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So, this is just a quick chapter to kinda foreshadow, but not. Pretty much, a filler chapter that will have information about the things that have been happening to Alex. Hopefully I won't spoil too much, but I feel like this needs to be done. Plus, I had too big of a time skip between chapters for it all being one day. I hope this doesn't seem too filler! Enjoy!


Sensei has asked me to meet him in his room if I wanted to know more about the elements and prophecy. I waited in there as he got the others set up for training. I sat and worked on the picture of Kai that I still have yet to finish. I had just gotten his hair right when Sensei walked in, heading straight for his closet. He grabbed a leather chest and sat it in front of me, then sitting in front of that. Once he got the lock off, he opened it and grabbed a smaller box of about ten scrolls. I noticed that the box in his hands said Kunoichi of All. 

He set the box aside, closed the chest, locked it up and placed it in its spot in his closet. After he sat down again he pulled out his teapot and two cups. A teabag was in one, a packet of dark peppermint hot chocolate in the other. He poured the hot chocolate in the cup, then filled it about three fourths of the way with water. He mixed it thoroughly, leaving the spoon in at the end, before handing it to me. I thanked him before using the spoon to drink it as he made his honey lemon tea. 

"Sensei, why did you want to talk to me about the elements?" I ask as he takes a sip from his tea. I'm not an elemental master, so why would he want to talk to me about them?

"Because, there is more to your heritage than you know. Your siblings don't even know half of it." He sips from his cup before continuing. "No one else needs to worry about the other element's attributes. You, on the other hand, will benefit from knowing all the elements. There are more than just the ten that I mentioned when telling the prophecy yesterday. Yes, Fire, Earth, Ice, Lightning, Wind, Light, Shadow, Water, Energy, and Life are some of the biggest elements, but there are many more. Metal, Gravity, Speed, Nature, Mind, Sound, Form, Smoke, Poison, Amber, and Time.

"You will need to learn not only the attributes of each element, but also their counter element. Such as Light and Shadow or Fire and Water. And once you have completed that, you will be learning the like elements. Wind, Water, and Lightning go together to make a storm. Ice and fire can create water. Earth and Nature can make forests so dense, no one can escape. You will learn how to make differences work so that the elements make each other stronger. Like how a breeze can either put a fire out, or feed it's flame!" I nod in understanding, but also slight confusion. Why me? Why not someone else?

"Sensei, I still don't understand what this has to do with me." He hums and picks up the box of scrolls.

"You see, little one, I cannot know weather I am guessing correctly about you until you have learned all this. After you have, there will be a trial." I open my mouth to say something, but he answered my question before I could. "What it will be of, I do not know. But you will when the time comes. Now, take these scrolls to your room and study them. We will have private lessons while the others are training. I also would like you to make tacos for lunch with Zane. You may go now." 

I get up and grab the box of scrolls, bowing before I leave. I wonder what kind of trial it will be and what these scrolls contain. At least I'll know one of those answers soon. I just hope that Sensei truly does know what he's having me do.

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