The Reasons

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I looked around. I was in a hospital. I stood in front of a door. I pushed it open and walked alone. The ghost stood in there.

"Anything we do here has no effect on them, for this is merely a memory. It is not my memory, but it is still a memory," he said.

My mother sat in the hospital bed, holding a baby. My dad looked at the baby fondly. I gasped.

That is me, I thought.

A bristly woman strode through the door. She picked up the baby. My mom wore a horrified expression.

The woman tapped her hand to the child's- er, my- head.

"This child. She has great skills. I will not reveal them at this time. But trust me. Great power. She can either save the world or destroy it, take it over. The only one who can choose is her. You must not tell her this. The prospect will haunt her forever if she knew," the creepy lady said.

She placed me back on my mom's lap. The world began to spin, and Daniel and I were back in the corridor.

"I wasn't supposed to show you that. I, however, am your friend. I am not in alliance with my son and grandson. Good day, Zoe," he said to me.

The doors opened. I walked out and ran down to my dormitory. I was out of breath by the time I finished telling Marcia what happened.

After a long silence, she said, "Whoa. What kind of powers?"

I shrugged. We went down and got the same reaction from everyone else.

Afterwards, we went to the library and finished all our homework.

Author's Note:
What do you think the powers are? Don't forget to comment and vote, and I will follow you back!

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