1 -Garrett

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Song of the chapter - Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day

"Let go of my arm!"

The D-bag was at it again, laying into his girlfriend for something she hadn't even done. It was becoming a real drag to sit back here and listen to his BS practically every day. What was wrong with that guy?

Being the designated bad boy had its perks, and the biggest one was that people left you alone. I preferred that to dealing with their fake interactions and cliche relationships. I hung out behind the cafeteria, alone, as often as I could. But the Matt show had become a regular occurrence and I had pretty much had it with him.

Normally I wouldn't bother getting involved with d-bag drama, but I could tell he was getting physical, and I knew too much about that to let it go. Someone needed to put a stop to his ego and it looked like I just volunteered.

"You know you're lucky to even have me"

What a dick. "Yeah, she's real lucky." The a-hole and his mousy girlfriend looked at me in shock.

"Scar, get the hell out of here. This has nothing to do with you."

The douche tried to threaten me. Too bad a-hole, I've had worse threats than you. His girlfriend stood behind him, trying to get him to back off. She should have known he wasn't going to listen to her. He thought calling me Scar to my face was going to intimidate me. Far from it, that name just reminded me of my role.

Effing school bad boy.

I got in his face but he figured he would unleash his crap on me. Nice try, dick. Not happening. I kicked him in the stomach and then laid him out with my left hook. He never saw it coming. He lay on the ground, out cold.

"What...what...what did you do that for?" His girlfriend stammered.

"Yeah, you're welcome. Next time I'll let him go on assaulting you." That's what I got for dealing with d-bags.

As I walked away, the little mouse surprised me. "Garrett! Wait!"

"What?" I turn back to her.

"Thank you, I... I didn't know anyone was back here. Please don't tell anyone what happened. I'm sure Matt won't want anyone to know."

"What's your name?" If I was doing what I planned on doing, I needed a name.


"Okay, um...Amber. Why do you still care what he wants? That guy is a grade A ass. Do yourself a favor and dump him."

"I...I can't. You don't understand what he's like."

"Of course I do. Every school has one. And each one is a bad copy of the last: loved by everyone, feared by his girl. Is that really what you want?" That girl was so lost, if she didn't wise up soon she would find herself more trapped than she already was. I should know.

"Why are you even trying to do anything about him? It's not like he's ever going to change," the little mouse squeaked. What's her name, Amber, hit the nail on the head. Never. gonna. change.

"So if you already know that, why are you still with him? Do you have a death wish or something? Is something worse waiting for you somewhere?"

"Look, I know what he is, okay. I know this is not a good relationship. I'm not an idiot. But everyone worships him, no one would believe me. If I break up with him my life would be worse than it is already. I'm just trying to get through the school year and then maybe when I go to college..." her mousey little voice broke off at the end.

I couldn't decide if she was just pathetic or right about what would happen if she dumped him. Not that it mattered. Staying with him was weak. I hated weak. I've seen what being weak did to people. I've lived it. Never again. I was never watching that happen again.

This was my fourth high school in four years. Each time I started a new school I thought I'd find something new, different. But each damn school was the same. I was sick of watching the d-bags of the world get away with their BS. I was done sitting back, so maybe that's why I knocked the a-hole out. Maybe that's why I got my hands dirty, it was time.

I had the rep, I had the skills. This girl needed someone to say it. So let it be me.

I took a step closer to her and watched as she sucked in a breath. She was scared of me, and yet I had never laid a finger on her. That's what a rep will do for you.

"Listen, Amber, you seem like a nice girl. Smart, very pretty, you've got a lot going for you. Do yourself a favor and act like you've got a lot going for you. End him, leave him...and I'll help you out." Adding that last part even surprised me, I hadn't planned on saying it out loud.

"I don't know." She took a step back, turning her head to look at the jerk still out cold on the concrete. Then she looked back at me, right in the eyes for the first time. I kept a hard glare on her even though her eyes made me want to step back and look away. What the hell?

She opened her mouth to speak. "I don't need a boyfriend." It was like she had suddenly gained a backbone. I could see the resolve on her face. Amber was making a choice.

"You're right. You don't need a boyfriend, you need a body guard. There's more than this, Amber, much more. Don't let him take that away from you." I had made this speech before, too long ago to think about. I couldn't believe I was saying this again, but here I was pleading with this girl I didn't even know to walk away from the school hot shot. It was a big risk, that was true. Would she?

A/N If you liked it, please tap the star to vote!

Thank you for your comments and questions! So, I have added a lyric video for Boulevard of Broken Dreams which is Garrett's theme song. Enjoy!


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