5 - Amber

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Song of the chapter - Story of Another Us by 5 Seconds of Summer

75 text messages since we broke up. That's how many times Matt has drunkenly said he was sorry. But not one of those times had he texted me in his right mind. I wasn't sure how to take that information.

Was he really sorry? Did he really miss me? Should I listen to what he had to say?

I had no answers for these questions, so I continued to ignore his texts. That first weekend after he broke up with me, the first drunken text, I figured he was just playing some sort of mind game. I let it go, but I can't deny the heartache I felt when I read it. It hurt that he had walked away without another word, then messed with my pain by texting that he made a mistake.

That was it for almost a month. I tried to forget about it, deleting the text. I spent all of my time with April, immersing myself in her world. She was a rock of strength for me.

I started to wonder what Matt and my relationship would have been like if I had been more like April. What if I had been bold, telling him off when he was acting like a dominating jerk? What if I had spoken up and told him how it made me feel when he accused me of cheating? I know I should have confronted him about Courtney, but by then I was just trying to get out of our relationship.

Hanging around April had made me evaluate myself and the choices I had made. It's not that I blamed myself, but I wondered how different everything could have been.

After a month without him, I thought I had started to heal and move on.

But as soon as I read the first text from him the night of the car show, all of my strength crumbled. I knew it was just drunken ramblings, but it hurt anyway.

That night, for the first time since Shannon and Maddie turned their backs on me, I cried.

I cried until my lungs burned and my throat hurt. I think I actually ran out of tears. I wasn't sure exactly what I was crying about, whether it was for the relationship I wish we could have had or the fact that his feelings were fueled by alcohol. It didn't matter. The pain was real either way.

By morning, I pulled myself together and decided to focus on my new life, the one I wanted to build. I was determined to be strong and outspoken. I wasn't going to let someone control me ever again. The only way to be sure of that was to be honest with my feelings and bold in declaring them.

Today was a new day and I wanted to enjoy every minute. I washed the tears away and got dressed in my favorite leggings and sweatshirt. I planned on reading my troubles away and eating as much junk food as possible.

Not exactly a woman-of-strength moment, but junk food and a good book always made me feel better.

I grabbed a bag of Cheetos, puffy not crunchy because that's just gross, and a fork. I hated that orange crap getting all over my fingers so I ate them with a fork. That was my little secret. I knew it was weird so I kept it to myself.

Just as I got into the most comfortable position with my favorite fantasy novel, which would mark the fourth time I had read it, and placed the Cheetos next to me, fork in hand, my phone buzzed.

My heart sank into my stomach, worried about seeing yet another text from Matt, as I picked up the phone off of the side table. Logic kicked in as I reminded myself that it was only ten in the morning, Matt wouldn't be drunk texting me that early. At least I hoped not. But looking at the screen, I found immense relief when I saw that the text was from April.

Get ready doll. Be there in twenty.-April

I had no plans with her that day so my first thought was, get ready for what?

What's going on?-Amber

We've got a date with a flea market.-April

Well, that might be fun. I figured I had read this book before, and the Cheetos would be there when I got back, so why not? Besides, something about hanging with April always made me feel better, stronger, than I was by myself.

Okay, I'll be ready-Amber

Twenty minutes later, on the dot, I was sitting in April's mustang, on the way to a flea market across town. She wasted no time, pulling away from my house the second I closed the passenger door. True to her personality, she had on torn jeans and a t-shirt with more holes than the jeans. Her black bra was peeking through the shirt but somehow April made it seem modest. It must be her confidence, or the piercings. Who knew.

I had stayed in my comfy ensemble and simply pulled my hair into a side braid. It worked for flea market attire.

"So what are we shopping for?" I asked as we turned onto the highway.

"You." April stated.

"Me?!? What for?"

"It's just time. Have you looked in the mirror this past month? You've barely brushed your hair. Time to get out of your funk and a new outfit is the best way to do it."

I hadn't noticed how I looked. But I knew she was right. I hadn't felt at all like myself. And to be completely honest, it had been much longer than a month. It had been since the first day of senior year.

No better time than the present to take control. I had decided that morning, it was time, odd coincidence that April also decided it was time for a change.

"Why today?" I asked. Now I was curious about her reasons.

After a quick glance in my direction, she seemed to take a deep breath. "Because last night you were different. Open, talking more. I figured you were ready. So here I am."

"You noticed that?" I had hardly noticed.

"Doll, how could I not? You and G practically forgot Nico and I were in the car. Speaking of G, I haven't heard him talk that much...ever." April laughed, "You put some kind of spell on him."

"What?" I shook my head, in complete disagreement."I don't think so." No way, it had nothing to do with me. "But I guess I am finally more comfortable around him. He is so intense and quiet usually."

"Part of that was because we were going to the car show. He's always happier on those days. But the way he kept talking to you, directly, and without sarcasm..." this time it was April shaking her head, "no, he was different."

By that time in the conversation we had arrived at the flea market. Hundreds of booths in row upon row of vendors as far as I could see, and it started to make me dizzy. I was no shopaholic in any sense of the word, but I had a feeling that she was.

"Okay, Doll, follow my lead. I haggle for the best price and I always win."

"I don't have much money." I realized, too late.

"And you won't be paying, so it doesn't matter. This trip is on us." April said as her arm went to link elbows, which seemed to be her favorite way to walk together. She did that everyday at lunch as we walked to the back of the lot.

The two of us continued wandering through the stalls and eyeing the different clothing options. I hadn't considered a specific style for myself. I normally just picked things out that I liked. But April seemed to have a clear vision about my style.

"Bohemian chic. You love comfort, and I'm sensing that you like to keep things simple."

She had me there.

"Plus, there is a creative side you haven't let out yet. At least, not one you've let anyone else see."

"I let my creativity out! Sort of." I pouted a little at her assessment of my personality. Actually, she was spot on for the most part. My parents knew about my creative side, but they weren't too impressed.

"Right. Keep telling yourself that. Maybe you'll start to believe it and let.it.out." April tapped my forehead on the last three words.

I just waved her hand off of my face and continued to browse. A few things had caught my eye so I picked them up for closer inspection.

"Yes!" April shouted, startling me so that I lost my balance and fell into the clothing rack. Will the embarrassment never end?

"What?" I asked as soon as I righted myself.

"That is the perfect outfit for you!"

She certainly wasn't shy about voicing her opinion. But I knew that already. She also had issues with volume control that I still hadn't gotten used to. I doubted I ever would. My ears were still ringing.

I did like her choice, however. "Yeah, that's nice. I could see myself wearing it."

"Perfect. I'm getting it for you" she said as I started to protest, "and no objections from you. I buy what I want."

"Fine. Thanks,"

April suddenly wore a big smile, one I hadn't seen on her face before. She was more of a smirker, but the smile made her more approachable. Probably why she didn't do it much, keeping up her tough exterior.

I let my eyes wander as she haggled with the vendor, and I noticed a section of the booths set up as a farmers market. That got my wheels turning, especially when I spied a vendor with fresh herbs.

"Doll, you are gonna look amazing in this!"

"If you say so" I laughed. "Come on, I want to buy some fresh basil. I'm making us dinner tonight."

I grabbed April by the hand, forgoing our typical linked elbows, and pulled her to the herb booth.

"Amber, that might be a problem"

I halted at her use of my name, which I couldn't remember her using recently, and looked back at her questioningly.

"What do you mean?"

"It's Sunday. Nico and I hang at Garrett's house on Sunday evenings because his mom is home. She loves Nico like a second son, and that's the only time she gets to see him."

Oh. It didn't matter, however. I had already decided it was the best way to show her my gratitude for everything she had done. I could just extend it to the entire group. They had all done so much.

Besides, the idea of being in Garrett's house and meeting his mom was intriguing, even if it made me nervous as hell.

"Just like you, I cook for who I want. I'll make everyone dinner. I love cooking"

"Ahh, so one new outfit and the creative side explodes." April gave me her signature look.

There was that smirk I was used to.

"Well, why not." I just shrugged at her amusement. "Come on. I have some ingredients to buy"


New outfit on and ingredients in tow, April and I approached Garrett's front door. My stomach was in knots with anxiety but I was determined to get through this experience. Meeting new people and being in an unfamiliar environment always made me nervous. Add to that my first time cooking for them, something that felt like baring my soul, and I was basically a wreck.

I just prayed I didn't burn the dinner.

April opened the door and walked in like she lived there.

"Hey, bitch! We have arrived!"

Sheesh! That girl seriously had no shame! I wondered what Garrett's mom thought of her.

"April! So good to see you. I missed you last week!"

I guess his mom liked her. She stood in the doorway as I took in her features. I could see Garrett's eyes and facial features matching hers. It was almost jarring to see her, looking so much like him but without the scar. He would be seriously hot. The truth was, I did find him attractive, and I noticed that feeling had grown over the past month.

"And you must be Amber! I've been looking forward to meeting you!" She smiled and took me in her arms for a hug.

It was shocking to say the least. Who had been telling her about me, Garrett? I wasn't sure how to feel about that.

"I'm Melody, but everyone here calls me mom." She said as she released me from her grip.

"Hi" was all I could get out.

"Thank you so much for dinner! It's been a long time since I've had such a treat." Melody said, putting me at ease.

"Well, good. I'm glad then." I smiled at her, feeling less awkward and ready to get started.

We entered the house, Melody leading us right into the kitchen. It was an older house, but the type I loved, filled with charm and quirks that new houses just didn't have. The arched doorways and built in shelving by the living room fireplace gave the house personality.

The kitchen was older as well, not having any updates at all. Even the stove looked original. It was simple but clean. I could visualize vintage patterns and designs bringing the little house some new life.

"Well, unless you want me to destroy the dinner you have planned, I'm gonna find the boys. I don't cook." April turned and practically ran out of the kitchen to who knows where in another part of the house.

"I can help you. Just tell me what you need." His mom offered.

"Thanks. I can handle the food, but I don't want to search around the kitchen looking for things" I was already more curious about Garrett and his family than was safe. I had been worried about saying the wrong thing. I didn't need to worry about snooping around as well.

Ever since April told me to keep my mouth shut about whoever Lisa was, I have been terrified I would trip over my own tongue and say something I would regret. I knew his mom must know about her, and I was trying hard not to pry into his life.

But I was dying to know who she was. An old girlfriend that broke his heart? A childhood friend? The person responsible for his scar?

"So what are we making?" His mom's voice brought me out of my thoughts and back to the task at hand.

"Caprice chicken pasta and chopped Italian salad." I told her as I started pulling out my groceries.

Melody smiled at me, "That sounds delicious!"

The next hour flew by as she and I talked about cooking and food, laughing when I told her about the first time I tried making pasta and never stirred it. All of the noodles stuck together in one big clump. Disaster.

Melody chopped and stirred alongside me, asking me questions about school and my family. She never got too intrusive, though. Our conversation was pleasant, but as the food was ready, I realized I hadn't asked her many questions. The opportunity for that was gone, as she went to call the others to dinner.

"Amber, this looks amazing. I'm so impressed with your skills!" Melody gushed just as Garrett and Nico came down the hallway, April on their tail. I felt myself blush as Garrett looked over towards me, eyebrows raised.

"Smells amazing, Doll! I think you have officially become my favorite person." April laughed as she passed Nico and went right to the table.

"Thanks for doing this, Amber. It's nice to eat something that didn't get tossed at us through the drivers side window." Nico remarked. April promptly whacked his shoulder.

"Watch it, bitch! I have other noteworthy skills."

Nico wiggled his eyebrows, "yeah ya do..."

Just as he leaned in to nuzzle her neck, Garrett coughed loudly, inserting the word gross as he coughed. That effectively got the lovebirds attention, before the rest of us were subjected to their overt show of affection.

"Let's just focus on this beautiful meal that Amber has prepared" Melody said, saving us from a second round of PDA.

"So, you're a cook?" Garrett questioned, "I thought we'd just be eating spaghetti or something. This looks...interesting."

Now it was his turn to get whacked by April.

"What?" Garrett looked at her, irritation clearly written all over his face.

"Interesting? Really G? You can come up with a better compliment then that!" She was scowling at him.

"Sorry! Shit" another shoulder whack, this time by Melody, "Fine. It looks delicious."

"Well, let's stop talking about how it looks and just dig in." Nico said.

Thank God! I didn't know if I could take much more of that.

Thankfully, the rest of dinner went smoothly. Everyone enjoyed the food, saying it was better than a restaurant. Nico and April kept their hands to themselves and even offered to do the dishes. Nico said it was the least they could do after a meal like that.

"Garrett," April called over her shoulder as they headed into the kitchen, "You know the drill, drive my doll home."

"Yeah, I know. I was planning on it." He replied.

That statement gave me little butterflies in my stomach. Planning on it? Was that good or bad?

After saying goodnight to Melody and gathering my things, I stood in the living room waiting for Garrett by the door. He had disappeared somewhere after April's order to take me home. I noticed a few pictures hanging on the wall by the door so I took a closer look.

One of them showed what must have been a much younger Garrett, perhaps ten or so, standing next to a brunette girl who looked several years older than him. She had her arms around him and rested her head on top of his, both with smiles on their faces. What struck me the most was Garrett's face. There was no scar.

"That's my sister." Garrett's voice startled me, causing me to jump back a half step. Thankfully he wasn't that close so I didn't step on his toes.

"Oh. How much older is she?"

"Lisa was sixteen in that picture."

Lisa? My mind raced back to what April had said that day in her car. Don't ask about Lisa.

Lisa was his sister. What had happened with Lisa?


First of all, I am so deeply sorry to leave you hanging at the end like that! But the next chapter WILL give you more information about Lisa. At least you know who she is now! Right??

Pretty please, tap the star to vote?! It is super helpful and I appreciate it so much!

That is the end of part 5. We learned things about each of our main characters, but we also have new questions.

Part six is in Garrett-Amber-Matt order and will continue with their activities over the holiday break.

This song is all of Ambers confusion about Matt and Garrett. I am NOT trying to build a love triangle here, in case you wondered. But confusion and relationships tend to go hand in hand. Here are my boys of summer. Sort of. They are really hard to find videos of! Only a few songs have videos and looks like I picked less popular songs. Meh, you get a little taste with this.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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