbitchattitude

I walked up to my closet and just threw on my black adidas hoodie and some black skinny jeans. Yup thats right, All black, To match my mood. As soon as i thought that, i smirked and walked out the door, not really caring about my hair.

------at school-------

"Ugh and im back at this hell hole" i mumbled while pushing through the crowded hallway to my locker. After a struggle of people stepping on my vans and being pushed constantly, i finally made it to my locker.

While twisting my combination lock, i felt something...or rather someone staring at me... dont ask how i felt it, i just did, And who ever was staring, wasnt very nice.

I almost instantly regretted whipping my head around to see who it was. I dont know who else i expected, but it was Mia......of course.. I mentally face palmed.

And it wasnt just Mia by herself..it was her and a bunch of her stupid friends. I scoffed and rolled my eyes before turning around and continued to open my locker.

As soon as i opened it, i jolted backwards.... what was in there was something absolutely disgusting.

I gagged and almost threw up because the smell was absolutely putrid...

The dark crimson liquid was so foul and nasty....what the fuck is wrong with the people at my school!!?

There was a bigass fatass rat hanging by the tail in my locker dangling over my books and the blood was dripping all over my books and soaking the pages.

I didnt even need to ask myself who did this...it was obviously mia and her stupid squad of copies and wannabees. Thinking of them was enough to make my blood boil, and seeing them laugh as they pointed at me was making my stomach churn.

Also the fact that everyone in the hallway was laughing at me as well made it even worse and before i knew it, i was practically exploding!!

"Aishh...YOLO bitches" i muttered.

I quickly snatched the dead bloody rat by the tail, ran towards mia and pounced on her.

She laid under me screaming because she was scared of the rat in my hand, and what i did next suprised even me. I grabbed the rat and smushed it in her face before laughing like a crazy maniac... And maybe thats what i was...

A maniac

I stood up slowly and stared down at mia's crying figure curled into a ball. There was rat blood all oved her face.
Rats belong with rats.

"Omg hes gone insane!!" One of her follower friends shouted while dropping her mouth open.

" do you want to be next?" I said with no emotion in my voice while turning my head to look at her.

"N-n-no" she flapped her hands atound in the air before taking a step back.

"Alright then. Thats what i thought." I smirked. Since all eyes were on me at the moment, i might as well make a grand finale. I stuck up my middle finger and twirled to class while screaming "FUCK SCHOOL AND FUCK YOU!!"

But as i was twirling, i caught a glimpse of taehyung. He was staring with his mouth open and eyes wide open, but i pretended like i didnt notice him...

*after class*

"Yo dude what even happened in the morning?" Jimin questioned while putting his hands on his hips.

"Did you really go 'insane' like they said?” he said while making sure to add the air quotation marks with his small hands.

" no i didnt go insane," i sighed." I was just tired of her bullshit... Mia put a dead rat in my locker and the rats blood ruined most of my books....so i uhhh...." I hesitated to continue.

"Soo i uhhh...i shoved the rat in her face..." I scratched the back of my head expecting jimin to scold me, but instead he did the opposite.

"Aww i wish i had the courage to do that. I feel avenged!!" He put his foot on a nearby chair and punched the air. I couldnt help but laugh at his goofiness, but i stopped when i felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Sup" a deep voice asked and jimin stopped acting like a clown.

"Helloooo yoongi hyungg" jimin ran over to the sweg man and gave him a hug, and i turned around to see him smirking at me.

"Hi yoongi" i said while smiling.

"Hello ticking time bomb." He shoved his hands into his pocket.

"Huh!?” i furrowed my brows.

"Yea," he continued "your a ticking time bomb. You never know when you'll explode. Kinda like this morning." He fully smiled while adjusting his beanie "yuupp i was there and i saw the whole thing.
I gotta say, im impressed." he turned towards jimin and continued

"It was really epic, you wouldve enjoyed it." He said and i sweat dropped.

"Im sure i would've" chim chim said "after everything shes put me through, i wouldve loved it" he said while chuckling.

"welll see you guys later!!" I yelled while waving my hand as jimin and yoongi walked down the hallway side by side. I entered my  classroom,walked across it and took my seat in front if taehyung, trying not to look at him... But i could feel him staring. I just kept staring straight ahead....but i saw a note slip on my desk.

When i turned it over it said

Meet me on the roof...i have to talk to you about something important..."

After reading the note, i unconsciously turned around and sadly smiled at tae..

I wonder what he wants to talk to me about.....

I updated early because for some reason i thought it was friday and wrote this. Since i wrote it, i might as well post it today. Plus i know you people were waiting, so here you go. Enjoyy


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