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Even from afar, he could see his eyebrows were furrowed, he'd miss balls people would pass to him and just be completely unconcentrated.

The loud yells of the cheerleaders rung through the field as Jimin blocked the third offense made to their goal, seemingly yelling at Jungkook for fucking up again as he held the ball in his hand.

Taehyung let out a sigh he hadn't noticed he was holding, silently blessing Jimin for being a literal wall in front of their goal, despite Jungkook messing up half the game to the point even the other team was confused, the players snickering from their side of the field..

The younger would trip repeatedly, making Taehyung wonder if he was drunk, despite the fact Jungkook didn't enjoy alcohol at all.

Getting frustrated, he took the cheerleaders to taking a break as an opportunity to stand up, despite the complains coming from the people seated behind him.

He cupped his large hands around his mouth, taking a deep breath under the questioning eyes of Sangmin and Jaehyun.

« JEON JUNGKOOK! » He yelled, most of the players on his team snapping their heads towards Taehyung as well, spotting his electric blue hoodie in the crowd easily, some questioning why in the world he had Jungkook's hoodie, and why he was yelling so loud.

The younger's world stopped spinning as he spotted Taehyung's angry eyes, his hands around his mouth. He would have chuckled to see him in his hoodie if he hadn't been completely terrified by the glare that was being fired his way.

« GET YOUR FUCKING SHIT TOGETHER! » Taehyung yelled again, a collective laughter spreading through the crowd as Hoseok, who was on the bench burst out laughing, slapping Hansol who was next to him.

The Lee twins also started laughing, partly to make fun of Jungkook and partly because of Taehyung now deep red face as he shyly sat back down on his seat.

The referee whistled, urging Jimin to get the game going again.

Jungkook chuckled, looking at Taehyung who hid his face into his sweater paws, as if it would erase the embarrassing moment he'd just put himself through, before he shifted his gaze to Jimin, who looked back at him.

He nodded, a serious look adoring his soft feature as fire sputtered in his eyes.

That's when Jimin knew Jungkook, the captain of their team was back. He threw the ball to him, trusting him fully.

Jungkook caught the ball against his chest, it dropping to his foot as some opponents came running towards him.

He easily dodged them, running at full speed towards the goal, he spotted Leehwan from his peripheral vision, dodging one last opponent before kicking the ball towards him, the boy not even receptionist it before kicking it straight into the very corner of the goal in a curve ball.

Loud yells erupted on the right side of the field as Jungkook's chest rose, the first point of the match finally being scored.

Leehwan, still in perfect shape despite his sprint ran towards Jungkook to take him in a hug.

"Finally back cap' took you long enough!" He yelled, slapping the back of Jungkook's head.

The game ended an hour later, with a final goal from Jungkook, who kicked the ball a few seconds before the end, another uproar of yells coming after the fifth point they'd added to the score.

He smiled widely, the referee whistling the end of the game as people started to pour into the field, running towards the players and congratulating them.

People from the school, parents and friends, all yelling and patting each other's backs, hugging the players in a truly beautiful moment that made Jungkook smile.

He didn't have the time to catch his breath before Taehyung caught him in a bone crushing him, pressing their bodies close despite Jungkook being all sweaty.

Jungkook's hand wrapped around Taehyung's waist, not noticing the few questioning side glances he got from his teammates and their friends.

"I love you. » Taehyung said into Jungkook's neck, his voice muffled by his sweaty shirt.

The younger's eyes widened as he loosened the hug to face Taehyung with questioning eyes. Taehyung only nodded, looking away.

« I won't say it again. » He mumbled under his breath.

Jungkook smiled a wide, toothy smile; squealing slightly and lifting Taehyung off the ground in a sudden urge of energy, spinning him around a few times before letting him down and cupping his cheeks.

"I love you too." He smiled, heart doing backflips.

Taehyung chuckled, a new feeling of serene satisfaction blooming in his chest, eyes dropping to Jungkook's lips, noticing his two front teeth cutely crooked against each other in the most subtle of ways.

"May I?" Jungkook asked, making Taehyung's roll his eyes, completely forgetting about the hundreds of people around them and simply seeing dorky Jungkook who innocently wanted to kiss him after their confessions.

"You may." he laughed, though it was muffled by Jungkook's lips suddenly pressing against  his own.

He closed his eyes, hand raising to touch Jungkook's, that was still holding his cheek,  lightly.

Loud whistles woke him from his small daze, breaking the kiss to notice the entire football team looking at them with wide eyes, tough Jimin was still whistling now followed by Hoseok.

"Yah! Jungkook! You never told us you had eyes on your math tutor?!" Jeonhal yelled with a large smile. "and to think i asked you to hook him up with my sister."

The team laughed, Taehyung's arms wrapping loosely around Jungkook's shoulders as he looked at him questioningly. Jungkook dismissing his urging eyes with a shake of his head, pressing his lips on Taehyung temple.

He smiled widely, wrapping an arm around Taehyun, who'd let go of his shoulders, and pulling him hip to hip.

"He's been my boyfriend for six months."

The team cooed and yelled happily, Jimin pulling Taehyung in the middle of the group of boys.

"Thanks to Taehyung for slapping the captain out of his fucking daze!" He yelled, swooping Taehyung up bridal style in an instant making his eyes widen, the football players yelling to agree with Jimin.

The team yelled a bunch of hoorays, scooping Taehyung up and throwing him in the air repeatedly, making him giggle and Jungkook laugh, doing his best to download this memory into the 'never forget' files.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, turning to see his mother, and her boyfriend. Another smile crafted on his lips, turning around to hug her, she smiled, stroking his back.

"I'm proud of you." She smiled, Jungkook grinning.

He turned back around, seeing the team had put his boyfriend down and were now assaulting him with questions.

"Why didn't you tell us!" Jeonhal said loudly.

Taehyung shrugged.

"Jungkook didn't want me to."

"What an ass." Leechul laughed, earning a slap from his twin.

"That's why you have his sweater." Hansol pinched the said sweater.

"What's your nickname for him?"

Taehyung looked down, scratching the back of his ear shyly. The teammates crowding around him to get as much informations about their captain as possible.

"Kookie." He mumbled.

Loud cooes erupted from the team as they turned to Jungkook.

"Kookie~" Jeonhal teased with a smile as he ruffled the younger's hair, a few of them doing the same with smiles on their faces before Jungkook finally protested:

"Yah!" he yelled, making them stop though they laughed.

He made his way towards Taehyung, taking his hand gently into his own despite the teasing of his friends and pulled him towards his mother and Jaehyun, away from all the chaos.

"Go change idiot." Taehyung smiled before Jungkook placed a small kiss to his lips.

He smiled starting to walk away as Taehyung did too, before Jungkook turned around to call out to him.

"hey Tae!" he yelled.

Taehyung turned around, looking at him with a questioning gaze.

"I love you." He smiled, a large smiled on his features.

Taehyung chuckled, he nodded and rolled his eyes.

"Love you too, Kookie." he smiled as well.

The End :)

I hope you all enjoyed this very last chapter (I loved writing it and reading all your comments),
I'll see you all in the comments of the Q&A in next the chapter.

please go off with comments, like seriously don't hold back it'll be a lot more fun for everyone if there are a shit of questions :)

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