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The next morning, when Sam came trudging into the lounge lazily, he didn't say a word about what happened last night. Colby wasn't sure if he wanted him to or not. The older boy yawned, sitting next to Colby and glancing up at whatever was on the TV. It was quiet, aside from the television, for only a moment as Colby decided to break it. "You slept in today, yeah?"

Sam nodded slowly, "I had a hangover and I stayed up way too late. How are you up?"

"My head didn't bother me that bad and I dunno, just got up, I guess." He was lying. He was only up because he had trouble sleeping in general. And his head was pounding after the few hours of sleep he managed, but he'd long since taken a painkiller. "If your head hurts, we have meds." He said, pointing towards the pill bottle on the table.

"Oh, thank god." Sam muttered, standing up and leaving to get some water. When he returned, he swallowed two of the painkillers, returning to his spot on the sofa. He finally, properly, looked at Colby and his eyes fell onto the few love bites on his neck.

He felt a bit proud and ashamed. The memory of biting down before calling Colby his replayed in his mind and he swallowed hard, "Um, I'm going to see Kat again today," Yes Sam, bring up your girlfriend after getting stirred up in the morning at the thought of marking your best friend, "Except, this time she wanted to come by the apartment meet you."

Colby stiffened very visibly. "Does she?" He asked, laughing a bit forcibly. "But why?"

"Well, duh, you're my best friend and flatmate. I've been dating her for over a month and she hasn't met, like, the most important person in my life yet!"

Colby's heart skipped a beat and he put his chin in his palm, looking away, "Whatever. What time?"

Sam raised a brow at his friend's pouty behavior, "About seven. We were planning on spending the day together first...which reminds me, I should get ready now." He stands up, stretching his limbs a bit as he heads up to his room.

"I'll make sure to have the flat cleaned before you love birds return," He said with malice in his tone, listening to the small noises of Sam as he got ready.


"I'm just so afraid he won't like me at all!"

"There no reason to worry, trust me! He isn't like that."

"If you say so..." A short girl pouted, giggling as her boyfriend pulled her into his embrace and kissed her head. Sam, said boyfriend, opened the door to his flat, letting Kat inside first before trailing behind her. They made their way into the lounge, and Katrina made a noise of approval. "This place is so clean and neat. It also has a nerdy touch. It's very you."

Sam shrugs, his cheeks turning pink, causing the girl to giggle. Both their heads turned as they heard someone else enter the room, and Katrina found herself grinning big as an anxious feeling settled into her stomach. Sam, however, was biting his lip. He wasn't anxious in a good way like his girlfriend.

"I'm guessing you're Colby, then?" She asked, walking towards the other boy. Colby nodded slowly, not expecting to see Katrina when he walked into his lounge.

She was short compared to him, which wasn't saying much, and she had brown curls that stopped just below her chest. Her eyes were a dark color, almost green black, and she had a very natural face of makeup. Pretty, was all  Colby thought.

"Yeah, and I'm guessing you're Katrina." Colby forced a smile and the girl nodded. She held out her hand, prompting a handshake. Colby took the petite hand in his, shaking gently before letting go quickly.

That hand was on your boyfriend's dick last night, by the way.

He suppressed a smirk at the thought. "Well, if that's all, then I'm gonna just...watch some TV now." He walked past them, taking a seat on the sofa and flipping the television on. He pulled his laptop into his lap, opening it and drumming his fingers on it as it started up.

"Okay...well, let me show you my room, then." Sam muttered, leading the way for Kat, leaving Colby alone again.

When he was sure they were gone, his face melted into an angry glare. "What's so special about her?" He thought out loud, "She's so boringly generic and her personality is sickly sweet." Colby knew he was speaking through jealousy, and that the logical side of his brain recognized that she was pretty and had a lovely personality. However, he was bitter, and he wanted to keep being bitter.

When his laptop started up, he immediately went and began to scroll through tumblr. He was trying to get his mind off Sam and his stupid girlfriend and the fact that they'd been in his room, alone, for awhile now, and fuck. He couldn't be angry about it, they were a couple who were allowed to do couple things.

"Ouch," He jerked his hand when a sharp pain ran up his arm, bringing his palm into view. "What the fuck." He saw little red crescent shapes, one of them bleeding, from where he was clenching his fist. He sighed, trudging into the kitchen where he washed his hand off and dried it.

He went to the bathroom, finding a simple plaster and putting it over the small injury before heading back up to the lounge. Once again, he found Kat there. Except this time, she was gently holding Sam's face as he gave her a kiss. It made his stomach flip.

"Oh!" She squeaked when she turned around. "I'm sorry, Colby. I was just leaving." She giggled, embarrassed, before making her way around the seemingly frozen boy. "Bye, love! See you later!" She called to Sam before disappearing.

"Well," Colby said after finding his voice again, "She was just sugary sweet."

Sam's brows furrowed in annoyance at Colby's sarcastic tone. He followed him to the sofa, where they both sat silently. "Listen," Sam spoke up. Colby noticed the tone. It was the same nervous tone he had when he'd first mentioned Kat. He closed his eyes and braced himself for whatever Sam was about to say. "This may be a weird time to bring this up, but about last night..."

Colby's eyes snapped open.

"It was really wrong, but also kind of really amazing. And...well, I'm still thankful about it. So, um, I was kinda wondering if we could make it a...thing? Kat just wants to take everything really slow. We were, um, kissing in my room and she told me. I respect that but I get, you know, needs. A no strings attached, just best friends, er, helping each other kind of situation."

Colby's heart was thrumming in his chest and it felt like it would pop out any moment. His blood was rushing in his ears, making it harder to hear, but he managed, "You...you want to be friends with benefits?" He asked, his voice an octave higher than usual.

"That's what it's called!" Sam exclaimed, nodding. "Yeah. I wanna be friends with benefits–for now–if that's okay with you."

Colby knew he'd regret this. He just knew it. But he had fucking feelings for the idiot across from him, so he pushed away the logical thoughts and whispered, "It's okay with me."


"Fuck, Colby—"

Colby looked up at Sam through his eyelashes, moaning softly as his friend's fingers tangled in his hair and tugged gently. Colby pulled off the cock that was in his mouth, tongue darting out to run over his lips before he spoke.

"Maybe this is a weird time to ask, but what happened to put you in a mood tonight?" He asked before running his tongue along the underside of Sam's dick, causing him to rut forward.

"Nothing in pa-ah-rticular," His knuckles turned white from gripping the brunette's hair, causing Colby to hiss in pain. "Just generally frustrated. Couldn't ask Katrina."

"I see." Was all he replied with before moving to take Sam's entire length in his mouth again, hollowing his cheeks, tongue swirling around it. Sam rested his elbows against the kitchen counter, head lolling backwards, a groan rumbling in his throat.

This was their first encounter since they made the deal to be friends with benefits, a week ago, and Colby had already found plenty of confidence to do this with his best friend. He pulled back, sucking gently on the tip before pulling off completely to kiss it.

Sam moved to look down at Colby as his hand worked on his cock in replacement of his mouth. "Sorry, my jaw hurts." Colby muttered causing Sam to laugh through a moan. Colby giggled a bit quietly himself before returning his mouth to his friend's cock, bobbing his head back and forth slowly, his hand stroking the parts his mouth weren't currently reaching.

"Nngh– Colby, you're so fucking good at this—" Sam sighed, head tipping back again. The other grinned at the praise, sinking down so that his nose brushed into Sam's happy trail and he hummed, sending vibrations down his dick. He nearly choked as Sam thrusted forward. He pulled off, taking a deep breath. Okay, that was sorta hot.

"Sam" He said, wiping his mouth a bit. When Sam's gaze was on him, he smugly grinned. "Fuck my mouth." He moaned, scooting forward on his knees. Sam's eyes widened a bit, a groan tumbling from his mouth.

"Shit," He reached down, grabbing onto Colby's hair again and pulling him forward. Once he had Colby's mouth on his cock again, he started thrusting slowly, transfixed by the swollen and pink lips stretched around his dick. He moaned loudly, quickening his pace. Colby's hands found Sam's hips, just needing something to hold onto as he continued to hum around his friend, drool dribbling from the corner of his mouth. There were tears in his eyes as Sam began to thrust deeper, faster, animalistic moans and groans coming from above.

The thrust suddenly became uneven, Sam's hips stuttering before he spilled into Colby's mouth. He felt his knees go weak, and he let go of Colby's hair, letting all his weight fall against the counter. "Mm," Colby moaned quietly, swallowing the cum in his mouth before shakily standing, feeling a slight pain in his knees and scalp. He waited until Sam regained his composure, tugging his pants and jeans back up, before he stopped forward.

He pressed himself into his friend, putting their foreheads together. Their eyes bore into each other's for a moment before Sam took the hint and leaned forward into a kiss. Colby's mouth opened slowly as Sam's tongue swiped over his lip, sighing through his nose as their tongues twined. They kissed slowly, arms around each other and the only light coming from the street lights outside their window. Colby pulled back, "You taste sweet."

Sam chuckled, leaning forward, causing Colby to shuffle away from him, "Thanks." He stretched, shirt sliding up and down as he moved, "It's already midnight, fuck. I'm gonna head to bed now. Night!" Sam smiled, waving to his flatmate as head retreated to his room. Colby was disappointed that they didn't get to kiss more, he was disappointed that Sam didn't get him off, and most of all, he was disappointed he didn't get to curl up in the bed with him.

Colby made his way to his room, rubbing his erection away as quietly as possible before changing into his pajamas and crawling under his covers. He stared into the darkness of his room, running his fingers over his aching jaw.

He wasn't sure how to feel about this agreement, but he'd keep going along with it.

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