Chapter 33 :- Nightmare

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Ariel's P.O.V.

⚠️ Warning : Abuse ⚠️

I am under bed, trembling. Ryan is not here, he is on his night shift.

"Where are you bitch ?" Our foster father Zeoni slurred.

I keep my hands on my mouth to prevent sobbing that are escaped unwillingly. But he heard me.

He pulled me from under bed and hold my hair harshly.

"You can't hide from me, my little doll" He said by roaming his finger around my face seductively.

I want my brother.

I was continuously crying.

"P-ple-ease l-leave m-me" I stuttered.

"Awww, ok I will not touch you today" He said and leave my hair.

I was happy.

"Today my friends want to enjoy dinner made by you." He said smirking.

I nodded and immediately ran out of the room.

I made food for them. They were eating and drinking vine. I was standing there quietly, not allowed to go in room.

Suddenly, a glass is broken on my feet, making my feet bleed. My tears again started flowing. I don't want to show them that I am weak, so I didn't scream at all.

"Oooo so my little bitch is strong ? Huh ?" He came towards me with vine bottle. And dropped it again on my feet.

It stings.

Bubby where are you

"Zeoni, I think you should give us a try" His one friend said.

I looked up terrifying.

Zeoni saw my face and smirked.

"Suree" He agreed.

His friends smirked and came towards me.

I can't help and ran from there , but they caught me almost immediately.

And started kicking me.

"Ahhh, p-ple-ease d-don't" I shouted.

"Ari, Open your eyes" a soft voice said, but it's almost inaudible.

I cried in pain.

My whole body hurts.

"Ok now my turn, you all watch show now" Zeoni said and came towards me with a whip. I looked at him scared.

"N-No p-ple-ease d-don't do this" I said.

"You are safe now, Ari. Open your eyes, twinny" a soft yet cracked voice said.

No, I am not safe, I will never.

Zeoni started beating me with a whip mercilessly.

I am unable to stop my cry.

This is unbearable pain.

"B-Bubby" I cried and whispered in pain.

"Please Ari, o-open your eyes. I-I am here, p-please" Again that soft voice.

He is beating me continuously. I can hear laughter from his friends.


"N-no, I am not" I cried.

And dropped many glass bottles on me, glass pierced through my skin.

"Ariel Wake up"

I immediately open my eyes and started breathing heavily.

⚠️ Warning Ends ⚠️

I looked all the Shocked and worried faces but when my eyes meets Rii's sad and teared eyes. I immediately hugged him keeping my head on his chest and started sobbing, unknown to others.

He hugged me immediately, keeping his strong, muscular arms around my body and secured me in his warm embrace and started rubbing my back. I calmed down little bit.

I know we can't hide our past now. So I looked up at Rii , only to find him looking at me. I nodded with tears in my eyes. He smiled little and hugged me tightly again. I know, he understood what I mean.

I hope they won't hate us after hearing our past.

Thinking this, I slept in my brother's arms.

Aryan's P.O.V.

(When they heard scream from other room)


"It's Mary's voice" Arjun said shocked.

"From Ari's room" Aarav completed.

I came out of my trance and widened my eyes and immediately ran towards Ari's room. Both of them followed me.

When I came in Ari's room, I saw she is sweating and thrashing in her sleep.


I can see others are looking at her shocked from the corner of my eyes, but ignored it. I immediately rush towards Ari's side and started trying to wake her up.

She is crying in her sleep.

She is having a flashback.

"You are safe now, Ari. Open your eyes, twinny" I softly said to her , shaking her little. My voice cracked little.

But she didn't wake up. I can't see my sister like this. My tears are threatening to fall.

I started shaking her again slowly and said little loudly.

I was so sad at the time when I heard she whispered my name.

"Please Ari, o-open your eyes. I-I am here, p-please" I said to her.

Still, she didn't woke up.

If you didn't stop her, she will hurt herself only.

I can't help but shouted at her.

"Ariel, Wake up"

She immediately opened her eyes and breath heavily. She looked around, and when her eyes locked at my eyes, She hugged me and I hugged her back tightly.

After some time, she sleep in my embrace. I looked up only to see Arjun, Aarav and Mary's shocked, anger, worried and sad face.

I sighed.

I made Ari sleep on her pillow and covered her with a blanket.

I can see Aarav is going to say something but I signalled him to not to say anything.

We all came outside of Ari's room except Mary and Ari.

“What the Fuck was that ?" Aarav greeted with his teeth.

“None of your business" I snapped at him.

I know Ari is ok with sharing our past with them but I am still not. It's not like I didn't trust them, but still they didn't gain my trust of knowing our past.

Arjun is going to say something but before that, a voice said something which makes me furious again.

“KIDS, YOUR MOM IS HERE" Damon shouted from downstairs.

Thank God, Ari is heavy sleeper.

I came downstairs to see him talking and laughing with his wife.

Because of him, my sister is suffering.

She was becoming alright slowly but because of him only her memories triggered which brings her NIGHTMARES.

Without thinking twice, I proceed to Damon.

He saw me coming towards him and opened his arms to hug me with a smile on his face.

Did this bastard really thinks , I will hug him after what he had done to my twin ?

‘Then he has another thing coming for him'

I go towards him and punched him in his jaw, making him cry in pain and fall on the ground holding his jaws.

I hold his collar and made him stand. We have almost same height.

How dare you ?" I spat and again punched him.

I can imagine my Ari crying in pain, when he was beating her.

I heard Lina and Arjun are trying to stop me, but I am not going to stop this soon.

I punched Damon many times.

I go near him and said dangerously.

“Say Sorry to Ari tomorrow, Otherwise I will show you, who I am" 

“Leave him , Aryan" Lina Shouted and go towards his husband who is on the ground panting and groaning.

I leave them and go towards my room.

“WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE ?" Arjun Shouted coming in my room.

“We are suffering this from our Childhood but never raised our hand on him and you, you just came here and raised your hand on him ?" He asked in disbelief. Aarav is just standing there looking at me.

“He beats Ari. This is enough reason for me to beat that bastard" I said to him coldly.

“Ohh yes ! I understand, you both were living your nice and good life till now, but it became hard now , isn't it ? Aww, that's why you can't handle it, right ?" He mocked.

I am controlling myself.

“Aww, your unicorn and candies life is over, little brother. This is a tough life, which you never get, till now." He again mocked and smirked.

I can't take it now.

All the hell break loose.

To Be Continued...

So, here is a little glimpse of their past, through Ari's nightmare. Whole past will be revealed soon, stay tuned 😉.

As I told you all, I will upload soon, so here is a chapter ☺️.

Hope, you all like it 🤗.

I will upload next chapter soon till then Stay safe, Take care and Love Yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee ... Luv ya 😘.

Published :- 24 September 2021

Total Words :- 1397 words 😁.

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