Trente deux

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hey guys!

Thanks for 15k reads!

For those who couldn't read the last chapter, Taehyung went home to his parents yelling at him for being late, then they notice he has hickeys and cum on his shirt so they start hitting him pretty harshly when they understand he's had sex with another guy.

Mrs Kim bit her nail as she slowly drank her warm tea. Hearing her husband kicking things around and blowing off some heat in their room, she thought it would be better to stay safely in the kitchen.

Her mind drifted to Taehyung, shuddering at the idea of seeing him kiss another man. As much as she had loved her son, the idea was simply revolting to her.
She thought of that kid she'd met, Jungkook she believed was his name.

Had he been the one to contaminate her poor son?

The thoughts were stopped when a figure entered the kitchen, limping slightly and holding onto the wall tightly.

She recognised her son, though he hardly seemed like the same person.

His left eye had swollen intensely, creating w huge bump around it littered with blues and purples. His bottom lip was busted, smearing blood all over his lips and down in the side of his mouth. He had a small cut on the temple, but the gash had let out a lot of blood that trickled down his cheek and most of his face was littered with bruises.

It made a small feeling of guilt course through her body, but as she drank her tea silently, she was reminded that everyone in their house had looked like that at least once therefore it was time for Taehyung to harden up.

The boy slowly struggled to get to the sink, wettening a sponge and going back to the entrance to clean up the mess of blood and tears on the floor.

"I hope nothing stained." She whispered under her breath, putting the cup in the sink and throwing away the tea bag, it falling right next to a bunch of used bandaids and an empty bottle of disinfectant.

Taehyung felt like everything was moving in slow motion, his hands slowly wiping the blood that still continued to drop from his temple.

He knew very well that despite the impressive amount of blood that coated his face, the cut was small and pretty insignificant.

What did hurt however, was the aching pain his the side of his stomach and his eye.

Once the blood was finally gone from the floorings, he stood back up with a lot of struggle and got back to the kitchen, placing the sponge into the bin.

He looked at the sink for a few seconds, mind spinning from all the shock he had received, he felt a little dizzy and nausea was creeping up in his system.

The vague memory of Seokjin saying he was welcome flashed in his mind, pulling him to the door and grabbing his school bag, getting out of the appartement silently.

He dragged himself next door, his hand dropping to the handle heavily and pushing the door open, his right leg almost limp behind him.

The warm smell of popcorn filled the air, accompanied with loud yells coming from the living room.

"Oh my god Hoseok stop sending red turtles at me." A gravely voice yelled, Taehyung too knocked out to even try to identify  it.

"Guys did you hear that, I think the door just shut." Someone else said.

"I'll go check it out."

Taehyung was swaying from side to side uncontrollably, vague patches of his vision going blurry before a tall figure came into view.

"Holy shit!" They yelled, though it was muffled by a loud ringing in Taehyung's ears. "Taehyung- oh my god."

He felt a hand go to his rib to try to support him, making him hiss a curse word, the hand retracted immediately.

"Oh my- Hoseok get the fucking first aid! Right now."

Taehyung heard someone run to further into the apartment, another person coming to their way hastily.

"Hyung is everything o- Taehyung?"

The younger looked up slowly, recognising Seokjin who had tried to support him standing next to him and seeing a vague image of a tuft of gray hair.

"We have to call Jungkook." The gray haired said, making Taehyung's eye widen slightly.

"Don't.." he managed to whisper. "He shouldn't worry he has a big test tomorrow and he can't fail it." His voice was broken and extremely low, but Seokjin was able to hear.

"Please... don't..." He repeated, eye rolling to the back of his head and legs giving out, his body falling limply to the ground just in time for Seokjin to catch him and Hoseok to enter the hallway.

"Jesus Christ." He ushered, seeing both his friends holding up a limp body he didn't recognise.

The two dragged him to Seokjin's room were they placed him on his bed, Hoseok bending down next to him.

"What the fuck is happening?" Hoseok asked as he pulled a chair next to the bed, Yoongi leaving to get some ice. "Wait a second... is that Taehyung?"

The boy was hardly recognisable, his face completely contorted with his bloated eye and the blood on his temps and then the dark hickeys that littered his neck, shirt completely ruined.

"Do you think he got harassed or something?" Hoseok said as he gulped, looking intensely at the large hickeys on the younger's throat.

Seokjin followed his gaze, but he looked back at his face.

"I doubt it." He said, Yoongi arriving with an ice pack and a wet cloth.

"Then which gang did he fuck with to end up this bad?" Hoseok whispered, notching new bruises everyone he looked back to Taehyung.

"His parents, he lives next door." Yoongi said. "But I don't think he's ever been through something as harsh as this."

He gently cleaned the blood on his temple, making Hoseok a little less uncomfortable.

"I had no idea..." he said, voice still as low.
"Do you see his eye?" He ushered nervously, biting his lip. "And his face holy fuck."

The three boys had met up at Seokjin's house for an innocent game of mariokart, but here he was, looking down at a friend who seemed on the verge of unconsciousness.

They had heard the yells from next door, but he hadn't made much of it. If only he had known...

"Wake him up." Seokjin said. "If has concussion it's better if he stays awake."

Yoongi nodded, gently shaking the boy up, Hoseok behind him, still completely frozen from the shock.

The youngest growled, opening his eye that wasn't completely closed by the bloating.

"Yoongi-hyung?" He whispered softly, looking at him with glassy eyes.

"It's okay baby." Yoongi said, stroking Taehyung's hair. "You're safe now, we'll take care of you. We just need you to stay awake okay."

Taehyung looked at him, eyes unfocused as if he was drunk. The sight honestly scared him.

" baby." He managed to word out, words slow and almost silent.

Yoongi chuckled, ruffling his hair.

"Come Tae, let's get you into some comfortable clothes, then we'll clean you up yeah?"

Taehyung had a small pause of simply looking in front of him vaguely head tilting from side to side slowly, before he turned back to the trio and nodded slowly.

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