9 - Amber

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Other than the short intro in Ambers chapter, Part 9 takes place all on the same night, Friday, just a few days after Amber and Garrett started talking again. Keep that in mind as you read their 3 POVs.

Aaaannnnddd I am so sorry for the accidental post on Wednesday-my finger just barely brushed the publish link and bam....

Song of the chapter - Same Mistakes by One Direction

Happiness is relative. I've been happy in life, at school and home. Satisfied with most things I've done, places I've been. And until the whole Matt fiasco, I hadn't had much to worry or complain about. So happy was a good way to describe my life.

After Matt and I talked at the park, kind of coming to an understanding about things between us, I started to feel closer to happy. At least more than I had in a while. Not because I felt closer to Matt, but mostly because I understood why he acted the way he had. And that it wasn't my fault.

Rationally I always knew it wasn't, but there's that little voice of doubt that made me think I hadn't been strong enough to keep it from happening. Talking to him opened my mind to the idea that he was actually more messed up from his home life than I could have imagined. And it broke my heart.

But until the other day, when I was able to gather my courage and go find Garrett, when I could sit and talk with him and not feel like he was going to run away, did I really see the possibility of true happiness. I was happy to see Garrett again, and sit with him. I was happy to have him respond to me at all, but it was a plus when he looked at me right before I left. That look gave me hope that things would eventually go where I dreamed they would go.

Maybe, we would be happy together.

Garrett and happy seemed to be opposite terms, the very definition of oxymoron. How could brooding, quiet, withdrawn Garrett possibly be happy? Somehow, the look on his face, or more specifically the peacefulness in his eyes, led me to believe it was within the realm of possibility. Garrett and happiness could exist at the same time.

I saw more of that spark when I went with April to the victory run with the Camero. She had been surprised when I told her I was going with her. But then, a look came over her face, one that spoke volumes. One that told me things were headed in the right direction.

Other than talking about the Camero and the great job they had done on it, however, Garrett and I didn't really spend any more time together. He was a work in progress. But in a way, so was I.


"I've missed you at lunch, Doll. You and G are becoming a thing." April smirked.

Ha, if only.

"Not really. I do most of the talking. Although he has started opening up a little." That is if you count talking about cars opening up.

"Huh...sounds promising." She said, eyebrow raised.

"We'll see." I shrugged. But just the idea of anything promising with Garrett made my stomach flip, in a good way.

"Well, tonight's the big night for them." April reminded me. "That guy is test driving the Camero."

Nico had been networking with people he knew from the car shows, looking for buyers. He got a bite the night before from some older, wealthy car collector who wanted to have a look. The guys were planning to make a huge profit from this one.

"They did an amazing job, even I can tell how good it is. I'm sure they'll sell it."

The car was just gorgeous, all black leather interior which had been restored to the original design and Garrett had added touches of silver here and there, not in obvious ways but enough to make a statement. There were subtle pin stripes along the sides and doors, an unexpected use of silver threading along the interior, as well as a racing steering wheel. But the real beauty was the paint color. Garrett had chosen a deep garnet red, not flashy but utterly classic. It really was the perfect choice. He was a true artist.

April was as giddy at how the engine sounded as they sped down the street during their victory spin as I was with the artistry of Garrett's design.

"Damn! That sounds so hot!" was how she put it. I just laughed. Until the boys came back and she grabbed Nico by the collar of his jacket and kissed him. Not just a smack on the lips either, she laid such a kiss on her man that I immediately blushed and asked Garrett to drive me home. Nico and April didn't even notice.

However, it turned out to be a bad idea. The tension between Garrett and I after witnessing that kiss was...uncomfortable to say the least. But once I got home, and said a simple good bye, he seemed to take a breath and relax. I wondered what had caused him to finally chill, as if he had been worried I would bring up our kiss. Or, God forbid, attack him the way April had attacked Nico...

"Garrett made some perfect color choices. But he always does." April said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"How long has he been designing for Nico?" I asked, curious about his creative streak.

"The whole time. Even when he wasn't living nearby, Nico would text pictures of whatever car he was working on and G would sketch it out, then send pictures back." April explained.

"He's got talent." I said quietly. I had a feeling Garrett didn't realize just how good he was.

"I know, right? He needs to get on it and make a career."

April pulled up to my house, dropping me off in our now very normal routine. Having someone like her as such a good friend was probably the best surprise of the whole situation. At least for now. But who knew what the future would bring.

"So what are your plans for the night?" April asked, right as I was stepping out of the car.

"Not much. Catching up on homework, reading, that kind of thing."

"Want me to drop by and kidnap you?" April said with an evil look on her face.

"No, that's okay. I really just need to chill tonight." I was exhausted from all of the tension and wondering all week.

"Whatever you say, Doll. But let me know if you change your mind and I'll be here in a heartbeat."

"Kay, sounds good!" I laughed.

The afternoon was business as usual. My parents got home and I made dinner. I had started cooking more now that Matt was out of the picture. He tended to suck away all of my time. I loved the way pulling different flavors together relaxed me.

Just as dinner was finished and the dishes were done, I heard the buzz of a text from my phone. I got all geared up to turn April down, figuring she was going to try getting me out for the night. But when I saw the text, those thoughts melted away.

Can I talk to you? -Matt

I hesitated before answering. He had backed off a little over the week, but still made a point to walk me from first to second period and invite me to sit with him at lunch. I was uncomfortable answering him with complete honesty after he and Garrett had such a violent confrontation, and about me. So I always just said I was sitting with a friend. Matt never pushed it.

What's up?-Amber

I waited for his reply, wondering what he could possibly have to say. Within a minute he responded.

It's...my dad. Can you come outside? -Matt

I looked out my window and sure enough, Matt was there, sitting in his Audi. He had his head resting on the steering wheel. It seemed like his whole body had deflated.

Things must not have been great at home. I knew that had been weighing on him, and I suspected that the situation with his dad had been bad all week. Matt had seemed off somehow. I couldn't put my finger in it exactly but there was less confidence, and it seemed like something was simmering just under the surface.

I made the decision to go out and hear what he had to say. Maybe it would help him to get it out of his system, just vent. I knocked on the window of his car gently, but he still startled at the sound. His face seemed to light up immediately after seeing me there, however. He reached over to open the door for me with a hesitant smile.

"Hey" he said, "thanks for coming out. I just..." then he stopped.

"Of course." I paused and took a breath. "So, how are you?" That seemed like a good place to start.

"Shitty." he let out a huge breath and put his head back on the steering wheel.

"Why? What happened?" Part of me wanted to reach out and put my hand on his arm, provide some kind of comfort. But I didn't want to send the wrong message so I pressed my hands deeper into my sides.

"He's just a huge asshole. He doesn't have one good thing to say. Ever. About anything." His volume went up with each word, causing me to wince.

"I'm really sorry." was all I could say.

"And the guys are effing pressuring me. It's pissing me off." He grabbed the wheel and gripped it, hard. The tension was just oozing off of him.

"How are they pressuring you?" I couldn't imagine that at all. Matt always seemed like he was in control and made all the decisions for the group.

"To party. Tonight's the lot and I haven't been to many of them lately. Pete thinks I'm a whipped pussy. And Jeff is just trying to cheer me the fuck up." He shook his head.

"Why don't you want to go?" Wasn't Matt a huge partier? I had always thought he lived for that stuff. Although I was surprised when he mentioned the lot. It had a really bad reputation.

"I'm just tired of the bullshit. And I've actually been trying to, you know, cut back on all that. If I go, I'll end up messing that all up, just in order to deal with it."

This side of Matt was a complete surprise. He seemed so vulnerable. Maybe that's why he had seemed so distant the last few days.

"It's tough, getting pressured." I responded. I knew all about it, but he had been the cause. That thought sat bitterly in my heart, even with his attempts to ease it.

Matt turned his head towards me, "Shit, Amber. I'm so sorry. That was me, right?"

I just nodded in agreement.

Matt started to reach toward me, then seemed to have second thoughts and grabbed his thigh instead, rubbing it in frustration.

"I'm an ass." he whispered.

"At least you're trying now." I answered.

"I guess." He paused, "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." I was curious.

"Would you..." he trailed off.


"Would you go with me tonight? Just so I can make an appearance and get them off my back."

My mouth fell open. The Lot? It didn't matter how much time I had spent there at lunch, with April and the girls. Lunch was one thing, Friday nights were something else entirely.

"I don't know, Matt. The lot is...well..."

"Just for a half hour, tops. It would help so much..." he pleaded.

This side of Matt still threw me in a tailspin. I just didn't know what to think.

But if it helped him stay sober...

"I guess so...but just thirty minutes." I added firmly at the end.

Matt got a huge smile, "Thanks. I really mean it, Amber."

"Sure, sure." I let out a little laugh.

"So, I'll be back then, to pick you up at ten?" he asked.

"I guess that's okay." I would have to give my mom some explanation first. She would let me go, my curfew was midnight, but she would want to know where I was going. I didn't think the lot was a good enough story.

"Ok. Then, see ya." Matt finished.

"Yeah." I waved him off and walked up to the house after our good byes. This would be interesting, to say the least.


Matt pulled into the lot a few minutes after picking me up. I restated that this was just for a half hour, making sure it was clear. Matt agreed, which helped relieve some of my anxiety. However, the second he turned towards the corner, my fears of the lot's reputation were realized.

Cars were lining the lot, with windows down and music on. Open truck beds held coolers filled with something, most likely beer, that everyone gathered around. Couples were leaning against cars, putting April and Nico to shame with their display. A few girls were dancing, if that's what you could call it, in a clump right in the middle of it all. They were barely dressed from what I could see.

My hands flew to my cheeks in shock, "What in the world?!" I whispered.

"It's pretty bad, huh..." Matt was honest enough to admit.

"Just slightly. How are you not caught?"

"Practice. Seriously, though, don't say anything about this to anyone. That's the only rule. That's why it's still here."

I wouldn't want anyone to know I had ever been here, so that wouldn't be a problem at all. "Yeah, fine."

Matt parked and we both got out. He walked around to my side and then we continued over to his circle of friends. I hadn't had contact with any of them since we broke up, and I wasn't looking forward to seeing them now.

Most likely sensing my nerves, Matt turned to me and whispered, "Don't worry, I got ya." Then he grabbed my hand. I was so uncomfortable that I let him.

Of course, the first person to comment on our arrival was Pete, "Well, look who finally showed." He slurred his words slightly, and I wasn't sure if he was referring to Matt or me.

"Yup." was all Matt said.

Just then my phone buzzed with a text so I pulled it out to read it.

Where r u??????- April

This time it was April. I figured she hadn't listened to me and decided to try that kidnapping after all.

Helping Matt with something -Amber

I didn't want to tell her I was at the lot. Even April thought it was messed up.

I need to come get you. NOW! -April

What was that about? I glanced over to Matt who was in a conversation with Jeff, who also seemed slightly inebriated, but he hadn't looked over at what I was doing.

Why???? What's up?-Amber

Not two seconds later, I got a reply that nearly stopped my heart.

G got arrested. We need to bail him out-April

Suddenly, I was more nervous than I had been when we got to the lot. I must have gasped out loud because Matt finally looked over at me, a concerned look covering his features.

"What is it?" He asked after walking back to me.

"Um, April is texting. There's a problem...at home. She's picking me up so I can help her out." I really didn't want to say anything to Matt about it. I quickly told April where I was.

I'm at the lot -Amber

His eyebrows furrowed together, "Do you want me to go with you?"

Absolutely not...but I didn't want to say that. "No, that's okay. I'm sorry I couldn't stay the whole time with you, but it's kind of an emergency." I said as April's reply buzzed back.

WTH??? -April


B there in 5-April

She was so close already. It was a relief, but at the same time caused my pulse to race. I had no idea what was going on. I looked up to tell Matt that April would be picking me up in a few minutes. But when I saw the look on his face, I hesitated. It was a familiar emotion, the one that had caused so much pain and arguing over the last several months. The one that he made me believe I might never see again.



Soooo, let me know what you think about Amber at the lot, April's message about Garrett, Matt's flip floppy behavior...all of it!

The next part has me screaming. We will find out about all the drama going on with Garrett. I've had it planned since November and I can hardly wait to write it!

The music this time is slightly foreshadowing. Amber is just starting to see what you already pointed out to me after Matt's last part!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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