Chapter 4

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3rd P.O.V

Boarding the train the five wizards look for a place to sit.

"Look there's a place we can sit", Evergreen pointed out. It wasn't empty but there was enough space for the five of us to sit. There where two girls. One had black hair and blue eyes, the other had brown hair and green eyes.

"Excuse me, may we sit here", Freed asked. One of the girls looked up and nodded. The other girl sat still and continued to look out the window. The five wizards sat down. Lucy sat next to the window, across from one of the girls. Evergreen sat next to her on her left and Bixlow next to Evergreen. Freed and Laxus sat next to each other next to the two girls. The girl sitting across from Evergreen looked around at the strangers around her. She saw the Fairy Tail mark on Lucy's hand.

"Saph, look, we're in luck", the girl with brown hair whispered to the girl next to her. The ravenette looked to her comrade, the brunette pointed to Lucy's guild mark.

"Excuse me, but are you Fairy Tail wizards", the brunette asked.

"Yes, why do you ask", Freed questioned the two girls. Said two girls looked at each other before nodding.

"Well, you see we stole a job a guild. We're out of money and my sister wanted a chance to improve on her magic before we join Fairy Tail ourselves", the brunette explained softly. The five Fairy Tail wizards looked at each other in surprise.

"So you're wizards", Evergreen asked. The brunette shook her head.

"No, well, I'm not but my sister is"

"Excuse me, but mind telling us your names" Freed asked. The ravenette glared at her sister. The brunette just rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, my name is Emerald, and this is my sister Sapphire Jane, we come from the Black family", the brunette, or Emerald said. Sapphire glared at her sister.

"Dear Em, how many times have I told you, do not use that name", Sapphire spat at Emerald.

"Sorry S.J", Emerald apologized before turning to the others, "Sorry about her, if you could refrain from calling her Sapphire things go smoothly, oh and you can just call me Em"

"Well then Em, S.J how would you like to join us", Lucy asked, "We are heading back to my old home to train, we could help you with your training if you would like"

"Can we", they asked in unison. Lucy nodded.

"Thank you, um we don't know your names", Em said.

"Oh, well I'm Lucy, this is Evergreen, next to her is Bixlow, next to you is Freed and next to Freed is Laxus", Lucy said, pointing out each of her comrades.

"Hey girly, you never said what kind of magic you use", Bixlow pointed out.

"I'm a dragon slayer", S.J responded in a bored tone. The Fairy Tail wizards sat in shock.

"How come you're not getting motion sick", Laxus asked, looking slightly green. S.J look at the Blonde man. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a bottle, unscrewing the lid she took a pill and handed to Laxus.

"It has to do with the magic I use", S.J explained.

"I have three questions for ya", Laxus said, S.J nodded, silently telling him to continue, "Are you first, second, or third generation, and if you don't get motion sick why do you carry motion sickness pills, and what kind of dragon slayer are you"

"Laxus lay off", Evergreen and Lucy scolded. Em giggled and S.J rolled her eyes.

"It's okay. I'm a third gen, I carry the pills because I some times go on missions with my cousin and his partner, they're both dragon slayers, and lastly I'm the blood dragon slayer, taught by Ravena, and if you're wondering I do have an exceed, he probably getting drunk at the bar or flirting with some poor girl",

"I find that insulting S"

Everyone turned their head to the voice. There beside Bixlow's seat stood a guy with grey hair and amber eyes.

"Nice of you to finally show up Lupin", S.J said, "Now get your ass back into cat size so Em will stop being panicky"

With a small pop, the man turned in to an exceed with dark grey fur. Lucy noticed that his stomach was a lighter grey than the rest of him.  Lupin hopped into Em lap snuggled up against her.

"Well then, I guess the 8 of us are heading to the Heartfillia estate", Lucy said.

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