Quarente six

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"Damn it i don't understand anything!" Jimin sighed as he let his pen drop on the table and ran his hands through his hair.

The group of friends were all seated in the school library (including Yoongi who had managed to sneak in despite being from another school.)

The exams were coming up soon, so they were all starting to gather around the good students that were Namjoon, Yoongi and Taehyung to catch up on all their problems.

Taehyung looked back from his work to the math problems Jimin wasn't able to solve. He read through it before sighing and leaning to scribble something on the paper, scribbling a ligne.

"Here look, you wrote that 3 divide by 2 was five. »

Jimin rolled his eyes and corrected his mistake cursing under his breath as Taehyung's looked back to his own exercice.

Jungkook, who was mindlessly doodling over his history homework, dropped his hand on Taehyung's thigh, the older not paying attention to it at all.

But a few metre away, someone did.

"Damn it look at how close they are." The girl scoffed as she nibbles on the rubber at the end of her pencil, scowling at the two second years.

"Jeonsun, I came here to study my math, not watch you drool over Taehyung." Jeonhal sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Why else would she be at the library?" Minha, Jeonsun's best friend said to him, his sister rolling her eyes, before elbowing him.

"Come on let's go over to them, you like Jungkook right?" She said to Minha, a small smile plastered on her face.

Her friend sighed, looking over to Jeonhal with desperation in her eyes before nodding and joining her to go to the other table.

Jeonhal rolled his eyes, before standing up as well and going over to them, thinking it wouldn't hurt to meet the person who had helped Jungkook get his grades to a 70%.

There wasn't much space left st the table, the seven boys already crowding onto it. Taehyung and Jungkook sat next to each other, Yoongi next to Jungkook and Jimin next to Taehyung.

Hoseok was across his boyfriend, Namjoon across Jungkook and Seokjin next to him.

"Hey can we join you guys?" Jeonsun asked as she took a chair and put it across Taehyung, pushing herself between Namjoon and Hoseok, her friend sitting down at the end of the table between Hoseok and Jimin, Jeonhal coming in a few seconds later and setting king across Yoongi after a curt greeting.

"Sure?" Hoseok asked, looking at them sitting down without hearing their answers.

"Hey Jeonsun." Jungkook's smiled, greeting his friend and her brother with a handshake.

She smiled at him, before her eyes shifted to Taehyung as she opened her bag to get her things out, both Namjoon and Hoseok scooting to the side to give her a little more space.

Jungkook was back to doodling over his history homework, when he got bored of it and looked away from his paper and to his boyfriend.

The older was solving some extra math equations to be further prepared for the exam he had coming up next week, Jungkook's eyes widening as he saw the completed hieroglyphics that were written messily on his paper.

Jimin then asked him another question, Taehyung putting his pencil down and helping him, his large hand going to rest felt on his paper.

Jungkook detailed it with his eyes, noticing it's slightly bony figure and his thin long fingers.

He took Taehyung's hand in his, the older not giving it a thought as he let him play with his limp hand. Jungkook tracing the bones on it's back and stroking his nails softly.

Taehyung has sexy hands.

Jungkook looked up from his mindless playing with Taehyung's hands, meeting the dark eyes of Jeonsun.

He gave her a smile, his fingers weaving through Taehyung's and holding his hand gently.

"Ah thanks." Jimin said, Taehyung's nodding and going back to his own exercices, getting his hand out of Jungkook's and taking his pencil back.

Jeonsun looked at their interractions with suspicious eyes.

"Taehyung-oppa? You're so good in math, I'm so impressed." She smiled, Jeonhal gagging from his side of the table next to Seokjin.

Taehyung looked up to her with slightly surprised eye, before he smiled shortly and nodded, giving off a small thank you.

Then Jungkook urged him to look at him, scooting closer and pressing their shoulders together. Taehyung leaned closer to Jungkook to read over the history homework, Jungkook showing him a small part of a document he didn't understand.

They were so close both their noses were almost most touching, yet they both talked like nothing about their interactions screamed chemistry and intimacy.

Jeonsun frowned.

She was about to talk, taking a sharp breath before Jungkook suddenly looked up from his paper to look into Taehyung's eyes, neither of their faces moving

Taehyung gazed back into his eyes, both of them staring at each other.

Jeonsun could only stare and gape as she saw Jungkook's eyes drop to Taehyung's lip, his own parting slightly as he licked over them.

She could feel their lust for each other from across the table.

And she wasn't the only one, because a boy with thin cat eyes slapped the back of Jungkook's head despite not looking up from his own notes.

« Don't. » He simply warned, eyes not shifting from his English book.

Jungkook pouted, shifting back into his seat as Taehyung did the same with a small chuckle.

She quickly looked over to Jimin, who was smirking at her from beside Taehyung.

« Bad luck honey. » He said with a small smile, making her roll her eyes and let them fall on Yoongi.

She noticed him looking at her before his eyes quickly shifted back to his paper, a small coat of pink dusting his cheeks.

Cute, she thought.


hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating in ages, school had been pretty hectic for me the past two weeks...

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