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His words were like honey to your ears. But at the same time they were as bitter as lemons.

Tears were already dripping down your face, as you covered your eyes and tried to figure out what to say first. There were so many things you wanted to tell him. He needed to know so many things.

But some words remained unspoken. Instead, you told him about the mansion.

"The people are leaving.", you began, trying to sound as normal as possible. "The maids have left and Bernard will leave soon I fear. Herman and I will be all alone."

A soft sigh emerged from the stone. It was a disappointed one but he did not sound surprised.

"I had expected something like this. I would prefer if you and Herman would leave too.", he said, his voice was heavy and thoughtful.


"In all honesty? The army of Nilfgaard is running low on supplies and soldiers. We had the higher ground for a long time but now Redania is our equal."

"Are you saying Nilfgaard will loose the war?"

"No. I would never say such a foolish thing. We loose when the emperor is dead. But... things are changing for the worse. Reports are coming in that a lot of Redania soldiers broke through the frontlines and are marching further into the land. They might reach the mansion. And I don't want you to be there when terrible things are happening."

Again, silence spread between the two of you.

The sheer thought of soldiers that were busting through the front door, terrified you. You had been a part of this war, you had seen what these monsters could do. If they were long enough part of this madness, they wouldn't have any morals. They would do anything for a shimmering coin in their hands.

"Are you still there?", Morvran asked.

The softness of his voice shocked you. He sounded exhausted.

"When was the last time you have had a decent sleep?", you asked with a soft smile on your face.

You were picturing him, sitting in the darkness of the forest under a big tree. He must have been half asleep, his coat was laying loose over his shoulders to warm him. The air around him was cold but he wasn't bothered by it. There must have been a shimmer in his blue eyes.

"A week ago or so.", he admitted with a grin. "It was still terrible, the bed felt like a wooden plank but I had a few hours of safe sleep. It's hard to find rest at the edge of a battlefield, you know? There is mud everywhere and the tents don't keep out the cold."

"And there is always someone screaming in pain. The faces of the soldiers haunt you on your dreams, the far that was in their eyes as they took their last breaths.", your lips were shaking as you recalled the memories form the time of your doing in the army. "I remember this constant fear sitting in my neck. Like a beast that wants to tear me to pieces as soon as I get a little too careless."

Without a word, he listened to your descriptions, being a little frightened by the accuracy. He himself was quite good in forgetting. It was a nice feature, especially when he was at war. But still, the emotions you described, the way you pictured experiences at war. He knew those feelings too well.

"Are you afraid, Morvran?", you asked after a while.

Struck by surprise, he didn't answer.

"Afraid of what?", he asked back.

"Of anything at all. You always seem to be that glorious general, the man that doesn't even fear death. You present yourself as a person that would gladly leave his life for his county and emperor. But tell me, general. There must be something that frightens you. Something that keeps you up at night. Tell me what it is."

A long, deep sigh escaped him. This time, it was heavy and shaky. He was thinking for a moment, hesitation had him wrapped tightly. But then, he spoke. His voice was shaking like it had never before.

Of you listend close enough, you believed to hear tears that were filling his eyes.

"Death doesn't scare me. I've seen it enough already. I'm not afraid of pain, I've had experienced all kinds of it. Until recently, I truly thought that nothing could scare me. Not even the thought that I might be the future son-in-law of the emperor did.", he said, laughing.

"What has changed?"

"I did. I have changed. You have changed me. And I realised that it was exactly what I had needed. I needed someone to drag me out of this hole that was given to me by birth. I don't want to marry a noble woman. Not anymore. I don't want to be respected for my richness and property. I'd prefer to ride through the land, doing nothing but live for myself. And I wish you to be by my side."

For a moment, you hesitated. Your hands were shaking so strong, you had to put the communicator down and take a deep breath.

This couldn't be true. This sounded way too good to be true. Everything seemed to be straight from a dream.

Was he well?

Or was this just a trick?

Morvran would have never talked like this. He was a man with pride and honour. He was a soldier through and through. But right now he talked like someone who was planning on running away to never return again.

"I can't.", you whispered. "Don't play with me. I could never be worthy of you. The life you are talking about, it's an illusion you created in your head."

"A dream, not an illusion. I understand you being upset and overwhelmed. But please, at least keep my words in mind."

"No. No, I won't. Forgive me, Morvran but I cannot keep those words in my head nor my heart. Let's forget that you have ever said them. You will return form the war as a hero. And then you will marry a woman that fits your rank and name. That is what the future will bring. We don't need to pretend that it will be otherwise."

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