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Just a warning, this chapter does contain Christian themes. If you no likey, either deal with it or you can go to another story. I ain't gonna change that just because someone doesn't like it. Sowwy.


Since Sensei had Lloyd let us know that today was our day off, the guys and I stayed up later than we should've. It wasn't my choice though, Cole, Zane, and Kai decided to question me. Kai's questions were mostly about what I did (or didn't, depending on who's view you're in) do to his sister. 

"So you promise that you didn't do anything to my sister?" And here we go again...

"Kai, the only thing I did to her was force her to eat a granola bar. I took me half the day just to do that, and I still had to shove it in her mouth at first." I say in the kindest voice I can at this. This is the third time he's asked me that since he woke up three minutes ago. "And if I had even tried anything on her, I wouldn't be here. I'd either be dying somewhere or dead. You should know your own sister by now." 

"Touche.." Silence followed as I went to get in the bathroom before mister "I don't take an hour in the bathroom" can. He's right, he doesn't take an hour, he takes an hour and forty-five minutes when he takes a shower. Zane timed him. Cole's the one who takes an hour. Lloyd's a very close third with forty-five minutes, then I'm next because I have to use a shampoo, dandruff shampoo, and then conditioner twice. That's the only way I can keep my hair under control. But I only take, tops, five minutes longer than Zane.

Once I was done getting ready, I head to the kitchen to see what Zane was making for breakfast. When I entered, I saw both Zane and Lis at the stove. Zane was making scrambled eggs and Lis was working on chocolate chip pancakes. I could also smell bacon in the oven. But I still haven't seen Nya.

"Hey, Zane, where's Nya?" He shrugs while keeping his eyes on the eggs. Lis is the one who answers me, being she did share a room with her.

"She's still sleeping, last I knew. We stayed up pretty late talking about what each of our lives were like a couple of years ago. And she told me that if you let her, she could sleep all day." And she has before.

"Okay, thanks! I might go try to wake her up." I know that she left the cookies my mom made for her in her old room, so I head that way. While I was in the hall, Nya exited out of Sensei's room. She smiled at me and I smiled back, checked to see if anyone was around, then gave her a quick peck on her soft, delicious lips. "Hey, Beautiful." She giggles at my new pet name.

"Hey, Blue Boy! I need to talk to you after breakfast, if that's okay with you."

"Only if you agree to do it during a picnic, well, before the picnic because I don't think either of us will be hungry until noon. So maybe we can have a nice walk and talk, then eat." I suggest. We start walking down to the dining room for breakfast. Of course, everyone but Kai was there. He must still be in the bathroom, trying to cope with no hair gel.

"Good morning, Students! Where is Kai?" Cole and Lloyd snicker, meaning they must have either done something to him, which wouldn't be surprising, or they know what he's complaining about today.

"He's still out of hair gel, and he forgot. So, he took a shower, went to do his hair, and is now ashamed to come out because, his hair is 'too flat' to show." Cole confirms my suspicion about the 'no hair gel' Kai... I hope he gets more today. I hate having to hear about this.

"Well. Lloyd, tell him that I need him here immediately. I have a few very important things to announce." Lloyd left right away, running slightly quieter than he used to, but still pretty loud. "While we are waiting, Zane, will you please bring the food in? I'm famished!" We all laugh, ans Zane goes to get the food from the kitchen. Kai and Lloyd come in just as Zane sets the dishes of food on the table. 

"Shall we pray?" We all grab hands and bow our heads. Sensei prayed for guidance to... wait, did he just say our two remaining kunoichi? I thought we had three! Okay, Jay, he just accidentally said two, but he meant three, right? Aaand I'm sidetracked again. This always happens during prayer! (It literally does for me. when someone else prays, my mind wanders... every. Single. Time.) "Amen." We all repeat the amen, then Zane speaks up.

"Sensei, may I ask you a couple questions?" Wow... he avoided that burn... Haha! The ice ninja avoided a burn! Sorry... I can have very terrible puns. (you and me both, Jay, you and me both...)

"You have one question left."

"While you were praying, I noticed that you said two kunoichi, but we have only found one so far. Why is that?" Everyone started agreeing with, minus Nya. She just looked very confidently at Sensei. 

"Nya, will you please stand?" What's going on. I can tell that she's wondering the same thing as her confident smile went to a questioning one. "Nya Smith, Kunoichi of Water, former Samurai X. You, my dear, came to me with a revelation and, because of that, I am very proud to give you your official gi. NINJA GO!" Sensei used his spinjitzu to change her into her gi like he did for us, but when he stopped, everyone gasped at the sight in front of us. 

(Imagine Nya in something like this. BTW, I do not own this image. I just found it with Google.)

Her hair was up in a messy bun, with a few strands hanging around her ears. She also has two sheaths on either side of her, holding what must be her weapons. She did not have the same mask as us guys, instead, hers only went up to her nose. the top half of her face and head was uncovered.

"Sis, what weapons do you have?" Kai asked, before being shushed be Sensei. She pulled them out, and I noticed that they were as blue as the depths of the ocean. Like her mask. "Sica." Was all I heard. That must be what they are.

(Here's a picture of a sica dagger...)

"Now, the other announcement... Elisia."Nya sits down as everyone looks to Lis. Who happens to be sitting next to Zane. "Nya has told me that you show signs of an elemental ability. Shadow to be exact. Have you ever been told of any abilities that either of your parents had?"

She looks very shy, but then looks at the reassuring face of Nya, and gains confidence in herself. "Yes, my mother said she could control the shadows, become one with them, and also gain energy from them. She also told my brother and I that we both inherited it. But I fail to see how this little bit of information would help either side."

"Your mother, dear child, have come from the first elemental master of Shadow. It was not a coincidence that Jay and Nya found you, for those do not exist in this world. But it was destiny. You are destined to become a kunoichi, but only if you are willing to accept it. It is your choice, but I would like an answer, if possible, by supper tonight. You are all dismissed."


So, I was reading the previous A/N that I wrote for this chapter, and found that this was the one where I started calling y'all my Fwiens! Anywho, I gotta get working on getting the next chapter up. Tootles, fwiens!

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