Tournement Game

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I changed into my carpet robes. I was really excited. Today was the Carpet Games! I grabbed my wand and stuffed it in my pocket, and sat on my carpet. I flew down the corridors, laughing. Today was going to be fun!

"Hey, Zoe, wait up!" Marcia called behind me.

"No way!" I laughed.

I sped up.

"Catch me if you can!" I shouted.

By the time I got down to the field, there were five minutes until the first event would begin: A big race. I prepared by speeding across the field at top speed. When I got to the other side, I looked over. Everyone was going over to a large racetrack. I landed at a marker that said "Perks" on it and waited.

The whistle blew, and we all rose in to the air. I accelerated and sped down the track. I looked to my right. Bardus.

"Bye-bye!" I called over the noise of thw crowd below.

With that, I shot away like a bullet, gaining speed with every second. My long hair trailed in the wind behind me. I crossed the finish line first. I broke the ribbon.

"And...the blue team wins the first event!" Marcia, who was doing the commentary, called out to the crowd.

She smiled over at me. I smiled back.

I realized that my hair would get in the way. I looked around for a ponytai holder, but couldn't find one. I sighed. I pictured my hair, pulled back in a tight braid down my back. I felt my hair transform into a long braid. I felt it. Perfect. I landed my carpet and waited for the next event. Marcia began to talk.

"The next event is a big carpet game! Whichever team has the most items wins! Because there are so many items this time around, players will have a box attatched to their carpets!"

An attendant came to my carpet and magically put a box on my carpet. They assured me it would come off afyer the game. A whistle blew, and we all rose and began searching.

I flew into a cave. Three golden cups were hidden there. I tossed them into my box. I flew out and went towards another one. This one was empty. I flew out and cursed. Bardus was taking the three cups from my box. I flew as fast as I could and ducked as I powered into a cave. This one had seven cups. I dropped them in and flew out.

After I got all of the cups that I could, small snowflakes began to fall. I sighed and put my cups in a pile with the rest of the team's cups and gold. They tallied up the scores.

"And the Blue team wins...Again!" Marcia called.

After everyone congratulated us, we went up to the living room. There was a big party. I looked out the window and gasped. Bardus and his dad were walking over to a small house inside the forest.

"Come on!" I whispered to Marcia.

We grabbed my carpet and followed them. We hovered above the hut. Eventually, we landed softly on the roof.

"The potion is almost ready," I heard Bardus say.

"Perfect," his father said.

Eventually, we got bored and went back to the party.

Author's Note:
What kind of potion? Don't forget to comment and vote, and I will follow you back!

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