Chapter 14 :- Mall Incident

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Ariel's P.O.V.

           I dragged bubby with me to buy school supplies. We bought many items. After buying school supplies, we also bought many clothes. From many, I mean really mannyyyyy clothes.

When I ask him why we need to bought all this, he replied and I quote ‘New place, new clothes' and winked at me. I just shake my head smiling. He looks so happy. I am very happy seeing him this much happy. He looked stress free here. We both are enjoying so much. He chooses my clothes and I choose his. We are happy like a little kids who got their favourite candies.

After so much shopping, He dragged me to food court.

‘How did he know, I am hungry ?'

He knows you better than you know yourself.

‘Well, you are not wrong'

I giggled silently that didn't go unnoticed by Rii.

He raised his eyebrow at me.

I just giggled more and shake my head saying ‘nothing'.

He just chuckled and shake his head.

We reach food court and sit on our chairs.

Food court is also beautiful. I really love this mall.

“So , What do you wanna eat ?" He asked me.

“ummm, French fries 🍟 ... ? No, no Corn pizza 🍕 ? Umm noo, cheese burger 🍔 ? ... No I think Garlic bread 🥪 will be better ? Umm, I am confused bubby" I said looking Bubby confused.

Didn't I tell you, I love every junk food. I mean I am foodie. I ate too much but still I am very very thin.

He chuckled.

“Ok ! I will buy everything." He said and left.

I was just sitting there watching people.

There are so many people here. There is one family sitting beside our table. Mom, Dad, two children. Boy is sitting beside his mom, while girl is sitting on her Dad's lap. They all are enjoying their ice-cream 🍨. That man is feeding his daughter ice cream with so much love in his eyes. She is giggling, making her father chuckle at her cuteness. I smiled with tears in my eyes seeing their sweet bond and relation. I blinked my tears away.

I come out of my thoughts when I feel hand on my head. I look up only to see Rii looking at me with soft smile. I also smiled at him widely. He sat down.

“So ? What are you looking at Ari ?" He asked me. “This beautiful place and people" I said smiling to him. “Ok enough watching place and people, now eat, otherwise people can hear growl from your small tummy" He said jokingly. I playfully glare at him. He chuckled and pinch my cheeks. I swat his hand away. He again chuckled.

“Now Eat" He said. I nodded and started eating. We both are eating and teasing each other and talk about random things.

“Do you need anything, sir ?" one lady said winking and biting her lips, come near Bubby. She has soooo much make up on her face. She looked at Bubby in weird way. I frowned in confusion and look at Bubby. His aura automatically turned cold. I sighed. I pouted thinking ‘what if that lady will feel bad ?'

“Heyy handsome, you can have anything from here." she again said this time bending little and pull her blouse little bit down and her skirt up. Bubby rolled his eyes and looked at her in, I think disgust.

“No" He said coldly and turned towards me. But before he could say anything, that lady cuts him “So, because of her, you don't want anything." She said pointing a accusing finger to me. “She is not even a beautiful as me, then why are yo-" she cuts off by Bubby's harsh glare towards her. She gulped.

“Don't you think your tongue is just too much producing shits ?" He asked lowly to her but I can hear it. She has fear written over her whole face.

Rii stand up and whispers something in her ears. She gulped extra terrifying. She nodded and just run away from there with her red face. I don't know that her red face is due to Embarrassment, anger or Fear ?

When Rii sits with his smiley self again, I asked him “What did you tell her ?" being curious. “Nothing, just that, her breath is stinking and she should brush her teeth at least 10 times a day." He said shrugging and continued eating his french fries.

“Ooo so that's why, she ran away feeling embarrassed" I laughed. He nodded laughing too. “But why did she called you handsome ?" I asked fake thinking by making confused face.

“Leave it, there are some girls who always do these kind of thi- Wait What ? Did you just question my handsomeness ??" He asked me suddenly realizing.

I again laughed. He glared at me. I stuck out my tongue at him. He again glared at me and I again laughed at him. After some seconds, his glary face turn into pouty face , melting my heart. I chuckled and kissed his cheeks. He smiled widely.

“Ok now let's eat. We have to buy many things" He said.

We both again started eating and laughing and enjoying our time.

Time Skip (After eating)

“So, where are we going now ?" I asked him confused.

“Did you forget , we are going to change look of your bedroom ?" He asked me.

My eyes widened. I thought we were just joking.

“Really ?" I asked him beyond excited.

“When I said, we are going to change look of your bedroom, I was not joking around" He said.

“Thank youuuuu, bubby" I sequels and hug him.

He chuckled and hug me back.

“Ok ! Let's go" He said and we both move to buy things for my bed room.

Time Skip (After buying mannyyyyy things)

“Let's go home , bubby. It's going to be evening now" I said to him.

“ok ! Let's go" He said.

We both go towards our car by holding our bags. And no, we don't have bodyguards with us. Because we want some sibling time without any disturbance. So we are carrying our bags to our car.

He opened dicky of his car and I am keeping bags there.

[Just imagine that, she is Ariel and that car is black in colour]

“Ok , now sit in-" He cut off by his phone ring.

He look at the phone than glance at me and then pick it.

He signalled me to sit in the car and told me to wait till he attend his phone. As there is no signal here, he goes little bit far from here.

I sighed and smiled at him how he postponed all his work just to spend time with me and to cheer me up.

I am very lucky to have a brother like him.

I am going to sit in the car when I saw  it is locked. I think he locked it by mistake.

I was waiting for him outside when I heard whistling sound behind me.

I looked at the source of this sound and gulped by seeing 4 boys are looking at me in weird way. They are coming towards me. I backed away. They are not giving me good vibes. They are staring at my legs and licked their lips like I am their meal. They stood infront of me.

“Well, look what we have here" one said.

“Isn't this a sweet little thing" forth boy said and smirked looking at me up and down.

“Do you want some fun babygirl ?" third boy said.

Bubby sometimes call me babygirl but he said me once that if someone else will call me that, then stay away from those people and instantly tell him about this.

Tears brimmed in my eyes. I am scared. They are just staring at my soul.

I know this is not good.

“W-Who a-are y-y-you ?" I stuttered.

“Y-your-r  D-d-daddies, babygirl" second boy mocked me and smirked.

“P-please stay a-away from m-me" I said.

“Awww" one boy fake awed me and going to touch my hand.

I am scared.

So I again backed away.

My back touches car.

They are smirking widely now.

I need you bubby, please come.

I am just praying to God.

He is going to touch me again , I just closed my eyes with tears are now falling.

But I never felt his hand. So I slowly opened my eyes only to see Bubby is holding his hand in midway. His eyes are burning in rage. He is furious. Their faces shows fear. They gulped seeing Rii.

He punched him who is going to touch me. He is punching him mercilessly. His friends are trying to help him. But bubby fights with them all. They are fighting back but it didn't affect Bubby at all. He was beating them mercilessly.

Security comes.

Bubby leaves them and come towards me. And immediately took me in his embrace. I cried. He just hugged me tight. It's like he is calming both of us.

“Ssshh ! Don't worry, I am here. No one will ever hurt you." He softly said to me.

He rubbed my back and caressed my hair. I was just crying in his embrace.

“I will never let anyone touch you, baby. Never. Not again"

To Be Continued...

I am really sorryyyyyy. I was writing last night but I don't know when I slept writing chapter. That's why I am late. Sorry 🙂.

And yess, I want to tell you something. I don't think I can upload chapter tomorrow because I have a exam tomorrow (Wish me luck dear friends 😁) and I have to attend it. Exam is not a problem. Problem is my center is 4-5 hours far from my city. And Exam duration is of 6 hours. So it almost take whole day. So I can't upload tomorrow. Sorry for that Friends.

Don't worry, I will try my best to upload next chapter tonight only. But I can't upload anything tomorrow. Really sorry guys.

We will meet soon till than Stay safe, Take care and Love Yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee ... Luv ya 😘.

Published :- 25 August 2021 (8:35 am. It's morning this time 😁🤭)

Total Words :- 1710 words 😁.

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