4 ~ Calix

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North Ward


The last bell has me fucked, trudging with Tacitus toward Master Smyrl's classroom. Detention on my first day sounds like an amazing topic to discuss over dinner tonight. Tacitus releasing an exasperated sigh and complains, "With this workload, I'll never have time for Arena practice if I make the cut next week after tryouts."

"Don't fool yourself," I laugh, "you'll be on the team."

"Ms. Russey and her work with the Plasma Refinement class has me thinking I can do well in this class," Tacitus makes his statement, the two of us walking through the door into Master Smyrl's classroom.

While I glance around and don't see our instructor, I do see Aero leaning back in his chair at his desk. Replying to Tacitus, "Ms. Russey is already having her way with you," I chuckle when he punches me in the arm.

The two of us take our seats, Aero musing, "Ms. Russey...you know she's just an instructor, right?"

The bell rings...

...I didn't think they had a detention bell.

"I'm so-" Elafi cuts herself short as she sprints into the classroom, taking one look around and breathing out a sigh of relief. She asks with confusion, "Where's Master Smyrl?"

"Who knows?" I shrug my shoulders as I watch her walk past me and take her seat on the other side of Aero.

Tacitus rummages through his bag, quickly pulling out all the work that was accumulated from the day. He rubs his forehead and groans as I turn around in my seat, his eyes meeting mine as he states, "This might be the only night I get my work done...I can't focus on this crap!"

Aero turns in his seat and pouts, "Awe, why don't you drop out then?"

I shift my gaze to Aero and retort, "Tacitus is going to be the star Arena player...it wouldn't surprise me if he's even Commander."

"Well, well," Master Smyrl's voice breaks up our argument, my gaze drifting away from Aero to see our instructor walk through the door. He comes to stand at the front of the class and states, "If Mr. Dyson ever plans on becoming a famous Arena player...he'll need to keep above an 8.5-point average in combined classes."

"What?" I ask, shaking my head.

Elafi mutters, "I can hardly hold an 8..."

"Mr. Dyson," Master Smyrl address Tacitus directly, ignoring the rest of us.

"Ye-Yes, Sir?" Tacitus asks with hesitation, worry clear in his voice. I know if I turned around right now, he'd be dripping sweat, because I'm sure he's never—

"What is your point average from Primary School?" Master Smyrl asks, a twitch at the corner of his lip turning into a sneer.

Tacitus coughs and clears his throat several times before he replies, "4.3..."

"Ah, so I won't have the pleasure of having such a brilliant player on my team, now will I?" Master Smyrl lets out a bellowing laugh, Elafi's brows rising in confusion.

I clear my throat and ask, "Wait, you're the year one Arena team's trainer?"

"Why do you seem so surprised, Mr. Ravenend?" He asks, arching a brow and waiting for my response. I bite my tongue because anything I say will make it worse if Tacitus is ever going to get on that team.

Instead, I correct my mistake and state, "I assumed it would be Mr. Lexin."

"Presumptuous of you to think that the year one Physical Education instructor would be the Arena team's trainer," Master Smyrl enjoys winning one over on me, but I settle for it. He claps his hands together and continues, "Now, why don't we finish out detention how it's meant to..." his voice trails off, turning away from us as he walks to his desk. He lowers himself into his seat and states, "Do your schoolwork and not a single word."

His patience is thin, so I'm not going to test it.

Rolling my eyes, I snatch my notebook from my bag while the others around me get into their work as well. Flipping through the pages of my Kosmos Antiquity book, I stop when I reach the Hallow Death. Looking at the assignment that had been given to me by Mistress Sable, I must read the chapter and write about why the livestock was affected and not vampires. The chapter drags on, fifteen pages later and I put pen to paper and begin my assignment.

Due to the weak bodies of the livestock and their essential nature to die to provide blood, they were affected by the disease Hallow Death. Due to our gifts from our Maker, vampires are not affected by such trivial things such as diseases.

Yeah, that's about it.

I set my pen down, glancing to see Elafi reading the assignment I'd already finished during lunch; reading The Tales of Mistress Lorena Lamon. The only thing that seems to take my mind away and settle down my temper...reading...that's how Elafi and I became so close. Our love of the Penned art's extends so far, as she's drifted away from the pleasure of it for simply just schoolwork now.

Master Norn assigned us The Tales of Mistress Lorena Lamon and asked that we read the first chapter and write our thoughts on Mistress Lamon's daring and thrill-seeking lifestyle. She's quite the character, that's for sure.

When the bell rings for detention to end, Master Smyrl looks up from his monitor and announces, "You're all dismissed. I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning..." while we all pack our belongings and head toward the door, he tosses, "...oh, and don't be late."

"Got it," I breathe out slowly, keeping my calm until we set foot outside the classroom.

Aero gives me a nasty look before heading off campus, leaving Elafi and Tacitus behind with me. Elafi releases a sigh and asks, "So...are we going to-"

"Can't," I cut her short, irritation rising as now I have to face my parents, "Master Smyrl made it clear he wanted my parents to know that I was in detention. I don't want to be home any later so I can't plead my case."

Tacitus nods and sighs, "I still have Plasma Refinement homework to do...sorry, Elafi," he shakes his head, "I would, but-"

Elafi smiles and replies, "Don't you be sorry! You need all your focus on school to make the Arena team," she makes a face, "now that we know Master Smyrl is the trainer..."

"Kiss ass time," Tacitus puts on an invisible helmet as he suits up for his greatest challenge yet.

"While you two have a good night," I take a few steps away, walking as night descends on the campus.

Elafi catches up to me, reaching out and touching my arm as she asks, "No goodnight kiss?"

A smirk forms on my lips as I suddenly turn around, an arm wrapping around her waist while another cups her cheek. My lips touch hers, the air leaving her lungs as I pull back away as quickly as I engaged. Chuckling, I watch as she touches her lips with her fingers, blood coming away on the pad of her index finger. I lick the few droplets of her blood left on my fangs, having nicked her skin just enough to satisfy the taste I've grown for her...

...she's not my partner, not yet anyway...so I must be careful and discreet.

Elafi's features turn playful as her lip heals, telling me, "Oh, you bad boy..."

"Not tonight," I chuckle as she moves closer to me again, reminding her, "I still have to speak with my parents."

"Oh, fine," she releases a dramatic sigh before turning on her heels and heading off campus to her place. I shake my head, watching her leave before I return my attention to the road that the front of the campus sits next to. Instead of running straight home, I opt to walk, because what's another ten or so minutes going to matter?

I get about twenty feet off campus before I'm stopped in my tracks by two large men. Their dark clothes and seal on their breastplate armor signify their presence as The Vanguard. One of them orders me, "Token."

I turn around, allowing them to pull out their scanner. It ignites to life, reading the blood that is infused within the family token tattoo of Ravenend on the back of my neck. It's a simple process, not lasting more than a few seconds before the other one orders, "Move along, Mr. Ravenend."

Another annoyance, but they do keep us safe.

I'm at North Ward Bastion before I even realize it, greeted briefly by those who work for my parents before heading into the living room. Yep, there they are!

Mother and father sit on two plush, cushion chairs, a fire burning brightly behind them in the fireplace. Father stands to his feet the second he sees me, his eyes piercing right through my heart. He asks me in a dark tone, "Care to explain why you were in detention?"

"Especially on the first day of class?" Mother crosses her arms beneath her breasts, though she remains seated. A scowl set on her face, I've displeased them both.

"Director Arun decided to put me on display in front of the entire year one class," I begin, dropping my bag onto the couch and standing a few feet from my parents. Releasing a sigh, I state, "He felt a joy that a Synod Offspring was attending his school...he didn't see me, just my namesake."

Mother shakes her head, rubbing her temple while father retorts, "There's nothing wrong with your namesake. You should be proud, your future hanging in the balance by the actions you take...you're always under observation by others."

"I don't see why school should have made you lose control like that," mother scoffs, rising from her chair and telling me, "clean up your act."

Father doesn't let me get a word in as he reiterates, "Whatever you're feeling, either get it out and off or bottle it up before Friday. We do not need an embarrassment in front of the Ocklorns. This is a very important dinner party, and you need to be on your best behavior. You're an extension of us, as is the rest of the Offspring of The Synod."

"Understood," I clench my teeth together and ball my hands into fists. I'm so close to breaking the skin of my palms, but I steady my breathing and ask, "can I be dismissed?"

"Yes," father responds, and I immediately pick my bag up and swing it over my shoulder. His question causes me to come to a screeching halt just before I reach the hallway adjoining to the living room, "Where is your flyer for year one Arena team?"

"Mr. Lexin didn't hand ou-"

"Why do you insist on lying when everyone can see right through you?" Mother moves fast and has a grip on my ear, pulling it hard as I yelp in pain.

"F-Fin-e!" I growl out, mother instantly letting me go. I turn to face them, unzipping my bag and digging for the flyer. Once I grasp it, I begrudgingly hand it over, father wasting no time in nicking his index finger with a fang, signing:

Master Julius Ravenend.

Mother is next, signing off:

Mistress Avalon Ravenend.


Just fucking great!

I wanted to stay away from Arena so that Tacitus can shine...so he can improve himself and betterment his position in society.

"What an embarrassment...do you want to bring shame to our family's name?" Father growls angrily when he shoves the flyer back into my arms. I nearly let it fall to the ground, grasping at the edge before stuffing it away in my bag.

I breathe out calmly, not wanting to lash completely out at them, "A family's name doesn't provide any special privilege when it comes to brute force and strength...that which are both needed for Arena. Just because I'm a Ravenend, doesn't mean I'll excel in Arena."

"When you and Genesis were kids, you couldn't stand for him to be better than you," mother laughs at my statement, digging up memories that I only know through blood...I hardly recall those moments. It's been years since I've seen him...but I guess that changes this Friday at the dinner party.

"Can. I. Leave?" I ask each word cautiously. Picking a battle with my parents needs to be selective, otherwise, they fuck me over in any argument.

"Yes," father acknowledges me...though this time, I dash away from the living room, standing in my room within a matter of seconds.

My chest rises and falls, anger surging through me as I'm about ready to tear apart my backpack. Instead, I toss it onto a chair and stretch out on my bed. Pulling my phone out of my pant pocket, I slide the screen to unlock and text Elafi:

What are you doing right now?




Enjoying a nice warm bath with bubbles!

The thought of her naked...

I shift slightly on my bed and text:

I don't believe you. Show me.


A picture of her curves submerged under purple and pink bubble foam causes my heart to skip a beat. A cheeky grin is on her face, texting me:

I'm not the one who lies.

Releasing a sigh, I shake my head, ready to plug my phone into the charger when Elafi texts:

Apparently, there's going to be a huge year one party for Prime Ward Secondary School at some girl's place; Pyle, on Friday night in Prime Ward sector. Maybe we should crash it?

As entertaining as that sounds...

I'll be in Prime Ward Citadel that night with the uptight Synods.

All of them?

No, my parents, the Ocklorns and the Nelgans.



I hear Genesis is hot, want to introduce me?

My grip nearly breaks the screen of my phone.

I'm kidding, lol! Come on, loosen up Calix. Seriously though, do you want company?

I wish...

Only members of The Synod are invited.

The screen goes dark as I click my phone shut, setting it on my bedside table before getting ready for bed. It's a bit before I return to my bed, seeing the text notifications from Elafi when I do.

What's Katrina like?

Another message:

The rumors about her, are they true?

I don't know.

It's been too long for me to remember much about her. All I remember is pictures of her in ponytails from before Primary School, nothing more than that. Sure...the rumors going around about her are that she's different from the rest of us...but I haven't seen her to know that.



Did you fall asleep, silly?

The messages end after that, choosing not to answer tonight.

I honestly don't care. I don't have the answers Elafi is looking for...

...but I just might inadvertently after Friday.


Updates: Mortality Mondays

Thoughts on the Ravenends?

Instagram: serenityr0se

Chapter 5 ~ Katrina is available on Patreon under the Pack Warrior Tier ($3.00 donation).


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