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"I'm nervous." Jungkook said as the three stood in front of the hair salon.

"Why?" Taehyung asked, pushing his glasses further up his nose, a very cute gesture Jungkook was still not used to.

"He always is when we go to the hair salon. When he was a kid he even cried." Sangmin sighed, running a hand through her shoulder length hair.

"Mom!" Jungkook piped, Taehyung chuckling behind them, before taking a step towards the salon.

"Come on, we'll be late for the appointment." He said, grabbing Jungkook's hand and pulling him inside under the caring gaze of Sangmin.

Once all three of them were situated at a station with stylist at their side was when Jungkook really started to panic. He absolutely hated hair salons because they always cut too much hair and the sound of the scissors snapping and the sight of his strands falling on the tiled floors was just terrifying to him.

"Can i, get an undercut, and a very. small. trim. Please." he said, as stiff as a rock.

His hair stylist, who was a short woman with red hair pulled into a messy bun smiled and nodded, lowering his seat to be able to reach his head comfortably.

"You seem very stiff." She said with a soft smile. "Don't worry i'll take care of you well."

Jungkook cleared his throat, nodding as she towel dried his damp hair.

He looked at his reflexion as she pinned his hair and got out a shaver, changing the guard and plugging it, then hearing the horrifying buzzing sound.

He scooped his phone out of his pocket, nervously typing out a text.

She pulled out the shaver, i swear i'll end up bald.

why are you texting me, i'm literally on the other side of the room.

So what, you want me to yell out to you??

good point
So what's the problem?

can't you hear it? she's shaving my head!!

That's the point of an undercut you dumbass

baby i need mental support, please work with me here

ew don't call me baby

ok ouch

don't take it personally, i just hate the nickname.

how're things on your side?

pretty chill, but she's been snipping my hair for a while now and i can't stand the small talk.

you'll have to keep texting me then, baby ;)
how dare you leave me on read

"There, you're done." The hairstylist said after letting the flat iron trough Jungkook's hair one last time.

The teen looked up from his phone to his reflexion in the mirror, inspecting his face from different point of views, feeling weird at how light his head felt and running his head through the shave on the back of his head.

"This looks good." he nodded, then turning to the red haired stylist. "thank you."

She nodded, then walking away and leaving Jungkook to stand up and stretch after his haircut, checking himself out in the mirror one last time.

He turned around, just in time for Taehyung to stand up from his own seat.

The older already looked so damn sexier from the back, with his short hair finally revealing his nape instead of uneven strands falling randomly done his neck, Taehyung turned around, gaze quickly catching Jungkook's, who stopped breathing at the sight.

Not only did Taehyung look hot with glasses, now he had shorter hair that framed his face perfectly and on top of all that he was wearing Jungkook's sweater from the football team, with his name and number plastered on his back, and his full name and the year over the heart.

"You look hot." Jungkook blurted out, unaware of the red haired stylist who turned to him with wide eyes before squealing silently.

Taehyun's eyes widened, his glasses falling down his nose slightly.

"Thank you." He mumbled, looking away with slightly red cheeks. "You too." he whispered through his teeth, but Jungkook still heard, and it made him smile wide.

"aww babe." he said lowly, wrapping an arm around Taehyung's shoulder and ruffling his newly cut hair.

"Kooks!" His mother called from her seat, her hair completely covered in foil. "I'm still trapped here for another few a hours, but why don't you guys go on a city date?" she smiled.

Jungkook nodded with a smile, and dragged Taehyung out of the salon with his hand still on Taehyung's shoulder.

"I feel naked." taehyung said as they walked down the street. "My hair hasn't been this short in years."

Jungkook giggled, his hand dropping from Taehyung's shoulder down his back and grazing his ass on the way back to his own side, making the older look at him with an aggravated look to which he simply grinned innocently.

Taehyung pulled the hoodie of the blue sweater over his hair, though Jungkook didn't mind because it only made the yellow print "JEON O1" stand out even more.

"Let's go get smoothies." Jungkook said, turning the street with Taehyung next to him.

"You're such a basic white girl." Taehyung teased.

"Hey i didn't ask for a pumpkin spice latte." he replied, hitting his boyfriend playfully.

Taehyung snorted, Jungkook giggling as they walked into the line.

"What are you taking?" The younger asked.

"Strawberry squeeze, you?"

"Pineapple madness."

"Good choice." Taehyung nodded.

"You've been here before?" Jungkook asked.

"Of course, with Namjoon."

The younger nodded, taking a step closer to the register and ordering when it was finally their turn, then waiting for their order to finally be made.

They took their smoothies and headed to the large square in the middle of the town, going under the shade of the trees to sit on a the step of a small staircase that lead down the square and sipping on their smoothies.

"Isn't this out first date?" Jungkook asked as he looked at Taehyung, who still had the hood over his head, though his bangs were visible, stopping just before his beautiful eyes.

"I guess." Taehyun shrugged enjoying his red drink.

Jungkook couldn't help but stare at him fondly, especially his lips when he parted from the straw and licked them shortly, pouting them slightly. The gesture was utterly adorable, and Jungkook couldn't help but snap a picture of the unsuspecting Taehyung.

"Can i taste yours." he asked, handing Taehyung his own drink. He nodded, taking the drink and handing Jungkook his.

The older took a sip, before closing his eyes tightly and raising his shoulder slightly, rubbing his lips.

"It's so sour." He said as Jungkook commented on Taehyung's being too sweet.

"Oh? Jungkookie!" Yelled a voice behind them, the person jumping on Taehyung and wrapping an arm around his shoulder, making the poor boy jolt out of his shoes.

He turned to the side to be faced with a smiling Jimin, though his smile dropped as soon as they're eyes met.

"You are not Jungkook, i am so sorry." He said awkwardly, taking a step back and standing in front of the couple, Jungkook laughing his ass off at his friend. "I thought you were Jungkook because of the sweater a-and, the actual Jungkook had an undercut so i thought he w-" Jimin's ramble was cut with Taehyung pulling the hood off his head and smiling a boxy smile.

"It's fine, Jimin." he said.

Jimin's eyes widened, looking at Taehyung in surprise, finally recognising him, before his cheeks flushed a bright red colour.

"Holy shit." He mumbled. "Taehyung. You look... really good" He breathed out, as if in a daze, earning a smack from Seokjin who finally caught up to him.

"Hoseok will get jealous." he warned. "so will Jungkook."

The younger wrapped an arm around his boyfriend's shoulders, pulling him closer to his body, a small smile gracing his lips.

"Oh no, please keep complimenting my boyfriend; "He smiled, Taehyung and the other two rolling their eyes.

"I swear he doesn't go one second without reminding us you're his boyfriend." Seokjin sighed. "But Taehyung this new haircut really does suit you, so do the glasses."

"You should model." The eldest then added. "And Jungkook likes photography, he even has a photography account with over a thousand followers, right Kooks."

Jungkook nodded proudly and Taehyung grinned, looking even more ethereal from the sunlight being filtered by the green leaves of the tree they stood under.

"Thank you."

Jimin looked away, a hand over his mouth and slapping Seokjin for no apparent reason.

"Sorry hyung, but he's just way too cute and hot i can't."

"yeah well he's mine." Jungkook smiled, sticking his tongue out.

"I feel objectified." Taehyung said, looking at his boyfriend accusingly.

"'m sorry babe;" Jungkook smiled, placing a short kiss on Taehyung's head, making Seokjin and Jimin cooe at their cuteness.


thanks for 8k reads!!

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