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"You tell me! Weren't you the one who said we should keep this a secret?! I'm not dense Jungkook, I know you were embarrassed of being seen with 'the nerd'," he made air quotes. "What changed huh?"

By now they were full on yelling at each other, Taehyung standing up to shove Jungkook slightly, and if Jungkook wasn't worried for their relationship and Taehyung's wellbeing he would have definitely found it hot. But this was serious, he was arguing for the first time with Taehyung and he could feel himself getting more and more angry.

He would definitely say something he would regret.

"Well maybe i don't mind people thinking we're dating anymore!" He yelled as well, a veine slowly showing off on his neck.

"but i do!" Taehyung roared.

"Why!" Jungkook restored, just as loud and angry.

"Because we aren't! for fucks sake! we are not dating." Taehyung yelled.

"then let's change that?" Jungkook said, throwing his hands in the air. "Let's fucking date."

The room fell silent.

"W-what? Why- Why the hell would you want to date me?" Taehyung's voice dropped in decibels completely, looking at Jungkook with scrunched eyebrows, switching back and forth between his eyes to find some answers to all the questions that were jamming in his head.

"Because of my fucking feelings for you, Taehyung! I like you okay," he grabbed Taehyung, who was now looking at him with wide eyes, by the shoulders. Jungkook voice then slowly got quieter, he looked down, cheeks reddening.

"I know this started off as just sex, but it's seriously more to me now. i care for you!"

Getting no response, he slowly looked back up, being met with those pretty eyes of Taehyung's, completely wide in surprise.

"I-i" Taehyung stammered, Jungkook finding it utterly adorable and letting his head dive in for a soft peck.

But Taehyung took a step back, brushing Jungkook's hands off his shoulders.

"i-"he repeated again. "I can't- i'm sorry Jungkook." He said, eyes smeared with so much pain, and what almost looked like fright, no longer the dark void that reminded the him of the night sky.

With one last glance at the younger, who stood frozen in the middle of the room, Taehyung turned around and left, slamming the door.

The loud crash snapped Jungkook out of his momentary daze, both of his hands going up to brush his messy bangs back, then sliding down his face. he paced around the room, one hand back in his hair and pulling at the dark strands in frustration.

"Fuck..." he uttered.


"You took an awful long time in the infirmary." Jimin teased with a suggestive smirk, as Jungkook got close to him. "Where's Taehyung, can't get up?"

Jungkook flipped him off with a growl of a 'shut up', glaring at anyone else who dared cross his gaze as he walked into the field. He apologized to the coach, saying Taehyung was still unwell, who only ordered to run a few laps to warm up before he would join them in the baseball game that had already started.

He ran faster than usual, his pent up anger still boiling up in the pit of stomach, fueled by the sad pain of rejection.

It had been so obvious for Jungkook, that Taehyung liked him back, he hadn't even been nervous when he confessed. But turned out he was completely wrong, all those kisses, all the touches, the hugs, the cuddles...

Turns out the meant nothing in the end.

He was soon finished with running around the field, joining the others that were already yelling at each other to run faster or catch the ball. He was placed in Jimin's team, walking behind the older who waiting for his turn at the bat.

"Hey kooks, you okay?" Jimin asked as Jungkook sat next to him, burying his head in his hands, elbows on his bent knees.

"Peachy." He mumbled against his palms, muffling his answer.

His friend looked at him worriedly, wondering if he had been offended about what Hyunshik had said. It was his first 'official' coming out after all. Hearing things like a simple 'ew', could  really hurt.

"If this is about Hyunshik, don't listen to-" his voice was soft and careful, but Jungkook just stood up.

"No this isn't about fucking Hyunshik." He barked, walking away and leaving Jimin slightly offended, but mostly worried.

"Who's next at the bat?" someone yelled, Jungkook raising a lazy hand as he got closer to the game.

"I'll bat." he said, voice dark, a lot different from his usual higher pitched voice and his relaxed smile.

He grabbed the baseball bat, hands wrapping around the cool metal soothingly before he gripped it so hard his knuckles turned white.

The pitcher glanced at the coach, noticing he wasn't paying attention before looking back at Jungkook.

"Hey is it true there's something going on between you and the nerd," He asked, leaning forward in a comical way, seemingly very curious.

jungkook glared through his soul as he held the bat tighter, the pitched leaning back in slight fright.

"You gonna throw that ball anytime soon?" Jungkook asked, voice dripping with venom.

The pitched gulped, adam's apple bobbing nervously, getting in his stance and launchy a canon at Jungkook. The captain of the football team held up his reputation of being basically good at anything as his the ball like a pro, sending it blasting off at the speed of light.

He let the bat drop to the ground before running the fastest he had ever ran, scoring a home run under the cheers of his teammates before the other team had even located the ball.

They all cheered around him, except one: Jimin, who looked at his apathetic friend from further away.


hey guys!

Please ignore the fact that this chapter is a few hours later, I got side tracked yesterday because I had to go get my school report.

I passed (yay!).

So anyway, a pinch of angst for you, oops,

but thank you so much to the people who put up with my insecure self on the last chapter and reassured me.

Thank you, it made me feel a lot better :)

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