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Well, I probably could have posted this chapter and the next one yesterday... but I kinda forgot where they were set. I really hope you've been enjoying this so far!


When we had finally arrived at what Jay and Nya call the Bounty, I noticed that there were three young adults, two young children, and an elderly man. The young adult in red with spiky hair questioned my presence, but the elderly man, who I assumed to be the Sensei Wu Nya was talking about, chastised him. We were to have proper introductions during supper, which was just about to be served. So now I'm sitting here in between Jay and Nya as they tell me who is who.

The one sitting across from me was the little girl, her name is Alexia Allisyn, but she prefers Alex. Across from Jay is the young boy named Lloyd. He is the one that has to save all of Ninjago. Next to Alex is Kai, the red, spiky haired one. Next to him is the black ninja Cole, then Sensei Wu at the head of the table, and the white ninja Zane is next to Nya. Zane is also the one who cooks the most.

They are all talking about finding the three remaining kunoichi and also helping me to find my family. It's nice to know that they're helping me, but Nya never told me that they were looking for people of their own! I hope that I can be of help to them in their search since they are helping me in mine.

"So, which kunoichi should we look for next? We have water, but there are still Wind, Light, and Shadow." So one of the elements is shadow? Maybe? No... it wouldn't work out. They wouldn't be able to work with the differences.

"I think we should look for light or shadow. Go for one that you can see, but not really feel." Nya answers her brother. "We have enough elements that are harder to control anyway. If we go with one of the two 'hidden' elements, the more controllable, it'll be quicker and easier to teach them. Then we can spend more time working on helping whoever our master of wind is."

I look at Alex and see that she's smiling at me in that "We are the odd ones out" smile. I smile back at her and start a small conversation with her.

"So, you, Kai, and Nya are all siblings?"

"Yeah. Our parents went missing when Nya was three, but had me a few years later. I was then taken from them and Kai and Nya's foster parents found me while they were on a walk. I had a note attached to my blanket that gave them all of my information, including the fact that I was born a month early." She says. Lloyd then decides to join our conversation because the other one was getting boring for him.

"...Then Kai started glowing, and a big fire-like bubble came around us to protect us from the blast. That was when he knew I was the Green Ninja. It was kinda sad because I had only just gotten to be with my dad, but now... I have to fight him..." Everyone else had stopped talking to listen to him telling me the story. Everything was silent as I took it all in.

A little boy, not quite twelve, was going to have to fight his own father to the death. "It's okay, Lloyd. You won't be alone." Alex looks at him with a big, confident smile on her face. "You got all the guys, Nya, and whoever the rest of the team will be. You'll also have me! You're my best friend, Lloyd. I promise, you won't be alone. And you won't be the only one fighting your father! Sensei did say something about an elemental master of life who will fight by your side, so you'll have them too!"

Alex is hugging Lloyd as tight as possible as he's just sitting there, blushing. Everyone, including me, awwes and smiles at them. They would make a really cute couple when they're older.

"Alex is right, Lloyd." Kai started after a bit of silence. "We're here to help you get through this and to train you. That's what family is supposed to do. Stick with you through everything." Cole is the next one to say something.

"And that's what we are. Family." Family. Oh how I miss my family. "Now, speaking of family, what is your last name, Elisia? We might be able to find yours faster if we know." I forgot that I didn't tell them my last name.

"Jones." It was only then that I realized that everyone had finished their dinner and Zane was starting to gather the plates. "How will this help, if you don't mind me asking" Kai then started picking up all the glasses and they both went into the kitchen. Probably to clean the dishes.

"Well, this isn't a normal ship you're on. Jay and Nya made it so that it can not only float, but also fly!" So that's how they're docked on dry land with and masses of water at least ten miles away. "And the bridge has an electronic board so that we can scan for enemies and such. I was thinking that maybe we could use it to find your family."

"That is a good Idea, Cole," Sensei cuts in, "but I believe that we need to prepare a room for our guest so she can rest. I'm sure Jay and Nya would like some sleep as well, not to mention that the rest of you, save Alex, have been training all day." They all nod and Cole looks at Jay as to tell him something without actually saying anything. And it must have worked because they both left the dining room and turned left.

"Uncle, can Alex and I play a few games before we go to bed?" Lloyd asks. Sensei Wu must be his uncle. Sensei look very thoughtful before he answers.

"For ten minutes. No more. I will come in five minutes to make sure you don't spend anymore time. Now, you two are excused." They both get up, grab hands, and run to wherever the games are. "You two are excused as well. I'm sure Cole and Jay have the room ready and you two must be exhausted." We stand up, Nya bows respectively, and we head to where the rooms are.

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