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"Bye Kooks!" Hoseok yelled as the boy left the locker room to join his boyfriend back in the art class.

Hoseok finished packing his soccer shoes back into his large bag and wiped his sweat with a small towel, drinking some water as well.

He then slipped into his indoor shoes, slinging his bag and Jimin's on his shoulders and heading out, saying goodbye to the few players still in the room.

Hoseok would have wanted to run, but his body was full of muscle pain from practice, so he resulted to dragging himself to the underpart, that was two floors and countless hallways appart from him.

Once the room was finally in sight, he let out a loud sigh, pushing the door open.

«Hey Mrs Song. » he greeted somewhat informally. Being in both the dance and the soccer club, the nurse had seen him a few times  for various injuries.

"Hello Hoseok." She greeted sigh a large smile. "Could it be you've injured yourself as well?"

Hoseok shook his head with a small smile.

"No, I'm here to see Jimin."

As he finished his words, a small head of black hair popped from behind the curtain that separated the main room from the beds.

A large smile came to Hoseok's lips as he recognised a familiar smile.

"Hey Jiminie!" He grinned. "How's that wrist going?"

Jimin waited for Hoseok to come standing in front of him, showing him his small injury.

They had put ice on it, and now he simply sported a thin bandage that restricted his movements slightly.

"Better." Jimin said softly, smiling to reassure his boyfriend he was fine. "I was waiting for you to come rescue me."

Hoseok chuckled, bending down to place a short kiss on Jimin's plump lips, sliding a hand to the back of his neck as he knew Jimin loved. The younger smiled through the kiss before both of them pulled appart.

"Here I am, princess." He said, their forehead still touching.

Jimin giggled slightly, pecking Hoseok's lips before standing up, taking the other's hand in his own and pulling him towards the door.

"Bye Mrs Song!" He called out to the nurse who  waved at the pair with a small smile.

The two walked hand in hand in the hallway, Hoseok carrying their four bags (both their school and soccer bags), not complaining at all.

Once their outer shoes were on, and they were in front of the school gate, Hoseok leaned towards Jimin.

"Want to drop by to my house?" He asked, squeezing his hand gently.

Jimin looked up to him with his beautiful doe eyes, nodding with his beautiful eye smile.

Hoseok's inside churned at the sight, still not over the fact Jimin looked so good.

They had started dating in first year, both of them were already in the clubs they were still in a year later, Jimin had first caught Hoseok's eye in their dance class.

For some reason, Jimin had been very reserved for their first few months of knowing each other, resulting in the other openly knowing him as the quiet prodigy goal keeper.
But when asked to present a small improvisation to the class, and Jimin had just owned the song to the point it had Hoseok feeling tight in his pants.

Since then, he's just started falling deeper and deeper in love with him, admiring his talent from a far and trying to slowly get closer to him.

Until one day...

"I like you." Hoseok said, looking deeply into Jimin's surprised eyes.

"Eh?" Jimin uttered, his mouth hanging open.

"I like you." Hoseok repeated, not seeming embarrassed at all despite his inner panic.

"You do?" The younger asked, still as surprised.

"Yes?" Hoseok was starting to feel fitgety, wanting this to just be over.

"I-i-... okay, wow." Jimin turned away, running a hand through his hair and trying to contain a squeal. "I like you too." He managed to squeak.

A large smile bloomed on Hoseok's gloomy face.

"Would you like to go out with me?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck.

Jimin's cheeks flushed red, looking away from his gaze and running a hand through his hair again, trying to hide his smile.

"Sure, Hoseok-hyung."

And now, a year later, Hoseok was walking to his house with his beautiful boyfriend, holding his beautiful hand.

He pushed the door open, inviting Jimin in and handing him some indoor slippers.

Before the younger could take them, a short  girl came running to him, engulfing him into a hug.

"Jimin-ah!" She yelled, wrapping her legs around his waist.

"Yah! Noona get your filthy hands off him he's injured!" Hoseok yelled from behind them.

"Oh no!" She yelled, just as loud. "What happened baby?" She asked, culling his chubby cheeks into her thin hands.

"What is going in here?! Can you all stop yelling!" A loud high pitched voice came from the kitchen before a middle aged woman entered their sight.

"Oh, hello Jimin-ah."

"Good evening Mrs Jung." Jimin sighed, somehow all the Jungs seemed to yell and scream just as loud as one another, making the household the most lively he'd ever been to.


hey everyone!

I'm sorry but I don't think I'll  able to update this daily anymore because I'm on vacation.

I will do my best to update as much as possible though!

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