2 ~ Calix

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North Ward


This is so fucking annoying...

"We welcome our esteemed student, Calix Ravenend!" Director Arun nearly yells into the standing microphone. The assembly is dragging on, my irritation rising. I've been standing off near the steps where others sit peacefully, not able to enjoy any time this morning with my friends. I'm put on display, like everywhere I go, my parents not making it any easier on me and making sure I'm taken with them everywhere.

Now I'm in my own personal Hell to be used by yet another governing body.

Director Arun...

...what a fucking joke he is.

"Mr. Ravenend!" Director Arun calls for me, turning his body so he can see me standing with my arms crossed in front of my chest. I glance away from him and scoff, releasing a sigh and begrudgingly walk toward the stage he's standing on.

"Hi," I mutter beneath my breath once I reach him.

Director Arun steps away from the microphone and asks, "Is there anything you'd like to say to your year one class?"

I roll my eyes and snatch the microphone from the stand. Bringing it closer to my lips, everyone settles down and grows radio silent. When I speak, I shrug my shoulders, "So, apparently I've been elected as your class rep? Or whatever the hell this position is..." my voice trails off as many laugh at my statement, Director Arun narrowing his eyes, "...work hard, attend your classes, blah, blah, blah," I wave my hand.

"Mr. Ravenend..." Director Arun's tone is much more authoritative this time.

I release a sigh and add with a wide and sarcastic smile, "Kick every other Ward's ass in Arena! Remember, tryouts are next week, so make sure your parents are okay with any potential accidents that could happen! Sign thos-"

"Aright, that's enough," Director Arun grabs the microphone from my hand and I shrug my shoulders.

"You wanted me to say something and I did. Why don't you be more specific next time and save us all the trouble?" I retort, turning away from Director Arun and walking away from the stage...but not without the entire class rising from their seats. They whistle, cheer, and scream my name, a chuckle leaving my lips when I hear Director Arun attempting to settle them down.

Director Arun manages to gather the class' attention and announce, "This assembly is dismissed! Report to your core room class immediately and if you are tardy, detention will be with me this evening and your parents notified as of how you ended up staying late on your first day."

Right on cue, the bell rings, vibrating the assembly room and shaking the walls with how thunderous it bleeds. I break away through the door closest to me before the rest of the idiots who linger behind clog up the exits.

Tacitus manages to find another exit, helping Elafi with him so she isn't trampled. When they see me, I wave them down, walking toward our core room. Elafi wraps her arms around my arm and giggles, "Wow, you sure know how to make yourself known."

"It comes with the territory," I shrug, enjoying her touch before I pull my arm from hers and wrap it around her waist.

Tacitus can't help but laugh, "You really are walking a fine line."

"Director Arun wanted to show off how special I am to be at North Ward Secondary School this year, and that he's going to be remembered as one of the directors that had one of The Synod during his time as a principal..." I shake my head and finish, "...too bad I wanted to test exactly how far he was going to let me slide."

Elafi pouts and then tilts her head to the side, "He should be worried...he knows crossing you means directly crossing the Ravenends." When we halt just outside the door to core room, she states, "I wouldn't be surprised if Director Arun was hauled off to North Ward Bastion if your parents ever caught wind of him disrespecting you."

"Privileged," I hear someone cough, moving past the three of us.

"Excuse me?" Tacitus barks back.

The guy halts with a few of his friends, ones I've never had class with in North Ward Primary School. He gestures around and states, "Some of us aren't as lucky to waltz around without worrying about our actions."

Elafi's face becomes red as she snaps, "Aero!" She nods her head and snarls, "Why don't you fuck off?"

"Only if you join me," he leers at Elafi.

The door to the classroom suddenly slams open, our instructor glaring at all of us...just as the bell rings. I'm not the only one holding my breath, the instructor's eyes boring into each of us before he finally speaks in an even tone, "Am I to inform the revered Ravenends that their Offspring has detention on his first day?"

Fuck it all.

"Ms. Furr, Mr. Dyson," the instructor nods at the two of my friends, Elafi and Tacitus bolting from my side and heading into the classroom. He continues to hold the door open; narrowing his eyes on Aero before stating, "Mr. Ayres," he pauses and acknowledges me, "Mr. Ravenend; you two will sit front and center."

We both glare at one another, though we don't utter a word. Aero manages to get ahead of me, the instructor blocking my way slightly. I look up at him, narrowing my eyes as I ask, "Yes?"

"I imagine you think your status can be abused in my classroom," the instructor keeps his gaze on me; "you'll find that you're sorely mistaken. Do we understand each other?" I remain quiet, fuming because this jackass thinks I care to use my family's name. I'm tired of it definitely me, yet my choice isn't—"Are we clear?" His voice cuts through my thoughts and pulls me from them, his voice darker this time.

"Crystal," I reply, gritting my teeth together.

Walking into the classroom after the instructor lets me pass; Aero adds insult to injury and takes the spot next to Elafi, smirking at me as my grip intensifies on my bag. Tacitus' eyes search to meet mine, dragging my attention away as I sit in the seat in front of him. My bag hits the floor the second the door shuts to the classroom.

I look up to the board and see the instructor's name written across it:

Master Smyrl.

He has a partner.

Titles mean nothing, representing a status symbol set in place by The Synod. A woman or man that has yet to find a partner...Ms. and Mr...

...Mistress and Master are reserved for those who've found a partner. You won't know just by looking at them if they have an Offspring, but at least you know whether or not they've might have come in contact with The Synod. Approaching them for a request to conceive an Offspring, it's the only time they'll ever be that close to the most opulent five.

Perhaps my parents have denied him an Offspring.

It wouldn't be the first time they've pissed a pair off by denying them.

"I want to make something perfectly clear," Master Smyrl begins his voice carrying easily as he comes to stand at the front of the class. He looks over us and states, "I believe core room and study period is a pointless class that has just been handed out to ensure you all get out of this school."

The class remains silent.

Master Smyrl continues his lecture, his words causing dread to descend upon the class, "There is plenty of time after school to do all your homework, you just need to prioritize as Kosmos won't be so forgiving once you're out of this school," he pauses, a smirk playing on his lips as he finishes, "if I see anyone doing their work in this class, you will spend it in detention with me after school. You'll use that time to appropriately do your homework."


Tacitus is going to fail.

"Excuse me?" Elafi raises her hand and Master Smyrl nods at her, "What exactly are we going to use this class for then?"

He arches a brow and states, "By all means, use it to study and do classwork. Homework is for home and classwork is for class," Master Smyrl motions to separate the two. Tacitus nudges the back of my seat with his shoe and I move my head slightly. He knows I'm already thinking exactly what he is.

A chilling silence settles on us.

Master Smyrl asks suddenly, shattering that silence, "Any other questions?" He hardly gives a split second before he claps his hands together, "Good! Great! Now you can use the remained of the class to plan your personal schedules around schoolwork."

Just as he walks by Aero, Elafi mutters, "I thought we weren't supposed to do homework he-"

She's cut off a split second later when Master Smyrl backhands her across the face. Her expression holds one of shock, blood trickling from her split lip. He stops in front of her desk, staring down at her as she slowly lifts her gaze to meet with his. The wound is already healing, while she wipes the blood from her lip.

Master Smyrl tells her, "If you want to be a smart aleck...I don't believe you'll make it to year four. Think about exactly what I said...schoolwork, that neither constrains homework or classwork, but a harmonious balance of both."

Elafi nods her head quickly, looking down at her desk while Master Smyrl walks along the front row toward his desk. I see Elafi glance at me from across Aero's desk, anger set on her features. No one talks after the clear discipline Master Smyrl can and will exercise as is his right according to school rules.

After taking the lead of the rest of the herd...I unzip and open my bag, tossing my calendar on my desk. Opening it, I run down the days of everything that's already planned out for me. Events, meetings...fuck...

...I'm only here for a half-day on Friday.

I can't believe I forgot.


-5 PM Dinner at Prime Ward Citadel

Ocklorn, Ravenend, Nelgan

It's the first time I've been required to attend one of these dinner parties since before Primary School. I'd rather have the place to myself that evening, invite Elafi and Tacitus over, breaking into the storage room and get drunk off our asses. That's about all the use those grapes have is making our misery and problems go away, though I fucking hate how quickly it leaves my bloodstream.

I rub my forehead, tapping the pen on the calendar.

I haven't seen the other Offspring for years, but I wonder why it's not The Synod is not meeting as a whole?


My parents usually attend this anyway, they know what to expect. Maybe I should bring my homework given that day and finish at dinner so I'll be free for the rest of the weekend.

The bell rings, pulling me from my thoughts as I finish setting up a schedule that works with what I'm already booked for. Time flies, shaking my head as I bag my calendar and rise from my chair. I don't want to wait around, already irritated knowing I'll be back here with everyone else for detention at the end of the day.

"What the fuck is this shit about?!" Tacitus can hardly keep his mouth shut more than a few yards away from core room.

"Well, either he hates my family and is being an extra asshole, or he just hates us in general," I shrug my shoulders, Elafi quickly coming up to me.

Releasing a sigh, she states, "I'll see you both later...my classes are on the other side of campus."

"Make sure to meet me for lunch," I nod, not wanting her to have to be lowered to a synthetic blood capsule or frozen livestock...she deserves better. As an equidistant, she rises above the rest and I think her trade testing will show exactly where she belongs. Tacitus on the other hand, he'd gorge himself in fresh livestock blood regardless of where he is...his opulent status one he prides himself on.

He'll never be seen the same way I am, my family one of the top five opulent families, but he's a kick to hang around and sees Kosmos as I do. A steaming pile of crap for the strict rule we live under, not able to budge unless it's unseen.

Kissing Elafi briefly, I chuckle, "Be good."

"No, I enjoy being hit," she rolls her eyes...though her voice turns coy when she adds, "...only by you though."

"Front row tickets to that show, please?" Tacitus looks on at the two of us with hopeful eyes.

I smack his shoulder and shoo Elafi off, "Get outta here."

Elafi giggles before she heads off, making her way across campus while Tacitus and I head toward our next class.

"Seriously though...how the hell am I supposed to do my homework at home?" Tacitus groans with irritation, swinging up on a railing leading to a second story building.

I shoot him a quick look and reply, "You better figure something out...or you'll end up testing poorly for trade. You don't want to end up somewhere that spirals you down toward the pit of insolvent. No matter how opulent your parents are, it's on you where your future ends."

"Easy for you to say," Tacitus growls with anger.

True enough, I don't have much to worry about.

We both halt in front of our next class, the door propped open while students get seated at their lab benches. I shake my head, walking inside and taking a free partner bench with Tacitus...

...Plasma Refinement.

Unless you end up in the trade for creating synthesized blood, this class is completely unnecessary. There's absolutely no point to half my classes, but my parents have other ideas, making sure I'm well-rounded in all fields to understand Kosmos as a whole and vampires as a whole.

Ms. Russey's name is scrawled across the board in fancy handwriting, Tacitus taking a notebook out from his bag and writing down...everything.

Formulas, a shit tone of formulas.

Her voice is authoritative and direct, speaking to use the second after the bell rings, "It's nice to fresh faces...welcome to Plasma Refinement, an optimal trade that will put you well in opulent lifestyle."

When she turns her back, Tacitus nudges me and whispers, "This...this right here. I'll slack in everything else and just focus-"

"You know the Arena team can get you the same status with less work," I cut him off as I whisper back. Let's be honest, Tacitus stands a better chance pulverizing another vampire into the ground and earning his way through entertainment then excelling in an educational trade.

Tacitus looks at me with admiration, "You mean that?"

"Of course, you're one of the strongest brutes I know," I chuckle lowly, though it draws attention from Ms. Russey.

"Mr. Ravenend," Ms. Russey turns on her heels and narrows her eyes, "care to enlighten the rest of us?" She motions to the other students, the room growing silent.

I tilt my head to the side and retort, "This class is a waste of time...if we breed more livestock than all classes can enjoy fresh blood...whether that be warm of frozen is up to their social standard."

Ms. Russey holds my gaze, crossing her arms beneath her breasts. She snaps her fingers and addresses the class, "First lesson!" She crosses the room and asks me, "Mr. Ravenend, what happens if the livestock encounters a disease that does not affect us, and we lose everything?"


No one suffers from that...

...just the weak livestock.

"That won't happen," I reply, leaning my arms against the table countertop.

Ms. Russey tsks at me like I'm some child, waving her finger in the air like she wants it broken, "Incorrect. I figured that being a Ravenend, your parents would have taught you better than that," she pauses and addresses the class, "you will all learn soon enough during your Kosmos Antiquity class, that we did lose our livestock to what we named; Hallow Death."

Tacitus is scribbling away as fast as he can; notating everything Ms. Russey says like it's as valuable as blood.

Ms. Russey proceeds, "It was up to skilled Plasma Refiners to quickly act and find an alternative blood source. We were also able to provide vaccines for the livestock against the Hallow Death, preventing them from being affected in the future. There is no cure, unfortunately."

So, we lose a few livestock when some random new diseases debilitate their weak bodies...

...so what?


What do we think of Calix?

Thoughts on the difference so far between just Prime Ward and North Ward?

Thoughts on:




Master Smyrl is definitely a no-nonsense instructor.

Who's excited for...yeah, let's go with Mortality Mondays!

Updates: Mortality Mondays

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