Power Station and A Camaro First Appearance

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I've finally got a new chapter in!

Sorry for the wait. I unfortunately was suffering from a combination of Author block/burn out.

Kept hitting roadblocks on my ideas and kept losing motivation to write them.


I don't own any art/videos in this chapter.

All credit goes to their respective creators.


"Ah! So, this is the surface!"

Neon shouted excitedly.

Gazing at the ruined city in wonder.

"First time?"

Anis asked.

"Yes!" Neon shouted. "It's so...big."

She gazed at the sky in fascination.

"The sky isn't buzzing. I've never seen anything like this before. The air feels the same but also feels different."

"This is the world that humanity wishes to take back."

(M/N) hummed.

"Underground isn't horrible, but it doesn't replace the original." He continued speaking. "One day, we will get it back."

"I mean, we have several bases already stationed here and a village established with the latest cutting edge, state of the art technology to test how well it can hold."

'But why can't I shake off this feeling of unease?'

(M/N) frowned.

Ever since they got to the surface, he's been feeling an ominous aura. Telling him that something bad has happened.

'I can only hope nothing bad has happened.'


Marian spoke up, getting his attention as he turned to her.

"We should get going."


(M/N) nodded.

It was time to get to work.


Rapi spoke up.


The operator spoke as she ran scans around the area.

"Clearing out Alva Particles to tolerable levels." Shifty spoke up. "42.23%...21.48%..."

"Concentration now at 2.01%" Shifty confirmed. "Scans indicate the fastest way to the power station is following the maglev tracks."

"Although..." She frowned. "A high voltage current is running through the entire line. It won't be a problem for the Nikkes, but the Commander..."


(M/N) frowned, before saying.

"Meh, a little shock is nothing I can't handle."

He said.

If Rapi, Marian, and Anis didn't know he was built different. They would have thought he was being arrogant.

But...knowing that he is not normal made it easier for them to believe in his words.

The same couldn't be said for Shifty and Neon.

"Wha-Commander!" Shifty shouted. "Don't be ridiculous!"

"She's right!" Neon shouted. "A voltage of that level, of any level, can kill a human in seconds!"

'Wonder why they're keeping my abilities a secret from them?'

(M/N) pondered at that.

Before walking to the direction of the power station. Ignoring Shifty and Neon shouts of concern, as Rapi, Marian, and Anis followed suit.


Shifty and Neon shouted.

"What's the story behind this place?"

(M/N) asked.

Grumbling under her breath about reckless Commanders, Shifty pulled up the city history.

"The city was closed off 5 years ago to prevent any raptures from escaping." Shifty read. "Seems it was deliberately leaked to the outside."

"A shame though." Shifty said. "The power station was close to being completed until the raptures invaded. Since then, the power station has been generating electricity autonomously."

"And the humans who are still in the city?"

Anis asked.

(Still a little confused on that. Thought everyone was underground after the first invasion. I'm guessing that was one of their victories against the raptures and tried making the city livable once more. But of course, failed because the raptures came back with a vengeance)


"Perhaps it's for the best that they stay hidden and out of sight."

Marian said.

"After all, everyone knows that when Raptures and Nikkes fight. The outcome generally results in mass destruction."

"True." Anis admitted. "Something tells me this isn't going to be as easy as it seems."

"First order of business." Rapi spoke up. "Cutting off the power to the line."


Shifty agreed.

"Just be careful."



Neon suddenly said.


(M/N) blinked.

While the others.


Anis shouted, shocked that Shifty didn't detect any.

"Commander! On your guard."

Rapi shouted.

"Where are they?"

Marian frowned.

Even with her new abilities she could not sense their presence.

"...Did I say something wrong?"


Anis said.

"You weren't shouting because of Raptures coming?"

"No." Neon said. "I just had an epiphany."


Anis simply said.

"Word of Wisdom." (M/N) sighed. "When on the Surface, you must keep your voice to a minimum. Otherwise, you'll find yourself besieged by Raptures on all sides."

"GO...Got it."

Neon lowered her voice.

"Now then." Marian spoke up. "What's on your mind?"

"Well..." Neon slowly began. "If the issue with the current is that it's running through the tracks. Then why doesn't the Commander just wear rubber boots."

M/N: ...

Marian: ...

Anis: ...

Rapi: ...

Neon: ...

Shifty: ...

"...That's actually not a bad idea."

Anis slowly trailed off.

Unintentionally setting Shifty off.


The operator screamed, forgetting her inside voice.

"The volts running through those tracks are enough to make their HFC – Human Fried Chicken!"


She just stopped, looking exhausted.


"Okay." (M/N) growled. "Enough fooling around."

Clank! Whir!


To Shifty and Neon shock, armor like boots suddenly formed onto (M/N) legs all the way to his feet.

"If the problem is the level of power running through those currents. Then all I need to do is simply add my own flair of protection.


Rapi spoke.

"Are you seriously going to reveal your secret?!"

Anis looked in shock.


(M/N) simply said.


Shifty look in shock at what she was seeing.


Neon shouted.


And wound up finally getting the Raptures attention.


"Battle stations!"

(M/N) shouted as the Nikkes scattered into position.

Unleashing a hail of bullets, missiles, rockets at the poor suckers.


After destroying the last one, the group headed towards the Command center of the power station.

After finally arriving, Shifty began the next stage of the operation.

"Arrived." Shifty confirmed. "Proceeding to cut the power."

"Commander." Rapi spoke up. "Give me the CombiLink."

"CombiLink?" (M/N) blinked. "You mean this thing?"

He pulled something that was on his mobile and a line extended about 1 meter.

"Yep!" Shifty confirmed. "With this little guy, we can remotely control all sorts of machinery up here on the surface."


(M/N) just said, a contemplative expression on his face.

"Now, just plug it into the port of the machine so we can control it."


Doing so, he connected it to the port.

After several minutes, Shifty confirmed that the power was off.

"Power's been confirmed off. Let's head into the Power station."

"Okay!" "Roger."

With that said, they headed towards the Power station.

...On the tracks, therefore quickly evading any Raptures along the way.

Finally, they arrived at their destination.

"So." Marian spoke up. "This is the Power station."

"Hm..." Anis mumbled. "Considering we're in rapture territory, it might not be a good idea to waltz right into the power station."

"Don't want to become a meal for them."

'Yeah, and that's not counting if it's just Raptures.'

(M/N) thought to himself.

His past might be coming back to haunt him.



Giving a subtle side glanced to a certain yellow car that looked too good to have been there for a long time.

(???: (*^_^*))

He had a good idea that he might have certain stalkers in disguise.

"Is the power station still operating?"

He asked the operator.


Shifty confirmed.

"Reports indicated that the power station had resumed operation some time ago. But the how is still unknown."


"What are the possibilities that someone is here?"

Marian asked.

"Officially." Shifty spoke up. "Only the bases and the village should be the only signs of human presence. But we should still be careful. Just in case."

"Reports indicated that it had been investigated several times in the past."

"...And nothing came out of them."

(M/N) accurately guessed.


Shifty confirmed.

"The only thing that 'came out of it' was the result of destroyed Nikkes."

Anis said.

"Potential survivors and Raptures aside." Shifty continued. "The significance of this power station cannot be understated. The amount of power this station is generating could supply the Ark for two months."

"In other words." Rapi spoke up. "This operation is ranked high in terms of importance."

"Apparently not high enough that only we are the ones here."

Anis shot back.


Marian simply said.

"I know." Anis conceded. "But come on! For something as important as this, shouldn't we have more squads helping us?"

Before Rapi could speak.

"It might be because of me."

(M/N) decided to add his own theory.

"Because of you?"

Neon asked.

"What are you talking about Commander?"

Shifty was also confused.

"I'm not surprised Neon doesn't know." (M/N) mused. "But I am surprised that you're being kept out of the loop, Shifty."


The two were lost.

"You'll find out eventually, but you can say I'm basically like a one man army."

(Said every overpowered Reader/Protagonist)

Was all he said as he stared at the entrance.


Summoning his rifle, he took aim.

"Wait." Shifty spoke up, startled by the weapon in (M/N) hand. "Commander, what are you-?"




The Raptures screeched as they realized that they were under attack.

"Let's get this party started!"

With that Said, (M/N) rushed towards the raptures.


And unleashed a flurry of lasers at them.

Annihilating them like they were nothing.


Before turning on the safety and sending it back to his inventory.

Shifty: O_O

Neon: O_O

"Let's go."

With that said, (M/N) and the Nikkes walked to the front of the power station.

"What's a good way to sneak in?"

(M/N) asked.


Just because he was super powerful didn't mean he wanted to deal with Raptures at the moment. Especially since the Power Station seemed to be of great importance to the Ark.

'Better sneaking then going guns a blazing.'

The Commander thought to himself.

He did not feel like filling out any kind of paperwork just because they blew up the Power Station, thank you very much!

"Hold on a minute..." Shifty started typing as she scans the area. "Hm, there seems to be a drainpipe leading into the building."

"And you want us to go through there?"

Anis just said.

"Would you rather go through a horde of Raptures and possibly destroy the station?"

(M/N) deadpanned as they walked to the location Shifty had sent them.

"Well no, but..."

"Then just drop it." He said. "Cause unless you have a better idea, we're already here."

True to his word, they got to the destination.

"But..." Neon frowned. "It's all blocked up."

"Probably from all the times fights took place here."

Rapi simply noted.

"Let's find another way in."

Neon suggested as she started walking off.

"No time for that."

(M/N) denied.

"We'll just blast our way through."


"You mean!?"

"Yes, Neon" (M/N) nodded his head. "Firepower."

"All right!" Neon cheered. "Stand back!"

With that said, she annihilated the debris with no mercy.

"Wow!" Anis said, looking at the 'spy' handiwork. "That's actually quite impressive!"

"Seems like we have nothing to fear with Neon here."

Marian simply smiled.

"Good work, Neon."

(M/N) praised her.

"*Giggle* It was nothing!"

Neon smiled.

"Now then."

(M/N) face got serious.

"Let's go."

Rapi simply stated as the group got into the drainpipe.

"Ugh!" Neon shouted. "It stinks in here!"

"Yeah!" Anis agreed. "Why does it smell so bad despite no humans living here?"

"It's simply because of the buildup of whatever goes through here."

Marian just answered.

"Yes." Rapi agreed. "Even though humans don't live here, it doesn't mean that a drainpipe still won't carry such smell."

"...Um, guys?"

Neon nervously said.


Rapi asked.

"I think I'm going to throw up."

"Yeah, don't." Anis sarcastically said. "If smell is such an issue, then turn off your olfactory sensor."

"...But it keeps me human."

Neon complained.

"Haha...you serious?"

Anis asked.

"Just because I'm a Nikke, doesn't mean that I consider myself any less of a human."

Neon stated.

"Well, good for you then." Anis just said. "I on the other hand am turning mine off."

"How you doing back there, Commander?"

She asked (M/N) who was all the way to the back.

"Oh you know, just trudging through water that can't be good for me. Listening to a bunch of rabble complaining about the smell of a drainpipe."

(M/N) sarcastically explained.

"What the fuck do you think I'm doing?"

He deadpanned.

"Careful Commander." Anis 'warned'. "You're in my 'line of fire', if you what I mean."

I.E., he was behind her with her ass in front of him.

"Funny." (M/N) gave her an unimpressed look. "You're also in my 'line of fire', if you know what I mean."


Anis was lucky no one was looking at her. Otherwise, they would have seen her face very red. She knew quite well what he was implying!

The thought of her Commander pounding her right then and there in a drainpipe in front of the others was...disturbingly turning her on.

'And the worst part?' Anis thought to herself. 'I wouldn't mind it!'

She hated the fact that she was increasingly getting more and more interested in her Commander in that way.

Ever since, she and Rapi accidentally stumbled upon the Commander and Marian banging that night. She couldn't get the Commander out of her head, both his body and his cock.

'WOOOOW!' Anis thought sarcastically to herself. 'For all the emphasis I put on that relationships between Nikkes and Humans should never happen. The moment I saw the Commander pounding Marian into the bedsheets, I became thirsty.'

Rapi had somewhat similar thoughts, but more mature and also a desire.

A desire to feel that kind of warmth.

Whir! Clank!

A metallic sound caught their attention.


(M/N) tossed them some...metallic face masks?

"Put these over your faces." He said. "They'll filter out the smell and allow you to breath more comfortably."

He said as his face was covered by a faceplate.

"...If you had such a handy tool, why didn't you do it before?"

Anis gave him a look as she put hers on, turning on her senses again.

(Thankfully, her blush was already gone by the time she did so)

"...I forgot."

Was all he said.




"...Are we there yet?"

Neon changed the subject.


Rapi suddenly stopped.


Causing the others to stop as well.

"Whoa!" "Eek!" "What's wrong?"

"Ack! Commander!"

Anis shouted, face red in embarrassment.


"Yo-Your face is!"


Because (M/N) face was being smothered by her ass.

"...This is fine."

(M/N) simply said.

He just wanted to get this over with.

'Still...' He thought to himself. 'Anis has a nice ass, soft to...weird.'

Wouldn't Nikke be hard due to being mainly robotic and metal?

Marian was a different case now due to the changes he made on her body thanks to his power when he saved her.

But Anis?

'...Yeah.' (M/N) mentally confirmed. 'Those people really were lonely.'

"It's not fine to me!'

Anis shouted in embarrassment.

"There's light."

Rapi ignored the circus behind her.

"Let's go."

With that said, they finally managed to get into the inside.


Neon shouted happily.



Marian voice silenced Neon jubilant shout of joy.

"Something's not right."

She frowned as she looked around.

"Raptures up ahead."

Rapi frowned.

"Okay, what's going on here?"

Anis just sighed.

"They act like they own the place."

"What are they even doing?"

Neon blinked.

"They're...doing something to the machines?"

Anis blinked at that.

'Judging from their actions...' (M/N) thought to himself. 'It seems like they're...'


He cursed out loud as he realized the implications of his thoughts.

"Commander?" Marian looked in concern. "Is something wrong?"

"We underestimated the nature and adaptability of the Raptures greatly." (M/N) frowned as he stared at them. "They're somehow operating and keeping the Power station running!"

"What!?" Anis exclaimed. "Surely, you can't be serious!"

"I am serious." (M/N) pointed at the Raptures, giving her a serious look. "And don't call me Shirley."

"But that's impossible!" Anis tried to deny. "How can Raptures be able to operate human artifacts?"

"Anis." Rapi frowned. "Look."

Pointing to the Raptures, they were proving (M/N) right.

"They're operating it."

"This can't be real."

Anis was in shock.

"How on earth did we miss this?"

Marian frowned, concern what this might mean for the Ark in the future.

"Has anyone ever reported something like this happening before?"

Neon asked Shifty.

The operator looked up the information on her computer.

"Not that we know of."

"Strange." (M/N) frowned. "Unless all that have come across such a thing were killed in action, someone should have found out about how high Rapture intelligence really is."

'...Unless.' A thought came to his head. 'The traitor is behind this and has kept it a secret.'

'...But why?'

Was the question.

A question he won't know the answer to unless he confronts the person responsible.

"Commander." Rapi got his attention. "We're done here, we have completed the investigation. Let's return to the Ark."

"...Yeah." (M/N) frowned.

Normally he would have just killed the Raptures. But due to the importance of the Power Station, he had to call a tactical retreat.

(Too bad in the next few seconds that won't matter)

"Yes Commander." Rapi confirmed. "Shifty, confirm the escape route..."



(M/N) quickly blasted the bullet fired at them, vaporizing the attack.

"Damn it!" Anis shouted. "They saw us!"

"Engaging!" Rapi shouted. "Commander get behind me..."

"Rapi!" Marian shouted. "Look out!"


Her warning came to late as Rapi was struck by an electron beam that came from out of nowhere.

...Causing her head to roll to the ground and to (M/N) feet.


(M/N) stared in shock as Rapi eyes go dim.


He quickly grabbed her head as he glared at the Raptures with anger.

Causing them to flinch at the human angered look.

"Commander!" Anis shouted. "Get yourself together! We need to go now!"


"Where's that shaking coming from?!"

Marian looked around the room.

"Oh no!"

Shifty shouted.

"We're detecting a Tyrant up ahead. Identifying signal."

"It's the rapture that dug up the hole!"

"Oh great!" Anis shouted. "Commander!"

"Escape route, now!"

(M/N) shouted.

"Right!" Shifty shouted. "There's a harvester that is still in operation. Follow this route and you should be home free!"


Anis shouted.

"Let's get out of here!"

Quickly, the group ran to the harvester and started it up.

Not a moment too soon as the Tyrant class Rapture made its appearance.

(Grave Digger)

"You have got to be kidding me!"

Anis shouted as they began blasting at the Tyrant Rapture.


All caution was thrown to the wind as the Nikkes bombarded the Rapture with an all out assault.


The Rapture roaring in anger as it chased its prey.


"Over here!"

Marian shouted as she blasted the Rapture with her upgraded weapons.

Instead of bullets, it was now lasers which worked rather well in piercing the Rapture armor.


The Rapture roared in pain as it felt its armor being broken off by the attack.



This time the Rapture screamed even louder as (M/N) joined in.


Neon shouted in shock.

"Commander! What are you doing!?"

Shifty shouted.

"Taking care of business!"

(M/N) shouted as he blasted the Rapture in fury.

(Sci-Fi Plasma Gun. Artist: Vinnie Jip on DeviantArt)

Shooting out high levels of plasma at the Rapture.


The Tyrant Class Rapture roared in pain as it felt pain on a level it had never felt before!

Roaring, it started thrashing about. Trying to cause the structure to fall on them in retaliation.

"Not good!"

Anis shouted as she saw what the Rapture was trying to do.

"Don't worry about it!" (M/N) shouted. "Just focus on bringing this son of a bitch down once and for all!"

"Right!" "Roger!" "Yes!"

Grabbing something from his inventory, he pulled out.

(Cryo grenades. Found on Pinterest)

Lobbing them straight at the Rapture

BOOM! Crackle!

Making impact, ice began to form on several parts of the Rapture body. Causing the beast to roar in anguish as the sheer cold began interfering with its functions.

It didn't help that the impact also caused major damage to its body as well.

Growling, the Rapture started charging up its attack.

Unknowingly giving them an opportunity.


(M/N) pointed to the openings.

"Attack those weak spots!"

"Roger!" "Hai!" "Got it!"

All hell broke loose as the Nikkes blasted the Rapture weak points.


Destroying much of the Rapture body.

Grave Digger roared in pain as its body began to collapse and shut down.

Growling, he looked up to his escaping prey.


Only for (M/N) to point a new weapon at it.


(Anyone knows what it's called? I don't remember)

"Hasta La Vista, Baby!"

And pulled the trigger.

Annihilating the Tyrant into oblivion.


...And unintentionally destroying the important parts of the Power Station.

But that's not important right now.

"Finally!" Anis shouted. "We made it!"

They had finally gotten out of the, now on fire, Power Station and onto the streets.


Neon shouted in joy.

"Now's not the time to be celebrating."

(M/N) interrupted the festivities.

"The Commander is right." Marian nodded her head. "We're still not out of danger just yet. We need to get back to the Ark before we can finally let our guard down."


They agreed on that.

"Shifty." (M/N) spoke up. Holding Rapi head and body like they weigh nothing. "What's the quickest way to get back?"

"Well..." Shifty slowly typed. Still in shock at the Commander combat abilities.

'Why is someone of his level doing here commanding Nikkes instead of training people to help fight in the war?!'

She thought to herself.

'With his strength and combat abilities, we have a higher chance of taking back the surface!'

If only she knew.

"This should do- "


She was interrupted as the screams of Raptures could be heard.

"Oh great!" Anis shouted. "More Raptures!"

"There's no way we can take them all!"

Neon shouted in worry.

"Especially with Rapi out of commission."

(M/N) frowned at his Nikkes concerns.

'They have a point.' He thought to himself. 'We'll just run ourselves to the point of exhaustion and end up as easy prey for the Raptures.'


Glancing to a certain Camaro that looked to new to be a part of the ruined scenery, he made his choice.

"Follow me!" He shouted running to the Camaro and 'starting it'.


The car roared as it 'came' to life.

"Commander!" "This is crazy!" "Are you trying to get the Raptures to kill you!?"

The Nikkes and Shifty voices shouted in concern as the Nikkes quickly got in and buckled up.

Safety first.


(M/N) drove like a bat out of hell.

Driving the car like a madman as he avoided the raptures and did twists and turns that would have made a normal person sick.

"Look out!" "AAHH!!" "I want my mommy!" "Damn! Knew I should have updated my will!"

(M/N) ignored the screams of terror as he somehow avoided the blasts and attempted smashing.

The radio suddenly turning on as music started playing.


The Nikkes shouted in disbelief at his craziness.

Not knowing that it wasn't him that turned it on.

"Wait...where is that music coming?"

Shifty blinked.

"And how the hell is it getting it?"


(M/N) quickly swerved the car, avoiding an attack, before accelerating and driving off a broken ramp.



And landing safely on the road as they drove so fast that the Raptures lost them.

Giving them the opportunity to head back to the Ark.

(And giving the Nikkes and Operator the opportunity to recover from their heart attacks. Even though Shfity wasn't physically there, the insanity was not good for her heart)

Unaware of the ramifications their actions had cost them with the Power Station.

And done!


Took forever to make this chapter. But now I got it out and can continue with this book and my other book.

So, we took down yet another Tyrant class rapture (and destroyed the power station, but oh well. Accidents happen).

Showed off to Shifty and Neon.

Learned that Neon talks to loud.

Anis is kinky, horny, and thirsty.

Rapi and Marian are the normal ones in the group.

(M/N) seems to be getting a little to relax with people...or just done with everything and wants to get it over with.

A certain car we all know, and love has made its appearance.

And next chapter will involve being kicked out of the Ark, meeting one of the most annoying people in the game, and asserting our dominance over her.

Have a good day/night!

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