Chapter 46 :- Sold

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Author's P.O.V.

Atmosphere suddenly become deadly silent.

Everyone except Damon and Lina started processing what Damon confessed now.

"What you did ?" Aarav asked Damon in a very low voice to confirm, as if he didn't believe what he heard now.

"Yes, I sold her to Collins" Damon whispered but each and every person standing there, could heard it.

Arjun and Aarav's eyes darken. Their faces become emotionless. Their Knuckles become white, jaw clenched.

Mary is shocked as hell.

Lina is standing quietly looking down in guilt.

Damon is also feeling guilty.

The only one who is standing quietly without any expressions is Aryan.

Arjun go towards his Dad and punched him on his jaw, Lina tried to stop him but can't.

This was the first time, Arjun behave like this. No matter, how much Damon beat him for his results, Arjun never go against his Dad. He always respect his Dad's opinion and thoughts. But today, he knew his Dad crossed his limits. Today he was not his Dad's obedient son but a protective Brother of an innocent sister.

Arjun hold Damon's collar and looked in his eyes dead.

"Are you even fucking thinking what are you saying ?" Arjun shouted to Damon.

Damon didn't said anything. He looked down in shame.

Far from all this commotion, Aryan is standing quietly.

He is broken. Finally he found his and his sister's happiness. But looks like, fate doesn't like it. He knew and confirmed what he heard was correct but still his heart has a hope. But now, all his hope crushed. He don't know what to feel. He feels like coming here was his biggest mistake. His mind is swirling with his sister's thought. His mind is taking him to his sister's last words before leaving his room, which was 'I trust you'.

She trust him.

And he was determined to save his sister, no matter what.

But first, he want to do something else.

Aryan go upstairs, which caught everyone's attention. Arjun and Aarav looked at each other and ran after him. Damon and Lina widened their eyes and followed them. They saw what Aryan was doing and understand it immediately. Aryan was packing his things.

Damon and Lina immediately go to Aryan.

"A-Aryan what are you doing ?" Damon asked him.

Aryan ignored him.

"Aryan, why are you packing your bags ?" Lina said to him already knowing why is he packing his bags.

When Aryan ignored her, she holds his hands and turned him around.

"I am asking you something. Answer me" Lina shouted at him.

"Going to a place where I don't have to see your and your husband's face daily" Aryan spatted. He wants to say many things, but that's just was a waste of time.

So he go towards Ari's room and started packing her bag too.

"No, you can't go like this. We found you both after 12 years of search. We are not going to leave you like that" Lina shouted at him.

But Aryan ignored her.

Lina pleaded him to not to pack bags and when he didn't listen to her.

She ran towards Arjun and Aarav who are standing there unfazed. She knew they could stop him.

"Why the fuck are you both just standing there. Stop him. He is your brother. How could you both just standing there doing nothing" Lina asked them panicking.

"We are not going to stop him because we are going with them" Aarav said coldly looking dead in his mom's eyes.

Arjun agreed. Lina's eyes widened.

Aryan took his and Ari's bag and come downstairs followed by Arjun and Aarav.

But he stopped in his tracks when he heard something.

"Think about Ariel. She will not like to leave her parents. And you can't take a decision of my daughter's life. What if she don't want to leave her parents." Damon said with so much confidence. This break Aryan's patience level.

"Parents ?" Aryan said and chuckled sadly.

"Who are they ?" Aryan told them.

"What ? Are you out of your mind ? We are your parents and we are not allowing you to go anywhere" Damon said sternly. He was clearly frustrated from all this situation.

"You didn't have shame at all, did you ?" Aryan told him in disbelief.

"You are calling yourself 'parents' ? Parents never sell their kids. Damon Moretti, did you even know what you did ?" Aryan shouted at them.

"I am feeling sad for Ari. Do you know why, because from the very young age, she always wants a Mother, who will love her, who will take care of her, who will be there for her when she will get her first period, like every other girls. She always wants a Father. A father who will treat her like a princess. A father, who will spoil her with his love, A father who will be there for her when she will get Nightmare, A father who will protect her from the monsters that are hiding under her bed. But guess what, in her case, her father is her monster. Her dreams of a perfect Family is ruined" Aryan said, chuckling sadly in the end.

He continued “You know what Damon Moretti, I always try to become a father figure for her. She never shows me, but I know her more than she knows herself, she still misses you both. And she really became very happy when she come to know that we have a family. But what she doesn't know was that these her so called parents will become her nightmare. I still can't believe that how one father can sold his own daughter"

Damon was now guilty. He realised his place in his daughter's heart now. He realised that how much his daughter loves him. He was fool to sold her. He can't even ask for forgiveness. He was ashamed of himself.

Aryan spated coldly, “Keep one thing in your mind you both. From today itself, I hate you both Damon and Lina. Actually scratch that, I despised you"

His voice was full of hatred.

Aarav and Arjun are just looking at crying couple with pain in their eyes.

“I was always proud of you Dad" Aarav continue “But now, I am ashamed even calling you my father"

Arjun was lost in thoughts.

He thought to give voice his thoughts.

He looked at Damon coldly and said coldly “Why and when did you sold her ?"

He said sold in a painful voice like it gives him so much pain.

This caught everyone's attention.

Damon looked at him wide eyed.

He knew this question will come but he didn't know this soon. Lina keeps her hand on his shoulder and nodded. Damon sighed knowing now no go back.

Damon said “16 years before, when Lina was pregnant, Doctor told us she had a triplets. All are boys. We were very happy. We always want boys and we got 3 boys. We couldn't ask for more. But after 4 minutes of Aryan birth, Lina again screamed in labour pain and there we come to know that we don't have triplets, we have Quadruplets. When we asked Doctor about it, he told me that during test only 3 boys are showing. It's look like these three boys covered and protect their fourth Sibling from outside world. I was happy thinking we have other boy but that other child was a girl. A-At that time, we h-hate girl. And Doctor's words ‘They will always protect their sister' keep swirling in my mind. I don't want you all to waste your life around a girl so I-I -

💭 Flashback 💭

(A/n : You can think this flashback as a continuation of PROLOGUE 2)

Damon's P.O.V.

“Don't worry Honey, I will do something" I assured Lina and left from the room. I dialled Collins number and told him to come at the hospital.

Collins is my business partner. He has 4 sons. He is obsessed with girls body.

(Collins ^^^ )

Collins came after some time.

“What happened Damon. Why did you called me now. I was busy" He told me frustrated.

I could tell in which work he was busy by looking at hichkis and lipsticks on his neck. I smirked at him.

“Listen, I am have a deal. I want to sell one girl" I told him in serious mode.

His eyes widened and he smirked.

“Age ?" He asked me.

“New born" I told him in my monotone voice.

“Wait what ? Did I look like an orphanage who will buy a newborn ? I mean I can't even fuck her , what is a use of her then ? Wait wait, is this girl your daughter ? Lina was pregnant, right ? Oh now it makes sense, you never wants a daughter, that's why you are selling her" He said realizing. I sighed and nodded.

“Look Collins, I know this girl is not of your any use now. Just throw or kill her, I don't care. I could have do it. But whole hospital members and medias know about Quadruplets. It will affect our company. That's why I am telling you to do this." I tried to convince him.

“You have a point Damon, but still I can't take this fetus but I can do one thing. I am buying her right now. But she will stay with you for some years." Collins said.

“And how many years ?" I asked him.

“16 years. Till then she will become a teenager. As her mother is a model, no doubt, she will become the beautiful girl. I don't want any toddler running in my house, so she will live with you for 16 years of her life" He said to me.

I thought about it for a second. I can keep her for 16 years. I just have to tolerate her 16 years then we will free from her.

“Ok, deal" I said to him smirking.

“Remember one thing Damon, I will come to you after 16 years. And if you even don't want to give her at that time, I will take her. Because I already buy her. She is mine. Her body is mine. And your money will be in your bank account, before I will reach home" He told me.

I agreed and we hand shaked.

He came inside the room. His eyes fall on Quadruplets. He touched her hands and legs and smirked at her. All four newborns were crying seeing Collins.

Collins came towards me.

“Take Care Damon, I will back after their 16th birthday" Collins said smirking and left the room.

I relaxed.

“Baby, problem solved" I said to Lina winking at her.

She smirked.

💭 Flashback Ends 💭

Author's P.O.V.

“You are psycho. You sold her to a fuckman, who just taste girls body" Arjun said to him outraged.

“You hated her from the time she borns ? What's her mistake ?" Aarav asked him harshly.

“All makes a sense now, why you fucking always keeps us away from her, why you always gives her a cold shoulder in our childhood." Aryan whispered but everyone could hear it.

“Do you know what, now I am thanking God that we were kidnapped. At least we were far from people like you, who just hates his own daughter from the time she born and sold her to some fucking pedo" Aryan told him rudely and coldly.

“W-What ?"

To Be Continued...

I know I am veryyy late. Sorry friends, I couldn't keep my promise of uploading soon.

I am in my periods and Cramps attacked me for whole two days. That's why I am late 🥺☹️.


Congratulations 🎊 we crossed 40K+ reads 🥳.

I couldn't be more happier 😁😁.

So, at this moment, I am thinking to call you with some cute nicknames instead of friends and guys.

Can you all help me to pick up , pleaseeee ?

Tell me which name you like the most (You can comment or message privately)

• Pearls 💎
• Sparkles ✨
• Girlies 🙆

If you want other names, message me ☺️.

I will upload next chapter soon till then Stay safe, Take care and Love Yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee ... Luv ya 😘.

Published :- 19 October 2021.

Total Words :- 2036 words 😁.

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