quarente trois

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I'm really sorry for the slow updates recently, but like school starts in a week for me so i've been busy with just cacthing up on all the anime and video games and memes and kdrama and internet i won't have as much access too when school starts.

to all the ones who started already, how did your back to school go?

Also when i publish a new fanfic after this one, what ship would you like it to about, or like an au? just taking up on suggestions here :)

"Come on let's go or you'll be late." Yoongi called from the entrance, shifting his weight from one leg to another with his keys in hand as Taehyung ran down the hall with a peeled orange in his hands.

He slid his shoes on, Yoongi closing the door as soon as he was outside the apartment.

Yoongi's sister was already waiting for them in the driveway, having accepted to give them a lift. The two boys rushed into the back seats, buckled their belts and sighed in relief as the car started (Yoona wouldn't have hesitated to leave them there if they took too long)

Taehyung split the orange in two, handing one half to Yoongi and shoving a piece of the other in his mouth.

"So..." Yoona started from the driver's seat if fake awkwardness. "Are y'all dating or....?"

Taehyung choked on his orange as Yoongi rolled his eyes, eating a piece on his side of the car.

"No noona." Yoongi sighed. "Tae is in a relationship."

Yoona chuckled, looking up to the rear view mirror to meet Yoongi's glare, it was in the intention to shut her up but of course it didn't work at all.

"aw, bummer." She teased, a sly smirk on her lips as Yoongi scowled in disgust.

"Don't make this awkward." He warned as they neared the corner of the road that would lead them to Taehyung's school.

The youngest cleared his throat as he finished his orange, the car pulling up on the side walk in the middle of the walking students and driving cars, earning a few car horns and yells in return.

"Thanks for the lift noona." He mumbled, still in a soul mood from his fight with Jungkook.

"My pleasure sugar pie." She smirked from her seat, waving him off. "Anytime." She winked.

He smiled at her, always amused by her constant good mood and snarky comments. The two min siblings waved at him once the door was closed, Taehyung mirroring them with a small chuckle. He then sighed, turning around and dreading the point in the day where he would have to meet Jungkook. His clammy hands made their way to the straps of his backpack, grabbing them anxiously as he caught his bottom lip between his teeth, thinking of every possible way Jungkook would react to his entrance.

Maybe he'd yell at him, perhaps he would shove him or hit him.

Taehyung felt a mix of fear of losing his boyfriend and apathy in front of the fact he'd probably get into a physical fight.

He entered the school, face tilted down, walking through the halls pressed against the walls, not wanting to attract any attention or bump into anyone.

Surprised he made it to his locker without coming across Jungkook he finally looked up from his shoes, only to be met with the very person he had hoped not to meet today.

There stood his boyfriend, with his back against his locker, looking at him with his big doe eyes.

Taehyung took a deep breath, advancing to his locker and standing in front of the younger, as if asking him to move aside. He didn't, simply looking back at him with those cloudy eyes.

"I'm sorry." He uttered.

The older's eyes widened, not at all expecting those words to come out of Jungkook's pretty lips. Out of all the scenarios that had played in his mind about their meeting, he had absolutely not thought of this.

"I was having a bad day and i said some really mean shit." Jungkook mumbled, playing with his hooped earrings, nervously. "I hope you can forgive me."

And with that, he handed a large lunch box to Taehyung, as well as some chopsticks.

"I asked my mom to help me make black bean noodles." His cheeks were now a hot pink, and his eyes were off to the side, observing the students walking around.   

They snapped back to Taehyung when the older chuckled though, not missing the small smile on his blotchy lips.

"Aren't black bean noodles your favourite," He asked with a small smile, his eyebrow raised in a slightly teasing manner.

Jungkook's eyes fell again, his ears slowly starting to match his cheeks.

"I was thinking we could eat them together."

That's when Taehyung just couldn't take it anymore, he let go of his backpack straps, placing both of his hands on either side of Jungkook's head, his head drawing impossibly closer, to the point Jungkook could feel his hot breath on his cheek.

The fact that they were in the middle of the hallway, where students constantly walked by, made Jungkook feel even more tense in the best of ways.

"You're being really cute right now." Taehyung uttered, his deep and smooth voice hitting Jungkook's ear softly, making him feel all hot and squirmy.

Taehyung had never made him this shy before, it was usually the other way around (though taehyung was the type to respond to his advances in a sexy and alluring way.), but now that Jungkook was experiencing this side of Taehyung, he was slowly wishing he could get more of it, more often.

"I'm assuming I'm forgiven now?" he asked softly, looking into Taehyung's beautiful dark eyes, the older chuckling lowly.

"I don't know, are you?" And with those words he gently bit on the lobe of Jungkook's ear, making a chill go down from the back of his neck, all the way down to the tips of his toes.

Damn dominant Taehyung really was something he wanted to experience further.

"You're going to make me hard;" Jungkook whispered, his eyes darting to two girls who were staring at them with hawk eyes, giggling to each other.

He heard another chuckle, biting his lip when he felt a  knee between his legs, making him even more aroused;

"That's the point." Taehyung whispered back, licking up Jungkook's cardiledge, making the younger realise just how sensitive his ears were.

Now that Jungkook was full on hard and very restricted in his pants, Taehyung pulled back, a cornered smirk on his lips.

"Have fun with that." He winked after a brief look at the tent in Jungkook's slacks, ruffling his hair messy and walking away.

Jungkook cursed into his mind, though a large smirk stretched his lips, shrugging his bag off his shoulders and holding it to his chest in a desperate attempt to cover his boner, walking to class in shame but also slight satisfaction.

Taehyung didn't seem so mad.

A hand slung over his shoulder as he made his way to class, making him turn around slightly to meet the knowing eyes of Seokjin.

"Judging from the way you're holding your backpack i'm guessing it went well," He asked, a small smirk playing on his lips.

"shut up." Jungkook mumbled, shrugging his arm off and hastily finishing his way back to his class;


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