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"Optimus," Arcee called, her spark dropping a little when she saw the Prime striding over to the Aston Martin. He had found out.

"Knockout has a hostage."

"Understood," the Prime responded, picking up the car with ease. Knockout shouted as his door was ripped off, and Optimus reached inside for the human teen, releasing him from his restraints and pulling him out gently. Knockout became impatient, and, being held wasn't exactly the best feeling in the first place. He transformed and looked over his arm where his door was supposed to be, gasping over-dramatically.

"Do you know how hard that is to replace?" he shouted. Optimus paid him no mind, staring at the young male, and Knockout soon drove off when the others caught up to avoid another skirmish.

"Optimus...this was my fault," Jack said through Bee's open window. Optimus looked up at the teen, before looking at the rest of his team.

"We must get this boy to safety. Explanations can come later...from all of you."

It was then that the redhead began to stir in Optimus' servo, groaning slightly and groggily opening his eyes. "What...?"

This was one of those rare moments where Optimus had no idea what to do, and he just stood there holding the teen awkwardly, looking over at Jack, who gave him a slightly horrified and a "what now?" look. Vince yelped in surprise when he was staring at the face of a large mechanical being and tried escaping his grasp. Optimus had to hold him tighter to keep him from falling and splatting on the asphalt, but Vince didn't know that and thought he was trying to hurt him.

"Put me down!" he shrieked. Optimus complied, setting him on the ground but keeping a now loose hold on him. The boy looked noticeably at ease and Optimus wondered if he had a fear of heights. Unbeknownst to anyone else but Ratchet, he shared that same fear. It wasn't that bad as it had been previously, but he became uneasy every now and then. Vince was currently trying to get out of Optimus' grip. Jack opened Bee's door and ran over without entirely thinking.

"Vince!" he cried, running up next to him. "Vince, it's okay!"

"Darby?" Vince cried, staring at him in astonishment before it quickly turned to anger. "If this is some sort of joke-"

"It's not, I swear," Jack replied. "Optimus will explain everything."

"Who the heck is-"

"You're in his servo."

Vince looked up at his captor skeptically, looking into his electric blue optics for any sign of aggression. Optimus' grip on him loosened even more, and Vince relaxed.

"I ask that you do not run, our presence here must be explained to you," Optimus said gently, and Vince hesitated, but nodded. Optimus released him fully, but remained kneeling on the floor to not intimidate him.

"My name is Optimus Prime. We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron, also known as Autobots. I lead a small team of four, here to protect your planet from our enemies, the Decepticons."

"One of the 'cons grabbed you tonight, thinking you were with us," Jack explained. "Because of that..." he trailed off, looking up at Optimus, who only nodded. He sighed quietly.

"You need to be under the Autobots' supervision. The 'cons could try and take you again."

"Nuh-uh Darby. You are not dragging me into this," Vince stated, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You kind of dragged yourself in once you insulted Arcee."

"You named your motorcycle?"

"I named myself, thank you very much," Arcee grumbled behind him. All color drained from Vince's face.

"I feel bad for the Autobot who becomes your guardian," Jack muttered. Vince turned sharply in Jack's direction.

"I don't need some robot babysitter!" he snapped. Jack didn't seem too fazed.

"Autobot. They don't exactly like to be referred to as robots, and I would show them a little more respect after the lengths they went to keep you from Starscream's claws!"

Vince glared, before roughly shoving past Jack, who stumbled back a little but said nothing, just glaring back.

"Whatever. I'm going to go find my car. You gonna help me or not?" Vince asked, glancing over his shoulder angrily as he walked away. Jack looked up at Optimus, who was looking at Vince with an unreadable expression. He eventually looked down at Jack and nodded. The boy sighed and speed walked after him. Bee drove up to the two, warbling quietly. Jack at least understood that meant "get in".

"No thanks," Vince grumbled. "I am not riding in some car that can turn into a robot."

"Do you want your car back?" Jack asked in exasperation. Vince stopped walking. "You don't even know where to go. Here's a hint, you're going in the wrong direction."

He had a point. He couldn't lose his car, that would not go over well with his father.

"Shut up Darby, and just take me to my car."

"You're welcome," Jack replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes. Bee opened both doors for them, Vince uneasily sliding into the passenger seat as Jack got into the driver's side like it was nothing. Bee sped off once they were both situated, letting Vince put on his seat belt so he wouldn't feel captured again.

"Vince, here's the deal. It's past midnight, there is no way we're taking you to the base this late. But tomorrow, first thing after school, you're coming with us."

Oh, no. Not right after school.

"...Fine," he muttered. Jack nodded, and the car was left in an uneasy silence.

"...Darby?" Vince asked after a few minutes. Jack glanced at him.

"Could...you put your hands on the steering wheel?"

Jack blinked in surprise, but complied, and Vince relaxed again.

"Thanks," he mumbled. A few minutes of more silence later, they pulled up to Vince's car, or the road over the bridge where his car was. Vince opened the door and got out.

"Vince," Jack called, and Vince lowered his head to look at him through the open window.

"One more thing. You can't tell anyone."

"Don't worry Darby. Nobody would believe me."

Jack sped away, leaving Vince alone with his thoughts.


Vince pulled into the driveway to his house as quietly as possible, parking and shutting off the car before getting out and gently closing the door. He sighed and opened the front door as quietly as possible, cringing when it squeaked loudly. He shut the door and swiftly walked towards his room, but stopped and cringed when he felt a hand grip his shoulder.

"It's past midnight." A deep voice growled.


Officially the first chapter!

So I improved some things and I feel better about writing Vince's character now. Hopefully you guys agree but if you don't that's okay too haha.

Thanks for reading, hope you liked. :>

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