Chapter 1

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Aria Holmes laid on the stone cold floor of the prison in Tyumen,Russia. Chains bore her ankles and wrists. She wasn't asleep. She never slept. She laid there seething,waiting till she got released from the prison any time now. She just couldn't wait to get back at those people in the jury back in Moscow. She narrowed her eyes and curled her pale colorless lips into a smirk,as a couple guards came over to her cell,keys jingling.

"This is Aria Holmes?" Asked one of the tall buffer guards who was clearly French.

"Ja." Nodded the smaller guard who looked like he had anger management  problems.

"Well,she doesn't look like she would be much of a threat." The French one said peering down at Aria.

Aria laid there thinking whether or not that was a compliment or an insult. She gave a sad look and batted her eyelashes sadly at the French guard. He looked down at her with a sad look.


The Russian unlocked the cell and Aria chains. Aria got up and stretched.

"Aww thanks boys." She said reaching her arms behind her head.

"Oh! She's British!" The French exclaimed with interest.

Aria looked him up and down. He was good looking ,but not her type. She had always been attracted to bad boys. Oh and how she liked them.

Aria walked past them with no shoes and a skimpy mid knee black dress.

The doors opened for her to leave. She looked behind her and winked at the French. Then stepped out into the cool crisp morning air.

She inhaled it deeply. Then she breathed out.

"First to get rid of this crappy dress. Then second to pay my brothers a little visit." Aria said as she walked to the car that was to take her back to England.

Aria got in the cab.

"Where will you be going miss?" Asked the driver.
"London,England." Aria replied grabbing her bag full of stuff that they had taken away from here which was now laying on the cab floor. She rumpled through it and huffed.

"Of course they had to take my knife...and my gun.." Aria whispered.

"That's kinda far away. We are in Russia,and you want to go to England?" Asked the cab driver.

"Yes. Yes. Just drive,I don't care how long it takes." Aria said pulling out her lipstick.

"That's going to cost ya miss,and you just got out of jail." The cab driver said nervously shifting in his seat upfront.

"Just drive!" Aria snapped.
The cab driver startled and started the car and started to drive off.

Aria smiled as she examined her lipstick. There was a carving in the tube with her initials. Glad they didn't take the lipstick,but this lipstick was different from all the others. She pulled off the lid and looked at the bright pink shine. It looked like it was never used.

Because it hasn't.

Aria took off the fake lipstick that was really a lid to a secret compartment. She looked inside and turned the knob at the bottom and up came a sharp silver blade.
Aria smirked and turned it back down and put all the lids back on and put it in her bag. Then she pulled out the real lipstick and put it on. She pulled out a small brush from out of her bag and brushed her hair out till it was tangle free.
Then she grabbed a black sleeveless tank top and red jeans. She always packed extra clothes in her large bag. She also grabbed her gold stud earrings and matching bracelet.

Hours and hours passed.

"Where are we?" Aria asked in her new outfit. She had him pull over so she could go change so she didn't look like a prisoner.

"Just outside Europe." He replied.

"Ugh...can't you go faster?" Aria complained.

"But miss it's against the speed limit." The cab driver replied sounding scared.

"Just do it!" Aria growled.

"Why do you want to get to England so badly?" He asked.

"Is it any of your business?" Aria snapped.

The cab driver fell silent ,but he started to go faster.

"Ugh finally." Aria said leaning back.

Hours and hours went by.

"Miss? Miss? We are in London." He said.

Aria woke up.

"Good,just let me off here." Aria said looking out of the window.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes!" Aria snapped. The car came to a halt. The breaks screeched as it stopped. Aria grabbed her stuff and got out of the car.

"Payment!" The man growled.

Aria rolled her eyes and grabbed her lipstick knife and held it inches away from his face.

"No there will be no payment. And you'll say nothing of this! Understand?" Aria growled in a low tone to the scared cab driver.

"Yes miss," he drove off. Aria put the lipstick back in her bag and started her walk to 221 B Baker Street.

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