Chapter Three

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Dipper jerked up, finding himself in bed with his forehead burning hot and not to mention that blood was now rushing to his head. He groaned and laid back down slowly, his eyes being the death of him. The kid raised his hand and placed it on the spot that stung to reveal a small cut...or mark or something. It felt like dry blood. He hissed in pain as he felt his skin touch the old mark then removed his finger and put his hand back inside his blankets, where he laid covered up.

What happened?

He honestly couldn't remember much...maybe for the fact he hit his head and somehow got back to the shack, not quite clear on how he had, but still somehow. But what he did know is that his head hurt and his forehead was burning hot.

Minutes later, Mabel, Grunkle Stan and even Grunkle Ford walked into the room, expressions worried but then loosened up when they saw him awake. He didn't look too swell, but he was still awake.

"D-Dipper! I'm so glad you're okay!!" She ran over to his bed, eyes watering as she stood by the side. "I-I'm so sorry..."

"Sorry for what...?" He spoke, voice a little raspy. "You didn't do anything."

"I-it was my suggestion to go to the park..."

"You didn't know that would happen...and look. I'm okay."

She looked at him and gave a small nod, rubbing her eyes free of tears. Dipper winced and gripped his head, slipping back down into the blankets.

"Headache?" Ford asked as he walked over and bent down on a knee so he could see his great nephew.

"Mm-hmm..." He slowly nodded.

The 6-fingered man placed his hand on the kid's forehead. "You're burning with quite a fever too."

He gave a small nod, gripping his blankets as he winced again, eyes watering. "C-can I have like some medicine to get rid of it? T-the headache I hurts..."

The elderly man nodded as he stood back up. "I'll be right back with some ibuprofin." And with that, he walked out of the room, leaving Mabel and Stan there.

"Want anything to eat, kid?" Stan asked as he sat across from him, on Mabel's bed.

"Nu-uh...i'm okay..." He muttered.

"You sure?"

"I'm positive..."

The man nodded slowly. "...You're free of work today since you're sick, but don't get used to it."

"Yeah, yeah, I won't.."

Minutes later, Ford walked back into the room with a small pill and glass of the clear substance called water. He offered both to the kid, who took them with no hesitation. The boy then put the white small pill on his tongue and glugged down the glass of water, feeling it go down his throat. He coughed a tiny bit then laid back down, putting the glass on the table beside him. The 6-fingered-man took it and headed out of the room, his eyes fixed on his niece and brother, probably mentally telling them to give him some space.

"Well...uh....we'll check on you later, kid. Try to rest up for once, will ya?" Stan spoke as he rolled his eyes and exited the room. Course he knew the boy rarely got a good sleep.

Mabel was hesitant to leave at first but then realized it was likely for the best. "Grunkle Stan's right on that one...try to sleep, okay? You need it." She gave a small smile. "I'll be back soon, promise."

And with that, the girl slowly walked down the stairs. Ford looked at him and gave a smile before closing the door quietly and heading downstairs as well, his footsteps heard going down the stairs.

Dipper listened as he heard the footsteps finally go out of hearing range. He let out a small sigh and slumped down even more, his mouth now under the covers as his nose poked up from the blankets barely. The kid sniffled with his stuffed up nose and blinked his tired eyes.

He didn't want to sleep though. Sleep would've probably resorted to a bad dream or even worse...Bill being one of the worse reasons. That triangle maniac seemed to be getting to him somehow. It was impossible to tell how; with illusions, mind control, maybe from lack of sleep?

The 12-year-old shuddered at those thoughts as he snuggled down deeper into his blankets. Maybe a nap wouldn't be such a bad idea after all...considering all the fatigue that was filling his body at the moment. And his head still hurt.

If he got to sleep for a little bit he could probably wake up with a slightly better-feeling head because the medicine would've had enough time to endorse itself into the body.

He nodded quietly to himself and his thoughts as he yawned and flipped over to face the wall, gripping his blankets as he felt warm. He brought his legs up closer and then gave a kitten-sneeze by accident...which was followed by another sneeze. And another. When his sneezing session was over, it just helped make him more tired.

Dipper slowly blinked his hurting eyes, trying to stay up for just a little longer...but it didn't work. The next thing he knew, he closed his eyes and drifted off into a rather deep sleep.


The preteen jerked up from sleep, which was meant to be a one or two hour nap, but it had turned into 10 hours of sleep. And none of it was very fun. Sure, his eyes felt slightly better...except his right eye which just hurt alone by itself for some odd reason, but now it was dark outside with the stars shining bright.

He glanced over to the left side of the room to see his sister sleeping soundly, Waddles right beside her, the both snoring softly. She had her arm over the pig as he nuzzled up close.

The brunette male gave a small smile as he then glanced at the blankets on him. He had more than before. Mabel must've noticed that he was shivering in his sleep or something, but it made him feel better already. Dipper pulled the blankets back as he slipped out of his bed, socks hitting the wood floor with a small 'thud'.

He rubbed his eyes and winced as he touched the right one that was now hurting way more than it had before when both his eyes were tired. This kind of hurting didn't seem to be from tiredness, he observed. It seemed to be from something else, and he was going to find out what.

The preteen started to trudge to the restroom, wincing still at the pain that was in his eye. He sniffled his stuffed-up nose and then reached the room. He stepped in and felt the cold ground from his socks. He then flicked the light switch on and closed the door behind him, making sure to lock it as well. The kid turned to face the mirror and nearly screamed when he saw what was up with his eye.

He placed his slightly shaking hands over his mouth to prevent him from screaming. He faced the mirror with wide eyes and almost tears coming out of them.

What was up with his eye?

The problem was that his right eye was yellow with a slitted pupil; an unnatural feature for one to have, and he only knew one person who was capable of making this happen. He inhaled in and out, slightly shaking from the sight. This was unnatural. It wasn't SUPPOSED to happen. Eyes weren't supposed to look like...that.

Dipper placed a hand over his right eye and begged silently that when he moved it that it would be gone. That this could be just a dream. This wasn't happening to him...nope, nope, nope. It's all a dream...all gone...just a nightmare Bill put together to scare him silly. Not real. Nope.

The kid took shaky breathes before slowly removing the hand away from his right eye. It was still there alright. He should've known better that this was real and not a dream. He slammed both eyes shut and slumped down against the cabinets, now hugging his knees, staring up at the ceiling.

"P-please...please...." He muttered to himself. "I-it's gone...the yellow eye is's okay...we're okay...Bill's not here...h-he's not even near any of us. We're safe. E-everyone is okay...s-so go away."

"I beg to differ." A voice spoke from out of nowhere, a familiar voice.

The boy yelped and stood up on shaky legs, looking around the restroom but seeing nobody there. He reached his hand for the doorknob and tried to open it after unlocking the thing, but it wouldn't budge. His eyes widened as he yanked on it harder, but no avail.

The voice cackled in amusement. "Things not going the way you wanted them to, Pine Tree?"

Of course.

"B-back off." The preteen spit out his words, trying to be tough and stand up for himself.

"Aw, the widdle sapling thinks he can be tough." He laughed, and it echoed through the boy's head in a taunting manner. "Well, you can't. You think you're tough but you're not. Face the facts, kid."

"N-no." He spat out his words again. "L-leave me alone..." He muttered the last part.

"No can do, pal."

"W-what do you mean "no can do"?! You can, you just don't WANT to!"

"Actually, no. Remember that deal we made during the whole Sock Opera?"


"I said I wanted a puppet, didn't I?"

More silence.

"WELL?" The voice got louder. "ANSWER ME, KID."

Dipper gulped and swallowed his saliva before slowly nodding. "Y-yeah, but you DID get one! A-and I'm not a puppet, at least not anymore, so you can go crawl back to where you came from!! Probably hell!"

"Hell is pretty nice, but it's not where I came from." The voice responded back casually. "Getting back to the topic, I never said when I would be done using the puppet, now did I?"

Silence as Dipper stared with fear in his eyes, slightly quivering. His teeth gritted and his hands clenched into a fist. "You can't do that!!" He shouted loudly, eyes watering a little.

"And you can't tell demons what to do, heck, you can't even chop a lousy log of wood, now can you? So I would zip your mouth shut, unless you want another yellow eye." The voice hissed out.

He gulped and opened his mouth to speak, but got interrupted.

"And don't you dare think of telling anyone about this, Pine Sapling. If you'll regret it. I will make you regret it. Got that?"

Dipper could feel his heart racing and then it sinking when he heard so. It would be so much easier to get rid of Bill if Ford knew...but he didn't want to regret anything...because that would mean something bad would happen, and he didn't want any of his family to get he slowly nodded in response.

"Good." The voice said in approval. "I'll leave you to it."

The boy stayed silent as he slammed his eyes shut, tears already beginning to slip as he hugged his knees once more. He hiccuped and sniffled, rubbing his eyes as he opened them.

Dipper had a lack of hope, but he placed a hand over his right eye and silently begged that the yellow eye would be gone. The 12-year-old slowly stood up and faced the mirror as he slowly removed his hand from his eye.

And to his surprise, the yellow and slitted pupil were gone, leaving him with a normal eye.

For now.



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