Alex Fernando-Mist

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So, I was in my car, jamming out to Percy Jackson's newly released song, Free From Hell. My best friend, Annabeth Chase was sitting down next to me, silent tears rolling down her face.

"Annabeth, are you okay?" I asked, concerned.

"Y-Yeah. This song just reminds me of everything my boyfriend has done to love me and save me."

"Yeah, yeah, that imaginary boyfriend of yours."

We walked out of the car to see the popular girls fawning over some flyer.

"OMG! If anyone can be a singer, the best Olympic swimmer in history and the world, not to mention the youngest, the founder of Olympian Seas, the #1 Marine Biology company, and be a model for some of the most famous brands... that's a good catch."

Jessica Reeds, the most slutty bitch the world has ever seen—did I just say that? Because it's true—stepped up and grabbed the flyer.

"Well, there's only one catch in the whole world like that. No one else is as talented as he is. If anyone is worthy of getting his attention and love, it's me."

In your dreams, bitch.

When the girls had walked away from the flyer, now hanging on the wall with a bunch of lipstick marks from the girls kissing the paper—(A/N: EWWWW! Talk about hygiene!)—I got a good look at it. There was a man with strong muscles, a swimmer's body, a toned eight pack, a beach tan that made him look like he lived on the beach, windswept hair that made him look like he just took a beach walk, thick and black as night, and sea-green eyes that swirled like hurricanes. I've never seen sea-green eyes before on anyone, so this person is none other than Percy Jackson. It even says his name on the flyer. I'm so stupid.

"Annabeth! Annabeth! Percy Jackson is coming to our school!"

"Oh, cool," she said, not looking up from her book.

"Are you seriously not excited?"

I heard her mutter something along the lines of, '...put up with seaweed brain everyday...'. I frowned. Surely she should be excited...

"What? He's like the perfect catch for you! I mean, he's never mentioned a girlfriend on his YouTube posts or anything, so he's most likely single!" I gushed.

"Like I said. I have a boyfriend. I don't need anyone else. My boyfriend is already more talented," she said.

"YOU'RE INSULTING HIM?!" Sarah, the bitch, came over.

"No, I simply have a boyfriend," Annabeth said cooly.

"Maybe all these dumb books have gotten into your head, Annabitch. Maybe I can help you," Sarah said, snatching Annabeth's book and ripping it down the middle.

"Hey! I wasn't done reading it!" Annabeth said, reaching for it.

Sarah barked out a taunting laugh.

"Do I care?" she sneered.

Annabeth squirmed and fought to get the book.

"That was the gift my boyfriend gave me! Give it back!" she yelled.

"Your fake boyfriend doesn't fool me, bitch," Sarah said, pouring water all over the pages and dunking the ruined book into the trash can.

Annabeth sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"That was the last thing he gave me before I left for San Francisco again," Annabeth sniffled.

"It's just a book. They have plenty of books at the bookstore," I scoffed.

"That book was one of a kind. There's no other copies of it," Annabeth sighed, "It's an antique. It's over a thousand years old, written in O--Greece."

I looked at her skeptically before nodding, looking back at the flyer of Percy, fluttering in the wind.

----Time Skip to When Percy Gets to School----

I watched anxiously from the back row. Sarah and her goons had to pay for the tickets to get past the second row of bleachers, so they were upfront, applying makeup and smoothing out wrinkles in their dresses.

"May I introduce, Percy Jackson!"

Percy walked out, smiling. Now, Annabeth looked excited. I wondered why she wasn't excited a few days ago.

"Hey, guys," he said, his mouth forming into a lopsided grin.

Cheers erupted from the crowd.

"Before questions asked, does anyone want a song?"

Annabeth cleared her throat and stood up. Everyone gasped.

"It's not 'before questions asked, does anyone want a song' it's 'before you ask questions, do you want to hear a song'," she corrected him.

"WHORE! SHE'S A FUCKING BITCH!" Sarah shouted, standing up and pointing an acrylic nail at Annabeth.

"Wise Girl," Percy said with a smirk, looking at Annabeth.

I was confused. Everyone looked at her.

"Seaweed Brain," she said with another smirk.

"Owl Head," Percy continued, his smile growing.

"Kelp Head," Annabeth said, evenly happy.

"Smartass," Percy snickered.

"Fish Face," Annabeth chuckled.

"Okay, you know what, you win, Wise Girl," he said, throwing his hands in the air.

"I always win at this game, Seaweed Brain," she said.

"I guess that's why you're my wise girl," he said.

I frowned, confused. His wise girl?

"And that's why you're my seaweed brain," she smirked.

Without warning, she leaped off of the bleachers in a jump and landed on the floor in front of Percy. She wrapped his arms around him and the teachers yelled. Percy put up a hand to silence them and he wrapped his arms around her as well.

"I missed you so much!" she cried, tears soaking his shirt.

Everyone whispered.

"It's been like that since we were twelve! Why are you being so sappy right now?" he asked, stroking her hair.

"It's just been... different since Clarisse dumped us into the lake and we had our first kiss," Annabeth said.

Gasps erupted from the crowd. Percy bent down and kissed her. She kissed back. Then it clicked. Percy Jackson was Annabeth Chase's boyfriend. She wasn't lying at all. Sarah ran up screaming.

"I'll have my revenge! I'll--" she was cut off when I came up and punched her in the face.

"Shut up, Sarah. They're clearly together so why can't you just keep your big hairy nose out of their business?!" I defended them.

Percy thanked me. Publicly.

"So, Wise Girl. Paul just opened up a new spot at Goode for you in case you wanted to move to New York to live with me?" he asked her.

"Oh, my gods! How could I say no?!" she cried, leaping up and kissing him.

As I stared at the cute kissing couple, I sighed.

"True love."

A/N: Whaddaya think? Part 2?

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