Chapter 1

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Peggy's POV

Miss Theodosia strutted her way through the hallways every. Single. Day. She thought she was so great, she was a popular girl. She thought she ruled the school, and the worst part was, she did. People just LET her be sooooo full of herself. Everyone loved her, and she knew that. I had to love her, too. Little Peggy in the corner had to love Theodosia. 

One day, I was standing at my locker when Theo and her squad came up to me. Well, they almost ran into me. Very intimidating. They knew I hated each and every one of them. Theo slammed herself against the locker next to me. "Yo, Peg-Peg." I couldn't care less about talking to them. "I'm straight," I muttered under my breath, so quiet they couldn't even hear. 

"Listen up, outcast," Theo spat. "There's a school dance thingy coming up. Someone likes you. They didn't want me to tell you who they are, but you better be at the Empty Lot to meet them on Thursday. Be there. Bye-bye." She and her crew stalked off. 

I was terrified and conflicted. I didn't know, for sure, if I was a person who dated or not. Also... The Empty Lot is a pretty nasty place-- Which is why no teachers or parents ever go there. It's where all of the private endeavors go down. Theo knows I don't like her... But she's friendly with Angie and Eliza, who I'm often associated with. Maybe she wants to get in with me...

But I don't even talk to Angie and Eliza. Angie purposefully ignores me, and Eliza just tags along. Eliza caught Alexander, the boy that all the girls secretly-not-so-secretly want to date. Plus John. Eliza and Alex had been dating for two years, and I was secretly jealous. Not of Alex, or Eliza, but because they had such a stable relationship. Maybe it would happen for me. 

Eliza's POV

I scrambled out of the bathroom after washing my hands violently. I had to stick my hands in the trash can to move everything around. Who knows what's in there? It was worth it, though. I didn't want ANYONE to know what had happened. 

Mystery POV

I stuck my hands in my pockets and moved slowly down the street. Out of an alleyway, long fingers stuck out of the alley and into my line of vision. "Who are you?" I whispered. A soft, slow voice sung out, "You know me. Don't you recognize me?" She stepped out of the shadows. I gasped. "What... What are you doing here? Why are you in an alley?" She stepped toward me. "Why don't you come back here and see?" Could there be something back there? Someone? A gang? No, no way. When I tried to leave, she grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the empty, dark ally.

She tied my hands above my head, and shoved me down to the ground. She didn't bind my legs, or gag me, which was odd. She had plenty of rope, but maybe this was just a prank. She took a mangle of wood, hastily nailed together, and wedged in between the two buildings. "I'll untie you when you comply. When you stop resisting, and begin enjoying." The wood acted as a sort of wall, creating a small room. She tied a cloth around my eyes.

Then she descended on me.

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