.running away from problems.

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I could see taehyung run around the corner and into what looked like an abandoned house... Looked pretty creepy....

No time to chicken out.. Taehyung needs you!! Thinking those thoughts, i ran faster,and so did mia.

She was determined to keep up with us.

Ughhhh. Just stop... Your only going to continue to hurt him....i kept thinking. I turned the same corner that taehyung turned and ran up the stairs to see him sitting in a corner of the room...

It broke my heart to see him like this...

I hate mia..why did she have to hurt him.... I walked slowly to where he was and plopped down next to him. What should i do.....im not good at comforting people....

What does jimin do.... Oh yea!

*lightbulb above jungkooks head*

I slowly lifted up my hand and gently placed it on taehyungs back and began rubbing. I assumed i was doing it right, because he leaned on me and began crying even more.

I sighed as i began to pet his hair. Ive always wished that i could be this close....but just not in these circumstances....

"So....is she really cheating on me....." He suddenly spoke in a quiet voice. I dont think i could answer.. Hes already hurt and me telling him,would just make it worse...

"Im sorry...i cant answer that question..." I continued petting his hair, but he quickly pushed me away.

"You know what!! Thats your problem... You get pushed around to easily and your always afraid to say the truth!!" He said quickly standing up from where he was sitting.

"Ahhh screw it!!" I yelled and stood up as well" she is cheating on you... And shes doing it with jim!!" His eyes widened. I dont think he expected me to say it... But i did..

As soon as those words left me mouth, i turned around to run out of the room because i was starting to cry too...

But i was stopped....by taehyungs hand grabbing the bottom of my sweater....

"Are you serious....." He said. I instantly regretted yelling back at him and the only thing i could do was hug him... So thats what i did... And i was suprised when taehyung began hugging me tightly.

Taehyung clutched my sweater, and my heart was probably beating like crazy and i could feel my hands get sweating. Ugh disgusting.

You know what was even more disgusting?mia. She ran into the old abandoned house and saw us.

She grabbed my hoodie and yanked me off taehyung and i fell back onto my butt. She quickly glared at me before running up to me and kicking me in the stomach. The wind was knocked out of me and i started coughing.

She was about to kick me once more but was interupted by a screaming taehyung

" GET THE FUCK OUT!!! I HATE YOU" teahyung screamed and clenched his fist." You bitch! You slut! Get out nowww!!"

"Oppppaa~~ Im going to forgive you for what you said because i know you didnt mean it" she said in an innocent high pitched voice "and hes ruining our relationship" she pointed at me and had pouted and puffed her cheeks.

Ew. She was trying to be cute, but taehyung wasnt having it.

"No mia.. You ruined it when you decided to cheat on me with jim" taehyung said in a stern voice.

"B-but oppaa~~" her voice was making me sick...

"Im not your oppa. I hate you. Get out of my sight." And all mia could do was whimper and try to stiffle her cries as she ran out.


I should be happy,but the only thing i felt was depression....

And before i knew it, i was crying again... Im such a crybaby...i hate it.

"Why are you crying?" taehyung asked while smiling softly.

"B-because...this is all m-my fault" i cried out. Taehyung just stared at me. I was being pathetic but i didnt care at the moment.

"I-im just ruining your life taehyung....im always in your way..." I wiped my tears, but they just kept on coming. Taes hand cupped my face gently and i stared at him shocked.

"Its not your faul-" i cut him off

"Yes it is!!!" I was talking quickly and just letting my emotions out in word form...but i happened to let the wrong words slip out at the wrong time

"Taehyung..." I brought my hand up to my chest and grabbed my sweater "i-i dont know how to deal with these feelings." I looked up at him.

"Idk when this started. Idk how this started.. And idk why i feel so hurt... Love hurts taehyung" i hiccuped" and i- i think im in love with you.."

Suddenly taehyungs face was slowly getting closer to mine and i started to blush. Omgg hes about to kiss mee

What do i do!!!what do i do!!! Without thinking, i quickly shut my eyes and i felt taehyung move closer. I hope he doesnt hear my heartbeat....... Or see my blush....or anything. Just dont see me at all. -_-||

Is he going to kiss me

Do i have a chance?


Soooo are they about to kissssss or nahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

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