Chatterbox Part 4

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(No this does not mean this is the end. Listening to this song helped motivate me to finish up this chapter)


I have finally managed to complete this chapter!

Been slowly progressing throughout the game and learning more and more of the Lore of Nikke. And it's getting interesting, confusing, and a little bit hard to put in.


Well, it seems there is more to having Rh X blood than expected. Considering as far as I'm aware at the moment, only the Legendary Commander, Andersen and us/The Protagonist in the game possesses this unique blood.

Speaking of which, I wonder if Andersen has a connection to the Legendary Commander. I honestly think he does after doing the Red Hood even and noticing the similarities between them. Namely appearance and voice.

It would explain Andersen. But I'm not sure if he's his descendant, clone, or the Legendary Commander himself. Though I'm not all too sure how the last one works out due to the timeline. It's been decades since the First Rapture Invasion and if the Legendary Commander was still alive, he'd be old as hell.

Unless they put him in some sort of cryogenic machine, and he later changed his appearance.

And on another note.

I thought Syuen was bad because of her attitude and arrogance.

But then I met Doban and suddenly Syuen wasn't all that bad.

Doban was a jackass who used the Rapture invading the Ark to try to wipe out the Outer Rim because he hated them and was willing to kill them instead of help defending the Ark.

Even tried to kill Elysion Harper, leader of Heavenly Ascension when she tried to negotiate for peace. At least E.H. realized who the true enemy was. Doban just didn't care and just wanted to kill them all.

Syuen is a bitch, no doubt about it. But she's no longer on my hate list. More like my annoyance list.

But Doban. Doban is a monster and an asshole to the highest degree. With Crow (to me at least) being second.

Anyone who's gotten that far probably knows why I'm angry at him.


Don't own the art unless stated. Art belongs to their respective creators.


(M/N) knew it was only a matter of time before they got wind of him using the power of the AllSpark.

It was just a matter of time on who would make the first contact.

The yellow Robot in Disguise that had been helping him seemed content with simply following (and helping) him for the time being. This told him that the Camero was on his side.

Though he already knew that since he senses the Transformers intentions.

Unlike the one who had him trapped.

This one reeked of malice and destruction.

"Are you username ladiesman217!?"

...Hold on, what?


(M/N) could not help but give Barricade a look that said, 'you could not be serious.'

"Are you username ladiesman217!?"

The Decepticon asked again, with more aggression in his tone.

"Who the fuc-?"

Where is the artifact!?" Barricade interrupted the now irate male. "Where is eBay item 21153!?"


"The fuck are you talking about?!"

(M/N) yelled in frustration!

"eBay hasn't existed for DECADES now!!"


The Decepticon shouted in shock.

"Where is the item!?"

"How should I know?!"

(M/N) snarled.

"Like Facebook, YouTube, Twatter-I mean Twitter, eBay has been dead for years!"

"We have ArkBay now!"

"...Say what now?"

Barricade had to stop and give him a look that said 'Bitch say what now?'

"Don't ask." (M/N) shrugged. "Since we were dropped down below after the First Rapture Invasion, things have changed. We have ArkTube, ArkBook, ArkFitness, and several others though Twitter is nonexistent in the Ark. Something about mindless sheep's not fitting into the Ark ideal."







"Fine." Barricade growled. "If that eBay does not exist, I'll go for the next best thing."


"What are you-?!"


Barricade slammed his fists to the ground causing a massive shockwave to occur.

"GAH!" "What the!?" "Commander!" "Watch your step!"

The Nikkes shouted as they tried to keep their balance.

"Then I shall just take you and that woman!"

He said as he pointed to Marian.


"Why would-!?"

"Don't try to play me for a fool!"

Barricade roared.

"I can sense it." He snarled. "The AllSpark energy is radiating from you! You must have had come in close contact with it somehow!"


'Not good!' (M/N) thought to himself. 'I should have realized that the Transformers would be able to sense its power. After all, it is what gave them life!'

"And that cyborg." He pointed to a startled Marian. "My scans indicate Cybertronian features...features that only the AllSpark can give!"


'AllSpark?' Anis thought to herself. 'Is that the Commander power?'

'Is this AllSpark thing the reason why Marian was saved from the Corruption? Even when it should be impossible at that stage unless we wiped out their memories?'


Rapi said nothing, but frowned at what they were hearing.

Their Commander and this...thing was connected somehow.

'And judging by the look on the Commander face.' She thought to herself as she readied her weapon. 'He knows what this thing is talking about.'

"What are they talking about?"

Neon asked.



Neither Rapi or Anis said anything.


Neon whined, trying to get their attention.

"What are they-?"

"Not the time."

Marian shook her head, while interested in what they were talking about. It was obvious that this new player wasn't a friend with how hostile it (or he, now that she thought about it, the monster sounded male) was.

"I will not allow the Autobots to win!"

Barricade shouted as he tried to grab (M/N).


Only for (M/N) to quickly make a run for it as he narrowly avoided the Decepticon capture attempt. His leg fully recovered.

"WHY YOU!" Barricade roared. "Stay still fleshing!"


(M/N) retorted as he quickly enhanced his speed and agility and dodged all of Barricade attempts to catch him. Bouncing all over the place as he avoided Barricade attempts at capturing him.


(M/N) then launched several missiles straight at the Decepticon.




Barricade roared in anger, and slight pain, as he stumbled from the attack. While not as effective against his armor, it still managed to stun him a bit.


Rapi shouted as (M/N) landed in front of them.


"We're out of our league!" (M/N) shouted. "We wasted too much time and energy on Chatterbox that we don't have enough ammo to blast this tin can back to space!"

"But can't you blast him to bits like you did with the Blacksmith!?"

Anis shouted at him in confusion.

"Do I look like a miracle worker!?"

(M/N) shot back.


Marian, Anis, Rapi, Neon and even Yuni and Mihara (who didn't know him that well) all said in unison.


(M/N) shouted at him.



Barricade brought them back to reality as he menacingly stomped towards them.

"Don't leave yet, the party just began!"

With that said, he started blasting them.

"SHIT! Dodge!"

(M/N) yelled as they quickly evaded being hit.


Sounds of gunfire and lasers streaked all over the battlefield as the Nikkes and (M/N) squared off against the powerful adversary.

-In another location-


'What on Earth is that thing?!'

A lone figure thought to herself.

'That's no Rapture!' She mentally yelled. 'Especially with how it took down Chatterbox with no effort!!'

The lone Nikke had been hunting down Chatterbox for a while now. And just when she had finally caught up to him, a Nikke squad from the Ark was fighting him! Not only that, but they were able to hold him off quite well!

Throughout the battle, she was able to hear them talking. And she learned some rather valuable information.

Namely about the Nikke known as Marian.

"The Impossible Miracle..."

The Nikke muttered to herself.

"She...purged the Corruption?"


THAT was the multibillion-dollar question.

Never had she (or her comrades or Eden) have heard of ANYBODY having the cure for healing a Nikke mind of Corruption.

The only thing that she and her comrades knew that worked as a cure was Vapaus!! And even that had risks!

So, the fact that there is a cure...

"How have we not heard of this?!"

She loudly muttered to herself.

"How long has the Ark possess the cure?!"

She questioned in shock.

She could not understand what was going on.


A crackling sound caught her attention.


Before a massive shockwave knocked her off her feet.


The white-haired girl shouted as she slowly got up. Groaning as her backside hurt from hitting the ground hard.

"...And then there is that commander."

She muttered to herself.

What is he?

She's never seen a Commander (that wasn't like a certain someone back in Eden) be able to fight against a Tyrant class Rapture like Chatterbox.

Hell! A human fighting against even a normal class Rapture was practically suicide!

And yet, here was this Commander possessing strange weapons and actually wounding him greatly!

"And here I thought I was going to be able to make a cool entrance by saving them from Chatterbox."

The Nikke had a tone of fake hurt at the loss of making a classy entrance.

"Oh, great. I'm starting to sound like Red Hood."

She muttered to herself before she focused.

"He's not normal."

Was all she could say.

"No human could recover from a fall like that with a broken leg." She said to herself. She had to hold back a wince when she heard that sickening crack. "It would take several weeks for that to fully heal, and he recovered in a short amount of time."

"Not to mention, the weapons he possesses."

That was another thing. The gun-like weapon he had blasted quite the hole to the Rapture side. Greatly wounding the Rapture with just one shot.

"Not even our weapons are capable of causing that much damage in one blow."

Which begs the question.

Does the Ark have a part in this? Do they have more in stock?

"We need to figure out a way to get into the Ark without causing a commotion."

The Nikke frowned.

With that kind of power, reclaiming the surface would be much easier!

...Well, it would have previously. But now...

"What is he?"

She asked herself again as she stared at the colossal being that had thrown Chatterbox far away from the battlefield and was now wreaking havoc. Intent on capturing the commander and the Impossible Miracle girl.

While she was confused on what the strange mechanical being was talking about (what the hell is an Aluminum Sparkle?). She knew one thing.

He was no friend to any of them. He was a threat.

And she knew how to deal with threats.

Loading her weapon, she waited for an opportunity.

Only for something to unexpectedly happen.

-Back on the battlefield-



(M/N) shouted as he threw new weapons at the Nikkes, besides Marian.

"Commander! What is this?"

Rapi looked at the weapon in her hands. Noting that it looked similar to her Assault Rifle: Militaria, only much more advanced.

"You're going to need an upgrade to deal with threats like him." (M/N) answered. "With the exception of Marian, Your peashooters won't be able to cause much damage to him."


Anis and Neon yelled.

"Why don't you come and say that to my face, Commander!"

Anis yelled at him.

"As much as I would LOVE to get in your face, Anis. We still have him to deal with."

Right on cue, Barricade roared as he slammed his fist to the ground. Causing them to stumble a bit.


Some of them shouted, as Marian gritted her teeth.

"Over here!"

She shouted as she started blasting her cybertron like machine gun.

(I was looking around and I saw this weapon called X18 Scrapmaker. What do you think? Should I have her use that as her Cybertron weapon?)



Barricade roared as he stumbled back.

Smoke sizzling from the areas that he was hit as his systems activated his healing process.

'If I had any doubts, their gone now.'

The Decepticon thought to himself. That was most definitely a Transformers weapon!



The Decepticon roared as he was pushed back even further. Courtesy of (M/N) giving the other Nikkes a temporary upgrade.


"Hah HAH!" Neon started laughing maniacally as she just started shooting. "Taste the power of FIREPOWER mothafucka!!"

'Since when did Neon curse!?'

(M/N) and the Counter Squad thought to themselves.


Barricade screamed in pain as he suddenly felt a new kind of pain hitting him.


"Link completed..."

Mihara coughed as Yuni got up.

"Let's teach him a lesson!"

With that, Mihara and Yuni did their little dance of pain infliction onto the Decepticon who roared from the new pain he was feeling.

"What is this?!"

The Transformer roared as he stumbled a bit.

"...I can't believe that worked."

(M/N) admitted.

It didn't affect him, so why was it affecting Barricade?

'Is it my power that made me immune?' (M/N) thought to himself. 'Because I thought it was because I'm part Transformers that made it impossible for Mihara ability to work on me.'

How strange.


Barricade roared as he found the anomaly and severed the link between him and the Nikke.


Mihara shouted as she fell back to the ground. The backlash of the connection severing so quickly knocking her back.


Yuni shouted as she glared angrily at the Decepticon.

"You bastard!" She shouted as she aimed her weapon at him. "You'll pay for hurting Mihara!!"



Barricade shouted as even he could not stand against multiple attacks. It would have been a different story if they were just using their primitive weapons. But with that fleshing strange ability to make Cybertronian weapons, he was finding himself on the defense now!

'He has to have a connection to the AllSpark!' Barricade thought furiously to himself. 'There's no other explanation for being able to craft Cybertronian weapons!'




Barricade shouted as his left foot slightly stumbled, causing him to look to the ground.

...To see (M/N) glaring at him with the Star Saber sword in hand. Getting into a position, he struck.



Barricade roared in pain as (M/N) unleashed a flurry of strikes all over the Decepticon legs. Leaving cuts all over.

"Puny insect!"

Barricade roared as he swung his mace at him. Forget about bringing him back alive, they can just dissect his body!


With insane speed, (M/N) avoided his attacks disappearing as he bounced all over the place.


Before landing on the mace itself.


And launching himself straight at Barricade face!



Barricade shouted in pain as (M/N) landed a powerful kick to his face!


And to add insult to injury, the mechanical armor attached to his lower body flared to life as Barricade got a dosage of flames to his face as (M/N) jet shoes pushed him away from the Decepticon.


The enraged Decepticon roared in anger as his face burned.



Soon the sounds of Raptures caught their attention as the mechanical monsters started charging straight at them!

The fight grabbing their attention and drawing them in.


"Inferior lifeforms!"

Barricade roared as he started blasting them away.


Anis growled as she now started blasting the Raptures away.

"Forgot all about them!"

"More targets to show the awesome might of firepower!"

Neon shouted in joy as her new weapon made short work of them.

"...Just shut up and keep shooting."

Rapi deadpanned.

"Commander, are you all right?"

Marian asked (M/N) as he landed right next to her.

"I'm still alive."

He shrugged.

"We should probably get out of here." He added. "Those Raptures aren't going to keep him distracted for long."

"I agree."

Rapi nodded as the Raptures that had tried to attack them were already gone, thanks to the Commander giving them a weapon upgrade.

"This mission has been blown to an epic scale of proportions."

"We just need to get far away from him so I can jam his sensors."

(M/N) added.

"Otherwise, he'll just keep chasing after us."

The others nodded in agreement.

"Soooo, does this mean the mission was a failure or a success?"

Yuni asked.


(M/N) said.


Yuni cheerfully said while Mihara just sweatdropped but decided that 'Yes' worked just fine. Besides, just the fact they were still alive said something.

"Let's go, now!"

(M/N) said as the group quickly tried to make their escape.



Only for a massive pile of debris to fall and block their path. Complete with destroyed Raptures as well as Barricade slowly stomped his way towards the group.

"I am furious beyond all compare!"

The Decepticon roared as his shadow towered over them.

"And now I'm going to make you pay!!"

"Aw, shit."

(M/N) deadpanned as Barricade raised his arm. Ready to turn them into pulp and scrap metal for pissing him off.


Only for a new sound to catch their attention.



Barricade was suddenly sent flying as a yellow Camero slammed right into the Decepticon chestplate!"

"What the fuck!?" "Who!?" "Oh, what now?!" "Huh?"

The Nikkes said at the unexpected arrival.

"Wait..." Marian eyes narrowed. "Isn't that, that car we saw before?"

"What's it doing here?"

Before anyone could respond.

*WHIR* *Mechanical noises*

The Camero suddenly shifting and transforming into a new figure with a new symbol as well.


"Well, well, well..."

Barricade evilly smirked as he stared at his wretched enemy.

"The little Autobot scum is here as well."


The Nikkes thought to themselves as (M/N) tensed. This was going to get ugly now that a Transformer from both factions were here.

The Cybertron civil war has once began been renew, with Earth as their battleground!


Was all the Autobot said.


"What is that supposed to mean?"

Mihara uneasily asked, scared for once.

This was beyond what they had to deal with!

"Still can't talk? Oh right, Megatron...

(keep in mind that the timeline is different, so the events of the Bumblebee film didn't happened. ...And I actually haven't watched it yet despite it being out for nearly 6 years already. Of course, I don't even know what the timeline is like in Nikkes anyways, so I don't know for certain WHEN the Raptures invaded and forced people underground.)

(Then there's the fact that even then, it's still somewhat debatable on who ripped Bumblebee voice box. I remember the transformer game based off the movie where it was said that Megatron destroyed his voice box because Bee jettison the AllSpark into space and out of the Decepticon Warlord reach)

"...damaged your voice box."

The Autobot glared.

"You're lucky that's all Megatron did to you, Bumblebee."

Barricade glared hatefully at the smaller Transformer.

"Because that's nothing compared to what I'M going to do to you!!"

Roaring, Barricade lunged at the Autobot who narrowly dodged the Decepticon.

Beeping angrily, Bumblebee slammed a fist into the Decepticon back.


Barricade roared angrily as he threw himself backwards in an attempt to knock the Autobot down. Only for Bumblebee to swiftly dodged the attack.


And blast his side in retaliation.

"GNH!" Barricade grunted as he got up. "Not bad puny Autobot. Seems you've improved somewhat."

"But the games end here!"

Yelling, he started blasting the Autobot. Forcing Bumblebee to go on the defensive. Transforming in an out of vehicle mode, dodging and sending counters back at the Decepticon. The two were at a stalemate as neither side budged an inch.

"What monsters!"

Anis shivered in terror.

"What are they?!"

Neon shouted.

"Yes." Rapi frowned. "What are they?"


She directed the question to a stoic (M/N).


Marian blinked.

"The Commander is connected to them?"

Mihara asked.

"How can that be?"

Yuni questioned.

"He's human, isn't he?"

"For the most part, yes."

Rapi frowned.

"But you have barely seen him fight." She said. "You have not seen how he fought the Tyrant: Blacksmith with a ferocity not seen in other humans. You have not seen him fight on even footing against the Raptures."

"...Nor of the fact that he was able to cure Marian of her corruption."



Neon, Yuni, and Mihara shouted in shock.

"He can cure!?!?"


Neon question was silenced as Bumblebee hit the ground.

Groaning the Autobot quickly shot Barricade in the chest with a bunch of missiles.

*PHEW!!* *FHEW!!*



Barricade groaned.

"You know something, fine!"

Barricade snarled as he started glowing.

"How about we take this up a notch!?"

Barricade as he glowed brightly.

"AHH!" "What the hell!?"


The light died to reveal...

...A humanoid looking version of the Decepticon.



Bumblebee interrupted them by glowing as well to reveal.

(Bumblebee. Made with NovelAI, because there was one pic that I could not find)

(To those that didn't want genderbent Transformers, too bad. You were honestly too late to make a yes or no comment on genderbending certain Transformers)

(On that note. I was going to have a human Barricade to show as well, but I could not find one of him in his Decepticon armor. One of the good pics I found of human Barricade was him as a sexy policeman)


Bumblebee garbled response seemed to affect the Decepticon as he lunged at the Femme with anger in his eyes.

"Leave my mother (Or whatever the Transformers call their parents. I just know that the Mechs are called Sires) out of this!"

Bumblebee did a 'come at me bro' gesture as she charged at the Decepticon.

Soon the battlefield was filled with the sounds of fighting and blast sounds. The very grounds quaking and shaking from the clash of the two Transformers.

"What do we do now?!"

Neon shouted.

"We need to leave."

(M/N) ordered.

"While the Decepticon attention is focused on the Autobot, we need to escape before possible enemy reinforcements arrive."


Rapi asked.


A blast hit a building near them, causing it to fall.


"I believe now is not the time!"

Marian shouted as she grabbed (M/N) and started running. The others following suit.

"We need to get out of here before we are dead!"

"Fine." Rapi agreed. "But Commander, you will need to do some explaining later."

"...I suppose."

(M/N) reluctantly said.

"Seems like I couldn't hide it forever anyways."

'I can only hope you guys are prepared for a brand new war.'

(M/N) thought to himself as they left the battlefield.

Bumblebee noticed and was internally relieved that they had taken the chance to escape. She would have loved to have taken them to Prime but she knew that the situation was not the best at the moment.


Barricade roared as he realized that his prey was gone.

Angered, he locked hands against Bumblebee as he snarled.

"You're going to regret that!"

Bumblebee rolled her eyes, and if she could scoff, she would.

'Time to teach this slagger a lesson!'

The Autobot thought to herself as they bounced back and faced each other once more in combat.

-With our heroes-

"How much farther do we need to go?"

Mihara asked.

"As far as we possibly can."

(M/N) said.

"If things go as we expect." Rapi spoke up. "We can expect that Shifty has called in reinforcements, we just need to hope they get here in time."

"Until then, we need to keep mov-"


"There you are!!"

The familiar voice of Chatterbox got their attention, causing them to groan as they turned to face the enraged Rapture.

"I am not done with you yet, imposters and human!"

The Tyrant shouted.

"We still haven't finished our fight!"


A new voice caught their attention.





Chatterbox roared in pain as he fell to the ground.


"This fight has been over for a long time now!"

A figure said as they strolled into view.

(Snow White)


Anis looked at her in shock and confusion.

"Who are you?"

"A Pilgrim?!"

Chatterbox shouted.

"Now, of all times?!"

"Shut your mouth!"

Snow White scowled as she shot him with Seven Dwarves.



Chatterbox groaned.

"Of all the rotten luck, why now?!"

Chatterbox roared.

"Be silent, beast!" Snow White shouted. "You have given me enough trouble with your cowardly tricks!"

"I prefer to think of them as tactical and clever."

(M/N) said out loud.

"Whose side are you on!?"

Snow White shouted at the commander.

"What?" (M/N) raised an eyebrow. "Can't someone compliment their enemies' strategies? It might seem cowardly to you, but it's also ingenious and effective."

"...You're weird."

Snow White said.

"A Pilgrim!"

Rapi suddenly got back on track.

"A Pilgrim?!" Anis said. "They actually exist? I thought they were just fairy tales!"

"Evidently not."

Marian deadpanned as she pointed to the Nikke in front of them. Who narrowed her eyes at the Nikke who survived the Corruption.

Before shaking her head. She had bigger fish to fry right now.

"You've been giving me quite the headache, Chatterbox."

Snow White aimed her weapon at the Rapture.

"But now! I can rid the world of you, forever!"



Chatterbox shouted in pain.

"Healing systems can't regenerate at such a fast attack..."

He groaned.

"Should we leave?"

Neon asked, worriedly. A little scared at the Pilgrim ruthlessness.

"And go where?"

Yuni asked her.

"In case, you've forgotten, we're still quite a long ways from the elevator."



"Hold that thought."

(M/N) said as he looked at his phone.

It was from Shifty, and the message read:

There's a runway near your location. Absolute will be there very soon, so get there fast!

"That answers that." (M/N) said, having read that out loud to them. "We got backup coming to save us."


Neon shouted.

"...Yeah." Rapi said, a little apathetic. "Just great."


"Friends of yours?"

Marian asked.

"We have a history."

Was all Rapi said.

"Then let's get out of here!"

Anis said.

"One second."

(M/N) said as he grabbed out a smoke bomb.

"Can't have such an interesting character be snuffed out so soon."

With that said, he ran, and the others followed as he threw the smoke bomb to the ground.


The smoke bomb exploded as black smoke hissed from the broken container. Blocking everyone's view as it covered the entire area.


Snow White shouted as her vision was obscured.

When the smoke finally cleared, she saw that not only was the strange Commander and his Nikkes gone. But so too was Chatterbox.

Gritting her teeth in frustration, she quickly left as she could still hear the fighting going on from the two mechanical giants.

All the while, swearing to talk to that strange human.

She knew that he purposefully threw that smoke bomb to allow Chatterbox to escape as well. Why, was what she wanted to know.

And at least she had some new information to bring back.

"Who knew the Ark had such interesting characters like him."

She said as she disappeared into the wilderness.

-Location: Runway-

"Seriously, why didn't you let the Pilgrim kill him?"

Anis grumbled.

"He's a Rapture of culture. Of course, I couldn't let her kill him."

(M/N) said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"That thing is our enemy!"

Anis complained.

"Whatever, we're almost there."

She said as they were approaching the runway.


Only for a horde of Raptures to suddenly appear and started chasing them.

"Oh, great."

(M/N) muttered as they all stopped.

"Take them out."

He ordered, completely and utterly exhausted.


Gunfire and laser blasts could be seen all over the battlefield. Like lights streaking upon the night sky.

This continued on for a few more minutes when help finally arrived.


A transport ship could be seen approaching. Unfortunately it quickly got the Raptures attention as they then charged at the transport ship.

"They got Anti air weapons!"

Neon shouted.

"Not good!"

Mihara shouted.

"Just our luck."

Rapi snarled as she thought about her choices.

But before anyone could anything.


A powerful flash of light shot out from the transport ship and blew the Rapture carrying the anti air weapon.

"A long range rifle!"

Rapi shouted.

"I'm guessing it's from a Nikke."

(M/N) deadpanned. Not really guessing.

"Who can possess that kind of weapon?"

Yuni asked.

"There is only one squad I know that possesses that kind of weapon."

Rapi said.

"The Scouts!"


As soon as she said that, three Nikkes landed on the ground.

"Hmph! Made it."

The leader said.


"We almost died!"

A young girl cried.



A tall Nikke said.


"This place is crawling with Raptures!"

"No shit, Sherlock."

(M/N) sarcastically said.

"Now, are you going to help us or just stand there looking pretty?"

He asked.

"Watch your tone."

Eunhwa coldly said.

"You should consider yourself lucky that we were the ones to answer your call."

"I'll keep that in mind."

(M/N) scoffed, causing the Nikke to bristle at the uncaring tone in his voice.

Already, both could tell they weren't going to get along.

"So, that's Absolute."

Mihara said in shock.

"The strongest squad Elysion has to offer."

"Enemies coming." Eunhwa suddenly said. "153 and counting."

"Absolute, engage."

"Like this?"

Vesti asked.

"Yes!" Emma smiled. "Just like that."

With that, Absolute jumped into the fray and proceeded to destroy the remaining Raptures.

After a short while.


Anis said in amazement.

"So, that's Absolute power!"

Neon shouted.



(M/N) sighed.

"Thank you...for saving us."

He said.

"Don't talk to me."

Eunhwa coldly glared at him.

"?? I beg your pardon?"

(M/N) eyes narrowed.

"I was only following orders." Eunhwa said. "I wouldn't have bothered otherwise."

...Yeah, they were not going to get along at all with that attitude.

"Eunhwa?" Vesti spoke up. "That's a commander you're talking to."

"Your point is...?"

Eunhwa asked, as though him being a Commander changes anything.

"The point is dumbass."

(M/N) took over as he glared at her. To her credit, she wasn't fazed.

"That you should watch your tone before I report you as a possible danger. Or watch it before I decide to kill you right here and then."

While (M/N) was bluffing, as he wasn't going to kill her for having an opinion, he was not going to tolerate her attitude if ever they were going to be working together.

Someone was going to end up dead!

"As if a weakling like you could ever hope to hurt me."

Eunhwa scoffed.

Though inwardly impressed that he wasn't intimidated in the slightest.


Emma smiled as she hugged Rapi.

"It's been so long!"

"Indeed, it has, Emma!"

Rapi smiled.

Before Emma pulled her cheek.

"Now what was that stunt for?" Emma angrily pouted. "You leave without so much as a word and join a new squad."


Was all Rapi said.

"All right, enough." Eunhwa said. "Everyone back to the ship and let's head back to the Ark!"

"Nice to see some things haven't changed." Rapi said. "Hello Eunhwa, good to see you again."

"The feelings not mutual." Eunhwa glared. "I don't know who you think you are talking to me like that. When you are nothing, but a defective Nikke who would be better off useful as scrap parts."

"Hey! Watch what you're-!!"



Eunhwa shouted in pain as she fell to the ground clutching her side.

Smoke fizzled from Marian weapon: First Affection. With a little bit of laser added to it.

"Watch your tone." Marian coldly spoke to her. "I don't care what happened between the two of you in the past, but do not bring it here on the battlefield where we can get killed because of whatever feud you have against her."

"If you persist in being antagonistic towards her, I won't be responsible for what happens next."


Eunhwa glared as Emma and Vesti had their fingers on the triggers of their weapons.


Now, it might be because today has been stressful, or (M/N) was just tired and hungry. But at the moment he didn't care about secrecy and summoned the Star Saber sword to his hand.

Pointing it at them, he warned.

"Your move."


They didn't know why. But the moment Absolute locked eyes with the Commander, a chill went down their spines. Something that terrified them because they have fought many battles. Seen many of their comrades fallen because they could not get there in time.

And yet this human.

This human was facing them with no fear and ready to fight if they pulled that trigger. He was instilling a sense of fear that they had never felt before!


Eunhwa calmly and less angry said.

"Let us head back to the Ark. It's been a long day."

With that said, everyone boarded the transport ship, and it flew away from the battlefield.

While on the ship, (M/N) looked to his phone and saw MANY messages from Syuen. Opening it, there were a bunch because of her writing expletives which were censored. Then there was some where she finally managed to get something out, but (M/N) wasn't interested in reading them.

(M/N) merely smirked and closed the app.

At least something good came out of all this.


Hope you all liked it. And yeah, to the people who had commented no at the beginning when I asked that question. Sorry, but genderbends were going to happen since I had that question up for a long while back. And I had already made my decision after a few people answered yes.

Don't worry though, not everyone is going to be genderbended. Harem is probably going to be big enough with the Nikkes alone. Before adding the Transformers to the mix.

And yeah, I had to introduce Snow White somehow. So, Chatterbox made a small cameo before getting his ass kicked by the Pilgrim Nikke.

Have a good day/night!

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