Interview with Mintflower(1a_2b3c)

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Crazystar: Hi, Mintflower, thanks for joining us here today! So to start off this interview, who do you think is the craziest cat in StarClan?

Mintflower: Hmmmm..... Patchpelt. But I think that Birchfall is second.

Crazystar: Birchfall? Why do you think Birchfall is crazy?

Mintflower: The Jayfeather thing. But now I think Birchfall is third. Jayfeather….he’s been acting crazy.

Crazystar: I would agree with that. So, next question....have you heard of me until now? And if you have, what have you heard about me?

Mintflower: I've heard that you like pizza. I like it too! :3

Crazystar: Not all pizza...some cat's burn their pizzas so badly that they taste like cardboard. Um....yeah, Smudge, I'm talking about you....

Mintflower: He really does burn it horribly... Mousefur's is way better!

Crazystar: I would agree....So, what do you think about Cloudtail?

Mintflower: He and Firestar are like frenemies. Cloudtail pranks Firestar so much! XD

Crazystar: Have you read Cloudtail's book, Ways to Torture Firestar or something like that? I wanted to read it, but Firestar said if I read it, I'd be kicked off of the LionheartPublishing staff...

Mintflower: I haven't. I'll look into that.

Crazystar: His wattpad username is ThoseCookiesAreMine. Anyhow, have you heard about the time quite recently that Jayfeather drove his monster into a lake, supposedly looking for Fallen Leaves or something like that?

Mintflower: Yes. That's why he is now second on the crazy list.

Crazystar: Is it true that he was waving some stick in the air and saying it would protect him when he drove in?

Mintflower: I believe so. Though the stick is broken in half....

Crazystar: This stick was supposedly still in one you think he got a new stick?

Mintflower: There's only one and he broke it. Rock gave the first to him, so probably.

Crazystar: Have you heard about the Dark Forest's book, Reasons to Destroy the Clans?

Mintflower: Yup. I'm planning on reading it, but I also want to read more of Ways to Torture Firestar! :3

Crazystar: Did you also hear that Cloudtail joined their staff?

Mintflower: I did. I wonder why....

Crazystar: Do you agree with me when I say that Cloudtail's kinda sorta evil? I mean stealing Firestar's special chocolate chip cookies that were made by Sandstorm?!?!?

Mintflower: I agree!!! But he's so funneh!! X3

Crazystar: Do you think Cloudtail should be more concerned about what Firestar will do when he finds out that Cloudtail stole the special brownies that he ordered from SkyClan and paid a lot for shipping....oh, great StarClan, when Firestar proofreads this before publishing, he'll know! When you go after Cloudtail, just don't tell him I told you Firestar!

Mintflower: Yes, he definitely should be.

Crazystar: Who's your least favorite cat in StarClan?

Mintflower: Hawkfrost. Never ever liked him. Never. He was a bloody git! *speaking in a British accent*

Crazystar: Wait....he never made it to StarClan, did he?

Mintflower: I saw him there twice. *confused*

Crazystar: Okay....maybe you're thinking of Bramblestar instead...anyhow, next question! Who's the closest to being a "normal" cat in StarClan, in your opinion?

Mintflower: Firestar. Definitely Firestar.

Crazystar: Why do you think Firestar's normal?

Mintflower: He's not being weird all the time and he acts way more normal, cool headed and not obsessed.

Crazystar: Is it true that he's not very modern though?

Mintflower:  I agree, he needs modernization. He really isn't, I'm going to teach him the Wii. ^w^ And kick his butt at Just Dance 3!

Crazystar: I bet he wouldn't understand half of what you just said....

Mintflower: I know he wouldn't! But I'll teach him anyways! ^w^

Crazystar: Good luck with that...'cause you'll need it! It's like trying to teach an old cat new tricks...oh wait, he is an old cat!

Mintflower: Thank you! And I will teach him it, because even Yellowfang likes playing Wii Sports Resort with me!

Crazystar: Yellowfang? Isn't she really grumpy?

Mintflower: Not around me. *chuckles a little* When we first met, we were grumpy towards each other. Then we became friends.

Crazystar: Is it true that Yellowfang has fleas?

Mintflower: No! I should know, we share tongues everyday or so.

Crazystar: Ok, then....and the final question is: What do you think of the book covers for Ways to Get Kicked Out of ShadowClan and More Ways to Make Blackstar Hate You Forever?

Mintflower: I think they are really cool! :3

Crazystar: Thanks again for your time, Mintflower. I'm going to send this off to Lionheart and Firestar to get this published ASAP. So, until we meet again, may StarClan light your path and Jayfeather not bother you!

Mintflower: You are quite welcome! May StarClan light your path.

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