Scorpion *One Shot*

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Scorpion's POV

I sat on my bed in the netherrealm furious with myself. Why!? why!? why!? Why did I have to fall for her after all that just happened to my family!!

Falling for another female!? And not only just her, but she's also Kotal Kahn's daughter! (Yes you're Kahn's daughter deal with it)

Kahn would KILL me if he figured out that Im in love with his daughter. I heard Kahn call for training. Shit. I teleported to Kahn's temple and his daughter stood by his side.

I couldn't help but let my white almost lifeless looking eyes wander to her. Y/n. Her (s/c) skin was so smooth and her (e/c) eyes sparkled. She looked beautiful.

"Hanzo!" Kahn's voice boomed.

My eyes snapped from (Y/n) and to Kahn's face. He glared. I didn't much like that he called me my real name. Id much perfer 'Scorpion'.

"I wish to see how you and my daughter have been progressing in training." He demanded.

"Yes Kotal. (Y/n), shall we show your father how you have hemmed progressing with your hand-to-hand kombat?" I asked looking back to her.

She nodded, a small pink blush crossed her cheeks. She walked from her father's side and stood ten feet infront of me. She lifted her fists.

"Don't go easy this time..." She paused before catching me off guard. "Scorpion." She whispered.

She always called me Hanzo during battles and practice so this really struck me. My mouth dropped and she took advantage of the situation.

Her fist collided with my stomach and I stumbled backwards. I looked up and had just enough reaction time to grab her ankle as she tried to bring her foot down on my skull.

I flipped her onto her stomach and she rolled onto her back as I tried to bring my foot down onto her stomach. She jumped back up and we fought a bit longer.

Soon Kahn had had enough. He held up his hand and glared at me.

"Enough." He stated.

(Y/n) and I looked up to her father, standing at attention.

"Hanzo..." I gimaced at the sound of my name. "You have done a swell job at teaching my daughter. I expect you to keep up this work until I have her move on." Kahn finished and he walked away into his temple.

My eyes widened and I looked at my feet.

'I won't get to train with (Y/n) anymore? W-what?' I thought softly.

"H-hanzo?" I heard my name and flinched.

I looked up to see (Y/n) looking at me, her (h/l) hair falling around her face. Her beautiful
(e/c) eyes staring into my pure white ones.

"Yes?" I responded.

"I um...look I don't wanna stop being your Student and...ever since out first lesson I've really liked you but I..."

I didn't let her finish before I pressed my lips to hers. Her eyes widened and he wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing back. I pulled away.

"I fell in love with you and I want no one else but you." I whispered looking into her eyes.

"I love you Scorpion."she whispered.

"I love you too, (Y/n)." I whispered and kissed her again.

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