Trente six

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Jungkook was pretty much fuming as he stomped up the stairs to his house to slam the door open, kicking his shoes off and throwing his bag on the floor next to them.

His furrowed eyebrows twitched when he noticed an unfamiliar pair of shoes next to his mother's.

If his mood had been rotten before, this sudden stranger's visit was certainly not helping. The smell of lamb skewers though, did.

So he took a deep breath, taking in the delicious sent of his mother's cooking and stepping deeper into the house to the kitchen.

He could hear voices, his mother's and one of a man he didn't recognise.

The scene was completely unfamiliar to him, seeing his mother with her newly purple died hair, laughing off with a man.

A clear of his throat cut the adults off, both of them turning to the doorframe where the teenager stood, eyes throwing knives at them.

"Hey Kooks." His mother said with a large smile. "This is Jaegyun, he'll be eating with us tonight."

The door slammed, making her flinch with a brief raise of her shoulders. She sighed, and they slumped back down.

The said Jaehyun looked at her worriedly, guilt flashing in his eyes. The sound of Jungkook storming up the stairs resonating in the house with the sizzling of the stove.

"I'm sorry, Sang-ah." He said as he placed an hand on her shoulder. "Maybe it was too early for him."

She shook her head, looking up to him with a smile.

"I'll go talk to him, you keep the food eatable."

He rolled his eyes, placing a short kiss on her lips before turning back to the stove.

Upstairs, Jungkook had just thrown his body onto his bed, face first in his pillow to scream out the agony of his life.

First he found out his boyfriend got beat up, then he stumbles upon his bitch ass mother, and now he had to put up with his own mother bringing home a man.

"Kookie?" The woman called out softly as the bed dipped near his hip.

"Don't call me that." He hissed, voice muffled by his pillow.

"Is the nickname reserved to Taehyung?" She asked with a chuckle.

Jungkook stayed silent, not wanting to burst out all his frustration on her, instead he wanted to eat some lamb skewers and hang out with Hoseok and Jimin to clear his mind.

"He's important to you isn't he?" Sangmin murmured, her eyes going to a Polaroid photo of the an unsuspecting Taehyung writing in his notebook that stood on her son's desk.

Jungkook only grumbled as a sign of approval.

"Well, I respect that." She smiled. "Wouldn't it be fare that in return, you respect that Jaehyun is important to me too?"


"Dinner's ready!" Seokjin yelled as he placed the pot of bibimbap on the table, the slow patter of Taehyung's bare feet on the wooden floorings resonating in the apartment.

The two sat across from each other at the table, Seokjin serving him food with a calm smile on his face.

"Thank you, hyung." Taehyung uttered, looking down st his now full plate.

"Of course." The other answered, digging into his own food. "Your eye isn't swollen anymore, that's good."

Taehyung nodded, grading his still bruised eye with the very tip of his fingers. Good thing the ice had helped the swelling and he could now fully open his eyes again.

"I'll let you live here with me, but I have two conditions." Seokjin said, his smile never leaving his thick lips.

Taehyung looked into his dark eyes, nodding.

"The first, you have to tell me all the tea on Kooks." He said, smile dropping as he raised one digit of his hand to further weight his point. "And the second, you have to set me up with your cute friend." He raised a second digit.

Taehyung chocked I the food, coughing repeatedly and drinking water hastily.

"Namjoon-hyung?" He asked with wide eyes, to which Seokjin nodded.

And with that, loud laughter was heard through the room, Taehyung's large boxy smile blinding Seokjin completely.

The boy really had the cutest of smiles, it made him think of Jungkook.

"You like him?" He managed to choke out between giggles.

"Let's say i'm interested." Seokjin rectified, but the thin blush on his cheeks said otherwise.

And another it of laughter rippled through Taehyung's core, not being able to control it.

"Namjoon-hyung..." he struggled. "Namjoon-hyung has a crush on you hyung." He smiled.

Seokjin's eyes widened.

"Seriously?!" He asked, slamming his chopsticks on the wooden table.

"Yes." Taehyung wiped a tear from his eye. "Oh my god he's so obvious I don't know how you didn't notice."

Seokjin choked out a quick shut up, before the two continued their meal rather silently, then cleaning up the dishes together and settling down on the couch with some strawberries.

"So the tea about Jungkook." Seokjin said with a small smirk. "Who tops?"

"He does." Taehyung deadpanned , surprising Seokjin with his straightforwardness and honesty.

"Surprising." He said as he sipped his actual tea. "I didn't label you as a bottom."

"I think I'm more of a switch."

"Oh? Does he know that?"

Taehyung's shrugged.

"Not really, it hasn't come up to a conversation before. Besides, I think Jungkook is too full of himself to bottom."

Seokjin looked up from his tea cup to meet the other's face, who was absentmindedly playing a game in his phone.

"Please elaborate."

"I can see Jungkook is still adjusting to the whole gay scene. Like he gets uncomfortable really fast when his masculinity is on the line. I think that to actually enjoy sex as a bottom, you have to et rid of the conservative values of what makes a real man and just enjoy the ride."
His voice was back to a monotone and deep tone, contrasting with his light and airy one from when he was laughing.

"Yeah, I see what you mean." Seokjin sighed. "I've known the kid for a long time and he's always been obsessed with being a real man. That's why he picked up taekwando and soccer in the first place, 'to toughen up'. I think that has to do with the fact he grew up without a father. I think he's trying to be the 'man' his mother is missing."

Taehyung stayed silent, concentrating on the game that was damaging lights on his phone.

"You know, I was a little worried for him when he started hooking up with all those random girls." Seokjin admitted. "I thought he'd loose himself in this macho persona, but you brought him out of that, thank you."

Taehyung shook his head.

"I didn't do anything. Jungkook is the one who changed himself." And with those words, he smiled proudly.

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