An Interview With Brackenfoot

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Crazystar: Hi, Brackenfoot...

Brackenfoot: No, my favorite fruit is a banana! I wanna banana!

Crazystar: I didn't say....

Brackenfoot: Cookies and cake for everyone!

Crazystar: So I hear you're Patchpelt's friend?

Brackenfoot: Cheese ponies eat the sun!

Crazystar: Wait, you're part of  cheese pony weirdo club?

Brackenfoot: I don't want a lollipop!

Crazystar: Ok, say something....

Brackenfoot: I thought I had a dog,

But I really had a frog,

I am such a poet,

And I didn't even know it.

Crazystar: Do you understand me?

Brackenfoot: Mousefur hates you.

Crazystar: Mousefur hates everyone....

Brackenfoot: Your fur is purple.

Crazystar: Are you insane?

Brackenfoot: I wish I had my mittens,

And I wish I had a hat,

I wish I had my scarf,

And I wish I had a cat!

Crazystar: You are a cat....

Brackenfoot: I went to Mars,

Because I wanted a candy bar....

Crazystar: You're weird.

Brackenfoot: I'm not ugly!

Crazystar: I...

Brackenfoot: I want a pet dog! A big dog! Bigger than the moon!

Crazystar: Dogs are dangerous...

Brackenfoot: Patchpelt likes zebras....

Crazystar: You are by far the weirdest cat I've met....and I've met a lot of weird cats...

Brackenfoot: Do you watch TV on non-rainy days when it's raining?

Crazystar: That makes less sense then my ridiculous jokes motto is right, Expect the Unexpected....

Brackenfoot: Strawberries? Where?

Crazystar: That's enough of this ridiculousness. I'm leaving if you don't start giving me serious answers....

Brackenfoot: No! Don't steal my hairbrush!

(Runs off)

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