No Demon Here

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This 'demon' that the village told us about turned out to actually be the master of wind that we've been looking for. And while she may not be human, she's definitely not a demon. She's actually pretty nice and easy to get along with. Jay and I got to talk with her quite a bit while we entered her elemental signature into the E.D.S. as a known elemental. Okay, yes, Jay did most of the talking, but we still got some of her backstory.

She was found in an alley when she was days old, and the couple that found her raised her till she was three. After changing foster homes every few months, she decided to run away. Once people saw her wings, they started hunting her, calling her a demon. We sat in silence for a few moments after that, though she must have had a tragic accident recently. Working in silence has never been so comfortable and awkward at the same time. So Jay, being Jay, broke it.

"So, what do you think about Kai's hair?" I try not to groan at the now regular question. He's made it a tradition to ask each new member that.

"I'm assuming you mean the guy I've named porcupine."

"Melody also calls him that. He hates it, because he's obsessed with his hair." Even though it looks like bead head. Maybe Felicity's opinion will help him see the truth. Probably not, but there might be a chance. "We've tried to cut it in his sleep, but he has so much gel dried in it that it's solid. I don't even know how he washes it. Maybe that's why he takes so long in the shower."

The atmosphere becomes relaxed and we give her a run down of the schedule as we walk to the dining room for lunch. She's had two meals with us so far, but the Bounty will still feel like a maze for a few days. When we get there, everyone else is sitting in their seats. Jay and I sit in our usual places while Felicity takes a seat in between Elisia and Melody.

Even though it hasn't even been a full day, Felicity has adjusted to our routine with our meals. I hope the same happens with training tomorrow morning. Of course, Sensei gave us today off, but tomorrow is Wednesday. Sunrise exercise! How fun.

"I hope that your stay here has been comfortable so far, Felicity." Sensei says as he pours his third cup of tea. We all continue to eat, still listening to the conversations around us.

"It has, thank you." A pea lands on my plate, and I look up to see loots and Alex trying to feed each other across the table. "I'm excited to see what you do for training." I hear someone -Kai or Jay- snort, and I look up only to see Jay wiggle his eyebrows at me. I giggle as yet another pea misses Lloyd's mouth and lands on my plate.

Sensei Wu clears his throat and we all look at him. "You two may still only be twelve, but I would prefer it if peas were not flying across the table." Lloyd flung one last pea, and instead of landing in my sister's mouth, it bounces off her nose and into Sensei's cup.

"Sorry, uncle."

"So, how many places have you lived in?" Melody, who lived in the same city until she joined us, asked.

"I honestly lost count a long time ago." One takes a bite of ham while the other fills their plate again. "It's over fifteen, I do know that. But I've been running from hunters for so long that I just stopped caring."

I can't imagine having to run like that. Even as a shinobi I've never had to run from someone hunting me. I hope that she'll accept the position. We could really use someone that knows the land from experience, and I'm sure she could use the semi stability. Plus, I would love to be her friend.

Lunch goes on without any more flying food, and soon we're all- save Kai and Felicity- doing our chores. Melody and I work on the laundry, telling jokes and stories while she folds and I wash Kai's laundry. As soon as I start the washer, I help her by folding the towels, still talking as we go. Everything from our favorite restaurants to our boyfriends is mentioned before we finally finished the laundry.

"I sure hope Felicity stays." I not in agreement as we walk to the boys' room to deliver their basket. "She bring so much more to the team already, and Kai hates how strong her opinion on his hair is!" We both laugh and run into Lloyd cleaning the bathroom.

"Special delivery! Towels and clothes! Just for you and your roommates!" A laugh sounds, and I only just notice Jay scrubbing the tub. He turns around, sleeves rolled up and sweat rolling down his face.

"Cole decided to shower after dusting and sweeping the deck, so I ended up getting extra work. I'm regretting the bet right now." I'm glad I didn't get either of those jobs. Sweeping the deck is usually a daily thing, but we were more focused on finding Felicity that we skipped it for too many days.

"Yeah, I had just cleaned the floor too." Lloyd goes back to organizing the cabinet. Most of it is Kai's hair gel, but it still needs organizing. "He had so much dust and dirt on him, he definitely looked the part of master of earth."

We say our goodbyes and then head our separate ways. I head off to our room and Melody heads to the kitchen. Our room is a bit of a mess, so I first work on getting all the big things put away. By the time I've gotten all the trash out and vacuumed the small space, Jay, Lloyd, and Alex are in the hall. By the look in Lloyd and Alex's eyes, they just finished math.

We are then called to supper -By Kai and Melody having a screaming war- and we all make our way up. Elisia, Felicity, and Zane are already there, and Cole is making his way from the bridge. Sensei Wu gives us tomorrow's plan as we all sit down, starting with when he expects us to wake up and how warm we should dress. Felicity's eyes go wide when he mentions sunrise exercise while some of us groan. We definitely don't enjoy that part of being shinobi. But evil never rests, and neither should we.

"Sensei, since we all have to be up early, may we girls sleep in the game room tonight?" Alex, who has asked this every Wednesday, tries her best not to use puppy eyes. He finally relents and I silently cheer. Once we've eaten supper, we girls promise not to stay up too late and gather our things.

"So you and Cole have been together since you were sixteen?" Felicity asks after we all have settled in. "And he still hasn't proposed?"

We all laugh as Melody sighs. "Yeah, I'm still waiting. Granted, it's only been three and a half years, but we've been through so much together. But I also know that he doesn't want to rush anything and we're still young. I can wait as long as I need to, so long as I'm waiting for him." Elisia and I coo at her lovesick puppy eyes and Alex pretends to gag.

"Enough of the lovey-dovey mush. What I want to know is how Sensei knew Felicity's name."

"The same way he knew ours?" I raise my eyebrow at my sister. "He's the son of the First Spinjitzu Master. He knows way too much to not know our names."

"Indeed. Though I must caution you all that it is getting late, and we must be up before the sun. And like you said, Nya, Sensei knows everything. Even what time we fall asleep. Good night, girls."

"Good night, Elisia." We all chorus, save Melody who has already fallen asleep. We finish saying our good nights and turn off the lights. Tomorrow is going to be a fun day.

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