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"God your mom's black noodles are amazing." Taehyung moaned as he slurped down the noodles, holding the lunch box between him and Jungkook who were sitting together behind the school.

The spot was calm and far from the hectic environment of the school cafeteria. Instead, it was the simple sight of the brick wall encircling the school and the grass near the fields.

Jungkook chuckled, looking at Taehyung lovingly as he took some noodles, the two sharing the container.

"I'm getting lady and the tramp vibes." Taehyung joked,, trying to get Jungkook to lighten up a little.

The younger had been so tense the entire time, and though taehyung had also been at first, he took it upon himself to be the one to break the ice.

"Sorry for being an asshole yesterday." He repeated, making Taehyung roll his eyes.

"It's fine, you understood that you were being unreasonable and apologised." He said. "Besides, you brought me black bean noodles, we're totally cool."

The younger snorted, rolling his eyes under the amused gaze of Taehyung. The weather was calming, not too hot compared to the days to come, a small breeze managing to cancel out the heat from the blazing sun.

Jungkook smiled, turning his eyes from the blue sky to Taehyung who was still aggressively eating his noodles, not seeming to notice his boyfriend staring at him. He admired his black hair that fell over his forehead, his now tanned skin and his full cheeks.

Taehyung really was adorable, he thought as he racked his hand through the said boy's hair, his hand landing at his nape and pulling the surprised Taehyung closer, his lips landing on Taehyung's puckered ones, full of sauce.

It was a short peck, considering Taehyung still had his mouth full of food, and Jungkook wasn't sure if latching for a full on make out was the best of ideas after their small fight.

But when he opened his eyes to look at Taehyung, the older had the cutest satisfied smile on his lips as he swallowed the remaining of food in his mouth, displaying an even wider smile.

That boxy smile that Jungkook adored.

His stomach filled with butterflies, looking away with a cheeky smile and pink cheeks. But Taehyung wasn't having it as he gently placed his index to the side of his chin, pulling him to face him and peck his lips.

"Are you getting shy?" He teased, the younger slapping his hand away as he looked away again, Taehyung giggling. "Aww, Jungkookie is shy~ That episode at the lockers still on your mind?"

Jungkook snapped, turning around and grabbing a fistfull of Taehyung's shirt to pull him closer and smash their lips together. Kissing him strongly despite keeping his tongue to himself, their lips molding together greatly. He broke this kiss shortly, grip loosening on Taehyung's shirt as he looked down, cheeks now red.

"M not shy." he mumbled, arrow going right through Taehyung's heart and making him chuckle.

He placed his large hand on Jungkook's cheek, stroking his skin softly. No words were exchanged as they both stared at each other's lips, the magnetic pull between them getting stronger by the second-

"Hey guys!" A voice interrupted the both of them, making them pull away hastily to see Jimin plopping down in front of them, followed by Hoseok, Namjoon and Seokjin. "I know I'm interrupting this but i needed to apologies."

The six friends all sat down in a small circle, Seokjin laying his head on Namjoon's lap, making the poor boy blush all the way to the tip of his ears as the remaining five smirked at him.

"Did you apologize to Yoongi?" Taehyung asked, looking at Jimin blankly, not exactly glaring at him but seeming less friendly than usual.

"I did." Jimin said softly. "He forgave me but i wanted to apologies to all of you too for ruining the night."

Hoseok looked at him proudly, refraining from any physical contact because he wanted this to stay between Jimin and the rest, without him being behind him.

"Forgiven to me." Jungkook shrugged as he threw Jimin a gummy bear he'd just pulled from his bag.

"Same." Both Namjoon and Seokjin added, making the rest cooe internally.

They all looked over to Taehyung, who was the only one who hadn't said anything. Jimin's eyes shifted to worry and guilt as Taehyung stared at him blankly.

"Hope you live up to your apology." he said sternly, before reaching for the pack of gummy bears and throwing another one at the boy.

Jimin chuckled, looking at the two colorful gummy bears in his hands and sighing in relief, looking back up to the group of friends.

"Thanks guys..."


Hoseok and Jimin walked down the street hand in hand, both of them light on their feet despite being fresh out of dance practice.

They both turned a corner, landing in front of the small manga cafe they had both shared so many memories with.

Upon entering, they were greeted by the familiar sight of a the space filled with shelfs full of manga, large couches in the middle of the room, a corner filled with pillows to read and hang out.

Hoseok paid for their stay, Jimin already being drawn towards certain new arrivals in the cramped space, his boyfriend soon joining him.

The both found a manga of their liking, Hoseok heading towards the pillows and settling comfortably, waiting for Jimin to join. The younger did, placed a small pile of books near tem and laying between Hoseok's legs, resting happily against the other's chest and feeling Hoseok's chin on the top of his head, both of them opening up their books silently, enjoying the simple presence of each other.


I went to my bording school yesterday to set some stuff into my new room, and legit my bording school room is so cool, it's bigger then the one i have at home.

 I didn't really want to go to school, but honestly seeing the school and some of my close friends from the bording school kinda made me eager? 

Btw, i was talking to  @KookiesOneAndOnly and @TheLocalJoonsexual about school systems and realised how different they can be. Like i live in Belgium (near France for reference) and we have twelve grades, six in primary (called one, two, three and so on) and then six in secondary. (again, one, two and so on until the fifth year of secondary, so the eleventh grade, that we call "La Poésie" because we learn about poetry, and the last year called "La Rhétorique" because we learn about rhetoric.

Anyway no one really cares but like, i was curious about your school systems? 

Like how do your school's work? 

Let's talk about it in the comments :)

Sidenote hope you liked the 900+ words of fluff :) 

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