Demon of Death

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   Someone will be betrayed.  I hear a voice whisper. It sounded as if it was surrounding me, but also as if it were right behind me. But the sounds of fighting soon take over and I'm reminded of the battle I'm currently in the middle of.  Serpentine are surrounding me, and I can barely see Lloyd. As I fight off the Constrictai general, my vision starts to fade. I've lost my peripheral and have to depend on my hearing to dodge any attacks. 

   I narrowly dodge an attack by three venomari when the voice whispers to me again. Prepare for the betrayal. After delivering a roundhouse to what's-his-face's face, I turn to face Lloyd. At least, where I thought Lloyd was. By now, I have lost most of my vision, and what I do have left is blurry. I'm trying to use my hearing to find my teammates, but the voice keeps blocking everything else out.

   Cole was right in warning us that someone may die, but I never would've thought that this would be the way it goes. I have to rely on the thudding of feet near me. Not the most reliable method, but the only one that is working right now. You are not what you seem, young one. You are simply a vessel for something much bigger, but whether it is good or evil, only you can decide. 

   That's totally not horrifying to hear as you lose all vision and feeling. The last thing I saw was a moving green blob -I'm assuming it was Lloyd, but it could also have been a venomari. I soon learn that my night terrors or sleep paralysis aren't actually that. Freyja -as I've learned the voice's name is- is responsible for all that. And she's also responsible for whatever is happening now. Which I have no idea what that is, cause I'm stuck inside our brain. Yep, I also found out that she is a demon who shares my body. Don't know why, how, or when she got here, but she's here. 

   My vision is slowly coming back, and I can hear screaming to my right. I feel something wet and warm on my hand and realize that I'm holding my katana. As my vision fully clears, I see Kai in front of me, paler than Jay in the winter, and my katana through his abdomen. I feel my hand losing its grip, and it feels like everything else happens in slow motion. Kai falling to the ground, Felicity screaming and trying to catch him, Nya pushing me out of the way, and the katana 

  Freyja laughs inside my head as I rush to Kai's side. Felicity is holding him, while Nya runs her hand through his hair. He's still alive, but he won't be much longer. I can't look at him, so I bury my face in his chest. His hand moves to my head with all the strength he can muster, and he lifts my face to look at me. 

   "Don't cry, little sis." He says, voice weak but full of his stubbornness, "You and I both know this was bound to happen." Tears stream down my face as he struggles to take a breath. He turns to face Nya and gives her the most loving smile I've ever seen from him. "Nya, thank you. I don't, don't know how you put up with me, but I'm glad you did." As he uses his energy, Kai's breath gets more ragged. He probably has five minutes at the most if he would stop talking.

   "I promise I'll take care of her." Nya's voice cracks as Kai continues to smile at her. He's getting paler as blood pours out around him. But it's as if he doesn't notice. "I'll take care of her the same way you took care of me. I love you, Kai."

   "I love you too, sis." I've never known how scary it can be when someone closes their eyes. But thankfully he looks at me one last time. Nya swaps places with me so I can hug him, and I'm not sure how long I can hold it together. "Alex, I trust you. I know you're stronger than everyone thinks. You just have to trust yourself." Time seems as if it is going in slow motion and light speed as Kai closes his eyes again. This time, they don't open and his breathing slows.

  "Kai," We look to see Felicity, who has been silent this entire time, soaked in her tears. "please, don't leave me. I can't lose you too." He smiles one last time and uses his last breath to say four words that none of us will ever forget.

   "I love you girls."


   "Alex, we need to go." Lloyd gently grabs my shoulders and tries to guide me away, but I refuse to move. I'm a danger to the team, they should just leave me here to die. It's what I deserve. A slow and painful death next to the brother I brutally murdered. He said he trusted me, even after I stabbed him. Why? I was the one responsible for his death, and they all still trust me? 

  "Just leave me." Soon, Cole and Melody are by my side as well. Too close for what just happened. Do they not realize that I could kill them at any moment too? I told you that someone would be betrayed. He needed to die. He was pretty useless anyway. Just shut up already! He was not useless, he was my brother. Yeah he never had the best ideas and he would forget to think, but he raised me. I need him.

   Oh really? You need him? Yeah right. You're free now! You can do whatever you want, whenever you want, now that he's dead. You killed him, remember? Clearly you hated him.

   "SHUT UP!" Everyone looks at me and back away as I snap. My eyes are burning from the tears and anger, and I blow up. "You know nothing! I loved him! You are the reason he's dead! So shut up! He trusted me, and I won't let him down." As I remember his last few words, my eyes start glowing without my knowledge. "Kai, I promise I won't let you down. You said you trusted me." I bury my head in Kai's cold shoulder while Cole and Zane prepare the gurney.

    "You will have a trial." Sensei's words from months ago pop into my head. Those scrolls were talking about me. I'm the decision maker. Now I get it. This is my trial, and I must overcome it if Lloyd is to win the final battle. I must trust myself.

   "He's not gone."

   Everyone's heads snap towards me as I feel this, power flow through me. I focus all of my energy on Kai's lifeless body and the power transfers between us. Soon, all of my energy is spent and just before I pass out, I hear a familiar groan. It's not over yet.

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